Sentences with phrase «so in a tub of water»

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For soaps that come in their own tub or container, you can simply pour the water into it so that the surface of the soap is fully covered.
There are so many concerns about water safety and because of this some parents have a hard time getting their little ones to relax in the tub.
The clean water in system does use a bit more water than other tubs, so if you're working on water conservation, I might opt out of using this feature.
We talked to some of the Board - Certified Nurse Midwifes here at Baby + Co. to debunk some of the most common myths around water birth and to uncover why hydrotherapy — laboring in a tub or shower — is really so popular among the mamas in our centers.
... you know a lot of it is attitude like I say and going through the positive part of pain in labour and, and using your rest periods really effectively, not getting ahead of yourself, trying to just stay in one contraction at a time and I teach them that prior to labour but I also reinforce that a lot in labour and then comfort measures like water, we have great showers in our hospital, we don't have tubs which is unfortunate but it is true the hot water never stops running so lots of my clients spend long times in the shower and different position changes and heat and ice and all of those things that we can use.
... we have a high water birth rate here, mostly because we have this water birth room, which is available with tons of hot water and a big beautiful tub and so essentially if I get them in the room, I get them in the water, I'm listening to the baby, I shut the curtains around the tub, I turn the lights down and I just give them that hour, like 1 to 2 h of kind of privacy where I'm sneaking in to listen to the baby.
Another feature of this tub is it filters out dirty water so your baby is always being washed in fresh, clean water.
My water was still gushing every few moments so I stayed in the bathroom on the edge of the tub for awhile.
, but Rachel and my clawfoot tub, while gorgeous, does not get the hottest of water... so I am also going the hot tea route in order to stay warm!
Science: «There was a guy, call him Archie, who wanted to know why the level of water in his bathtub rose so that it sometimes overflowed when he got into the tub.
A small amount of shampoo concentrate is added and the motor in the pump is turned on, so it mixes the shampoo with the water in the tub and pushes the mixture out a hose attached to the pump.
I always have warm water already run in the bathtub, and have either a thick, folded towel or a mat in the bottom of the tub, so she doesn't slip.
So now part of the 1 1/2 extra bucketfuls in the tub is indeed the «natural» tap water.
Regarding your example of water in a tub, you in fact assume that amplitude of waves is much smaller than the overall water level, so you have a small parameter here, and some sort of perturbation method might be used to derive a reasonable model for the averaged level in the tub.
* Above the bathtub, there are some sponges that can absorb some of the water spraying up from the tub, but they are positioned so they don't stop any of the water coming in from the shower head.
I called my mom and she told me to put him in the tub with warm water and a bunch of baking soda in the water so that's what I did.
Cast - iron tubs can weigh nearly 1,000 pounds when filled with water, so before you buy, consult a contractor experienced in installing this type of tub to make sure that your floor can support the weight.
Bear in mind that a hot tub full of water may weigh 2 tons, so it will need a foundation independent of the deck's foundation.
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