Sentences with phrase «so following the right»

How a resume is written eventually decides if you will be asked to appear for an interview, so following the right path is important.

Not exact matches

For us because timing isn't really of the essence, it's not because they're nearby right now, the question is how can we help facilitate people getting conversations going and moving offline after you just match, so I think that means some sort of follow up where you can continue to communicate with your matches almost en masse to say, «Hey i'm free this week» or «Hey check out this Instagram photo.»
Calacanis» argument may be right (and we're not so sure), but it's hard to see the competitors in his space follow his advice.
So, if you're listening to others, be sure you're following the right advice.
Joseph Sullivan became president and CEO in 2013, and profits increased $ 638 million in the following year, so the changes he made to right the ship must have been the correct ones.
And thanks to provisions in the tax code, you can do so without penalty if you follow the right steps.
Let's assume the following: A) You've written a job description that is concise, intriguing and honest; B) you're doing this all on your own, without the help of an HR person; C) you don't have a standardized system of recruiting and vetting; D) you aren't so obsessed with your company culture that you're looking for the exact right combination of personality, pedigree and the answer «honey badger» to the question «If you could be any animal...?»
Support staff can assist with scheduling follow - up meetings, making sure the right people are at those meetings, and that the right questions are asked so that the subject matter expert can simply come in and do their thing.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the «Software»), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
So if if people all refuse to honor to see say we to act as an equity Bitcoin and continue to use and give the old the current Bitcoin value in the market then the hash would follow that right.
I was never comfortable with regular trend - following trading and so I created my very own system that helps you find new trends very early on so that you can ride new trends right from the start for a long time.
Yes, it's a million dollar industry, so you can make a lot of money if you know how to follow trends and use the right strategies.
After a decade or so of following small to mid sized banks for our broader products, the timing was right to launch this offering.
So, the logic would follow as buyers and consumers turn away from interruption ads online and are even using tools to nullify them, then marketing have responded to this challenge to ad weariness, right?
«However, we can still audit,» explains Cuomo, «so that we can go back if we had to and follow the [user] activity, so that you can prove to a regulator that you are doing business the right way.»
In Religion the same applies, as a member you must always do what is right and not simply choose to follow any and every command, its in the manual of the Bible, you should read it someday so that you can make an informed and educated response in the future.
So instead of following the law, you seek to violate my RIGHTS and silence me!
Just so you know, as soon as I stumbled upon this particular toon, I subscribed for your RSS feed and followed you on Twitter right away I just love how despite the simplicity & minimalism of the toons (which btw, I really adore), you communicate larger - than - life truths.
Christian, far - right, conservatives are damned to eternal «no - fun» for fun on earth; when they get to heaven for following their obsessive «no - fun, living by misconstrued, so - called gospel agenda they'll cultivate new customers cultivating protein by worms and other parasites preparing the living earth for new life!
All the god has to do is show itself, just like the stories say it did so often in ancient times, and all would be right with the world and the god would have a 100 % following.
Now as a Christian I follow the new testament, and so striving to be Christ like as a Christian I accept everyone for who they are, I love them and do not presume to know the right way for them to live their life, instead I simply open my arms to others and know that all people of all faiths are just fine it doesn't matter to me what you do with your life all that matters is the way that you do it... that was my understanding of christs teachings anyways
So I guess what I'm trying to say is this: there is a right way for religious people to help those around them come to know and follow God, should they so desire, but yelling at them about fire and brimstone is not really acceptable or in good tastSo I guess what I'm trying to say is this: there is a right way for religious people to help those around them come to know and follow God, should they so desire, but yelling at them about fire and brimstone is not really acceptable or in good tastso desire, but yelling at them about fire and brimstone is not really acceptable or in good taste.
Right Jim, Unitarians broke from traditional Christianity sometime in the 3rd century or so, and the Nicene Creed followed.
You're only going to mess it up for so many that are on the right track (following Jesus).
there is no need to judge anyone of anything, seeing christians aren't allowed to judge; so thus by telling anyone that doesn't follow your idea of the correct way to live that they «are going to need to get right with god» or the ever so famous» you're going to burn in hell» speeches you are thus breaking one of «gods»» commands and all sin is equal in his eyes so we'll be seeing you in hell.
You are so right about church often serving as a substitute for following and submitting to Jesus.
So now we simply say that we are trying to follow Jesus in a deeply relational way and that right now, we are taking a break from attending church so that we can allow God to lead us into what He wants for uSo now we simply say that we are trying to follow Jesus in a deeply relational way and that right now, we are taking a break from attending church so that we can allow God to lead us into what He wants for uso that we can allow God to lead us into what He wants for us.
Accordingly, the remainder of this essay will proceed as follows: I will first seek to show that the meta - ethical character of every claim to moral validity includes a principle of social action by which a universal community of rights is constituted, so that no moral theory can be valid if it is inconsistent with these rights.
