Sentences with phrase «so good cutting»

So better cut our losses, sell Sanchez and get his replacement now..

Not exact matches

«Generally, when you are the basis for a platform, you don't want to scare away investment in your platform developers by competing with them... There is a vibrant ecosystem of game developers, headed by Zynga, who do a good job making successful social games already, and Facebook gets a cut of what those developers make, so there is currently no need for Facebook to step in and make games itself, either strategically or monetarily,» Hoskins recently explained via Quora.
Only one in 10,000 casks makes the cut for the Blue Label, so it's sure to be good.
Then again, China's bank cut interest rates on Monday in response to the market drop, so it's a mixed message at best.
'' «So I look forward to... seeing how we can provide better service and at the same time cut costs» through «managed - care Medicaid,» he said.
So, bragging that your company has cutting edge leave or health - care policies or pay generously won't just attract better quality employees — it will lure customers and clients too.
We cut corners, it was rushed out, and so it didn't provide the best experience.
Like so many questions in law, it has no clear - cut answer: There is no preset size or predetermined best time to form a business entity.
The study authors suggest that the prime takeaway is that cutting yourself some slack about, well, slacking off is good for you (at least if you're tightly wound), or, as BPS puts it, «the people who could most benefit from the restorative effects of lounge - based downtime... are the least likely to do so
I'm all for tax changes that improve efficiency, so cutting corporate tax rates seems like a good idea.
«It's in all of our best interest to have these tax cuts for corporations so that they will have more money to invest in their business and pay their workers,» Rep. Mike Conaway (R - TX) told Vox before the House tax bill was released.
Well a more likely scenario is the one I laid out on this blog 4 days ago, where Trump doesn't get everything he asks for, and there are some spending cuts made, so the plan costs $ 25 trillion not $ 35, but I thought it was just over the course of 10 years.
Republicans argue that 2018 is a better year to look at than 2027, as they argue that, despite writing the bill so that individual cuts expire, they hope to make them permanent in the future.
Because these are likely to be the key causes of misallocated credit, and because measures that cut back on overcapacity are likely to be painful, and so politically resisted, if the measures do not extend well beyond steel and coal their impacts are not likely to be sufficient.
So, roughly speaking, workers will be better off (after accounting for their higher taxes that would eventually be necessary to replace JP Morgan's lost taxes) if Dimon decides to expand JP Morgan's U.S. workforce by 45,000 after getting a corporate tax cut.
So, todayâ $ ™ s report alleges that there is â $ œlittle, if any, revenue costâ $ (page 20) to cutting well below what Mintz himself identified as the â $ œtax - revenue - maximizing rate.â $ (Finance Canada and I think the revenue - maximizing rate is far above 28 %.)
The BRICS are still alive and well and selling oil off the dollar so there is no way any cut will take place.
Your advice doesn't give them that, which is well and good if you're cutting your income from $ 200k a year to $ 40k for a few years, not so practical if you're cutting from $ 40k to $ 8k.
And the Trump administration legislative agenda reads like a corporate wish list as well: huge corporate tax cuts, privatizing the nation's infrastructure, and so on.
«They could get rid of the aprons, cutting boards and other things that haven't sold so well and place the 100 top selling Christmas items that they sell online in the front of each store,» he said.
Since 2017, that stream of talented workers has been cut off, so that's affected businesses as well.
For this analysis, we'll assume that your credit rating is not - so - good (costing four percent), and we'll compare the benefit of seller - paid mortgage insurance with that of a four percent price cut.
As practitioners, you know better than I what is required but the major focus clearly has to be on ways to restore profitability and rates of return, with all that that means for pricing services, cutting costs, changing bank structures, diversifying into other activities and so on.
Though the job cuts have been relatively small so far, many in the finance industry expect a bigger wave of reductions as well as consolidation, especially among boutique financial firms.
It would be a good safety razor for any beginner because it is not that aggressive so you can avoid getting cut up while learning proper technique.
«It's in all of our best interest to have these tax cuts for corporations so that they will have more money to invest in their business and pay their workers,» Rep. Mike Conaway (R - TX) said.
The upshot: They'll cut their bond purchases when they get good and ready — that is, when the economic data tell them it's safe to do so.
So we cut it off, put it back in the ground, and then the barrel that we ship to market is a much better quality barrel.»