What God is looking for is repentence and a turning to him rather than a turning away from him.God instituted the animal sacrifices to show just how bad sin was so we would be sorry that we greived him.For us to be made right there has to be a choice to turn from sin and follow him and out of that decision there should be a desire to walk in his ways.Under the old law part of that obedience was to make offerings however it was by faith in God that made the person righteous and not the blood of animals.
No Christian faith has any right so declare it is the only one true path and that our President has to follow that path.
right!!!! so we just follow the truth absolute, no shame in using hands and a cup of water
You're right man... wish the church would realize how much so much of what they do crushes people who want to follow Jesus.
So Cain, as you mentioned, wasn't in the right place to offer his sacrifice, but perhaps Abel also knew a little more than simply following his brother's example.
As a Christian, if a believer decides to become a disciple then perhaps at that point a believer surrenders his rights, per se, to follow God as he is led to do so.
That is what is so frustrating when discussing this because what you should say right at the start is «I believe in a God who doesn't have to follow any rules or logic or reason, can't be disproved even if scientists had 100 % of the universal explanations for existence, and I will continue to believe regardless of what anyone or anything says».
But on the other hand, when in talking about sin one talks only of such sins, it is so easily forgotten that in a way it may be all right, humanly speaking, with respect to all such things up to a certain point, and yet the whole life may be sin, the well - known kind of sin: glittering vices, willfulness, which either spiritlessly or impudently continues to be or wills to be unaware in what an infinitely deeper sense a human self is morally under obligation to God with respect to every most secret wish and thought, with respect to quickness in comprehending and readiness to follow every hint of God as to what His will is for this self.
which also concerns the individual».41 She illustrates this as follows: «It is not enough to criticize property rights... so long as we, as «powerless» individuals, are not able to clarify how we are entangled in the general structures, that is, how we profit from the structures and how we conform to the introverted norms that we regard as self - evident — for example, the norms of achievement, consumerism, reasons of state — and pass them on to others, even when we reject them privately and verbally.
So why were we so intent on making sure we followed Islamic burial rights??? Maybe they could have put him on tour with American idol showSo why were we so intent on making sure we followed Islamic burial rights??? Maybe they could have put him on tour with American idol showso intent on making sure we followed Islamic burial rights??? Maybe they could have put him on tour with American idol show!!
So we find repeated warnings like the following which Justin Martyr (c. 100 - c. 165) an early Christian apologist, delivered to Trypho, «For if you have fallen in with some who are called Christians, but who... say there is no resurrection of the dead, and that their souls, when they die, are taken to heaven; do not imagine that they are Christians... But I and others, who are right - minded Christians on all points, are assured that there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a thousand years in Jerusalem, which will then be built, adorned and enlarged.»
A lot has been said but Sikhs are following the rules, have been doing so and will continue to do so yet so many comments against Sikhs saying that they have no right to refuse to take the turban off or telling them to comply when they have already been complying and they do have the right to refuse to take their turban off, that's all, sme as you have th right to tell people to return their passports and leave America.
So, what Jesus Christ is Lord are You following — obviously not the one of the Bible, must be one of your intolerant, money grubbing, self - promoting, self - invented jesus of the «religious» right.
Jesus gave up His right to liberty so He could serve others, and He calls those who follow Him to do the same.
Janet i think what you have said is quite insightful and you are right and there is another meaning to Go and sin no more and that speaks to me of repentence making a decision to Follow Christ the one who saves.The words Go and sin no more is referring to a continual ongoinging process of living for Christ rather than dying in our sins daily there is no comparison.I thought that was awesome pointing the law back to all of us for we all have sinned and the judgement is death but Jesus came that we might have life in its fullness.Many people only see the adulterer when she portrays who we are as sinners that he came to save all of us sin is sin and the punishment is death so again you are quite right people use the scriptures to judge and that was never Jesus intention.I hope that helps when someone uses that scripture incorrectly and you can you use it like Jesus did to point it back at those who judge i hope that helps.brentnz
«YEAH RIGHT IS THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE SHAWN,,, JEANNINE,,,, MATTHEW,,,, JP,,,, JOHN,,,, 250 MINISTERS,,,, DON,,,, ERIK,,,, JS,,,, MICHEAL, So if you see these posts please avoid them or look in the past posts thanks, These are total lies or major bending of real truths.»
if you so chose to — research roman historians after the life of jesus... also a good tip off that people followed him was that whole christians dieing in the name of jesus thing, yeah i know, weird right!
Atheists are going to hell and want to take anyone they can with them so if you want to go follow the posts here from them you will be right on track.
Plus I forgot to click follow up comments so I had to write something, right?
So again, if the Kokbah still has faithful followers who believe he will come again, follow the word of god (more closely than you and most christians I might add) then why are they wrong and you right?
Sometimes, following God where He wants you to go, doing what God wants you to do, giving up your rights so that you can do what is right, is downright terrifying.
What if Christians are right about Christ and his teachings and that HE is the way to Heaven then they will be in Heaven one day and those who do not follow Christ will be in Hell... However, if they are wrong at least they don't lose out as they have tried to live their lives according to principles that most of us would say are commendable and so they WIN either way....
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