This likely does not reflect a willingness to «cut ties» with the United States, but more so a desire to negotiate for growth opportunities with other nations in good faith.
The risk of cutting and running like so many fear - driven investors did on that fateful 1987 day is that even if you avoided some losses by selling early, you'd run the risk of missing out on the recovery because, well, how would you know when to jump back in?
No corporate executive wants to cut a dividend, so these tend to be well - run companies with a capacity to weather up and down markets.
Yet, we have discussed how best to replace it this coming spring, how best to cut it down so that our neighbors are not damaged, and how best to avoid damage to an electrical junction box near it.
your claim of «they change the definition» tries to under - cut the argument itself «at the knees» so to speak... but let me remind you that you changed your self - definition from drunk and unsaved to «drunk with the new wine» and saved (get the Acts reference, i'm kinda proud of that one; — RRB --RRB- things change and when we know better we do better.
Some say that creating better programs, preaching, and worship services so people «come to us» isn't going to cut it anymore.
Well the eunuchs born that way and those made eunuchs by other men are exempt from the requirement to get married and have children, so, therefore you must have decided to become «eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven» so line up and I will cut off your genitals!
Had Brown not been cut down, he may have grown into a more life affirming position; perhaps as an internationally renowned neurosurgeon, a nationally syndicated newscaster, a White House cabinet member, a military general, a preacher of the Gospel, or perhaps as a simple and ordinary man who loves his wife and leads his family well, like so many who sit in our congregations every Sunday.
With reports on the thriving economy, the low taxes, the manageable deficit, the ability to make painful budget cuts — things are so good in Texas that even some California lawmakers want to learn the secrets to Perry's management of Lone Star success.
well, strictly theologically speaking, he'd be all places at all times... the all in all... so everyone gets a cut.
So a Christian who was a fan of this book (and the author) commented that this was the stupidest review they had ever read... Another Christian weighed in and said that the commenter was stupid as well for just using cut - and - paste attacks upon people who write critical reviews.
The conservative health care message most of these voters have heard can be summarized as «socialized medicine is bad + tort reform is good + so anyway, back to more important things like capital gains tax cuts
So you may have started out even bearing good fruit as a Christian, but if you fall away and start bearing bad fruit, you will be cut down and lose your salvation, unless you think there is a special fire for people like that in heaven.
Of the dozen or so friends who were online at 9 p.m. the night before Thanksgiving — most of them men — three suggested that I cut the butter into little slivers and stick it through the air slits, which turned out to be a good idea except that my air slits ended up looking more like giant gashes through which butter was bleeding out of my pie.
So if anyone says «I don't interpret I just believe» they'd better start cutting off body parts.
Is the Bible commanding people to cut off their hand or pluck out their eye or is He teaching that hell is so horrible of a place that it would be better to lose a limb than go their?
Make sure to turn away when riding in your Republican limo so you won't have to risk seeing the many good Catholics in Tampa, the many people who will be without aid to women, infants and children that your fat cat buddies want to cut while they protect their friend's Swiss bank accounts and their defense contractor masters unnecessary contracts.
Offended because so often your illustrations cut to the core of what's so wrong with the church — encouraged because what I read / see here drives me to seek a better way!
So for an axe, to «live well» means to cut well.
The smell like someone jamming two large needles a good deal up into your nasal cavity and then taking them out and then jamming them back in the diaper had to be changed though so I learned along with the wonder and amazement of responsibility in the life of a little universe just learning about how wonderful and talented it is and all it had to do was be born and stuff just worked unless the cuts came but I did let that happen not when homosexuals could get married and marijuana was legal now to remove the guns and evangelicals and live in peace with the other people.
The four - dimensional becoming contains the regions of causal independence (the so - called regions of «Elsewhere» which could be equally well called «Elsewhen»); it contains topologically invariant successions, but it does not contain any instantaneous transversal cuts, any purely spatial distances.
It is conscious of having cut the bridge behind it and so of being inaccessible to the good as the good is to it, so that though in a weak moment it were to will the good, this would nevertheless be impossible.
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