Sentences with phrase «so irrelevant»

My hobbies were so irrelevant to the job I wanted, that it would confuse rather than clarify my qualifications; so I left that out too.
Neilio I can't even finish reading half your comments on this pointless site they're so irrelevant.
I would say he is in the 90 % of people that publish an article that is so irrelevant that is almost not cited in 5 years (10 times) and half of them by himself in his other articles.
Venezuela's national currency is becoming so irrelevant in the real world it's less valuable than money that only exists in the mythical world.
Nintendo so irrelevant to you haters yet you there first for them in everything on N4G
Some of this week's DC titles just seem so irrelevant with the impending reboot.
I'd prefer the thread wasn't derailed any further over something so irrelevant, so make another thread if you want to argue premium benefits in turbo engines.
Excitement, fun factor, excellence and abilities of a car are NOT defined by something so irrelevant for car enthusiasts as the lap times... I strongly recommend you to find a better job so you can afford a supercar so you can get an idea of what those cars are really all about.
Moonlight, a $ 1.5 m budget drama about the life of a gay black man, was named best picture at the Oscars — beating out frontrunner La La Land and proving that the Academy might not be so irrelevant after all.
Its a pain to watch this and to think that the real art of film has become so irrelevant for many.
Your team is so irrelevant that people forget they exist sometimes.
I for one, don't share my successes with others, especially my blogging successes, mainly because they seem so irrelevant to others and because there are SO many other bloggers out there who are doing the same thing, it's like nothing to them.
We were laughing because that question is so irrelevant in the big scheme of things.
These things are so irrelevant and surface to what it is all really about, and I wish people wouldn't get caught up in that.»
In fact, it was so irrelevant to him that he didn't even give it a name.
If it's so irrelevant there's no need to veto it.
Instead of being honest, they'll compliment you on something that's so irrelevant leaving you wondering, «huh?»
I was watching it like «wow, okay, they're so irrelevant now they have to send out some guy I've never heard of, who retired before I was even born, to try and make us think they're a team we should give a shit about?
A recipe can seem so irrelevant in the midst of it all.
Nor did we want to, so irrelevant and «spiritual» was the lifeless sermon.
«All of a sudden in many circles the Church can look like a pariah, because to many people it's so irrelevant now.

Not exact matches

As a leader, it's important to keep things simple so you don't have to waste time on micromanagement or irrelevant details.
Flow is a term coined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience to mean complete absorption in a given task where concentration is «so intense that there is no attention left over to think about anything irrelevant
«They are trying to buy up any tech startup that gets buzz so when Facebook becomes irrelevant (and it is) they have a big grab bag of backup plans and patents to pay the bills with,» wrote one Redditor.
«The startups in the tech incubator Y Combinator, whose acceptance rate is less than 3 percent, change products and markets so frequently that the idea they applied with is often irrelevant to the final product,» said Paul Graham of Y Combinator.
As Bradford says: «You don't want to post so frequently that you're overdoing it, but you don't want to post so infrequently that you're irrelevant
So even if it's too late, or irrelevant, to submit an appropriations request for this year, it might be worth your while to make a campaign contribution anyway, and lay the groundwork for 2010.
Obviously, these side deals and experiments don't amount to much at the moment, so it is tempting to dismiss them as irrelevant or even laughable.
And as the reality of product development and customer input collide, the facts change so rapidly that the original well - thought - out product plan becomes irrelevant.
If you answered «pretty well» or «not so well», then take a moment and let this statistic sink in: 34 % of 2,000 U.S. adults surveyed by Responsys broke up with a brand because they were receiving «poor, disruptive or irrelevant marketing messages.»
You can choose anyone, so the fact that it's a spousal RRSP is irrelevant — your beneficiary designation is key.
A deficit of $ 100 million is completely irrelevant; so is a deficit of $ 1 billion or for that matter a deficit of $ 10 billion -LRB-.5 % of GDP).
The streaming service does not release viewer data, saying that doing so is irrelevant to its business because it does not sell advertising or negotiate with cable operators for channel position.
A few of the directors in our study were clearly laggards, even going so far as to argue that innovation was irrelevant in their very mature industries.
But each persons living standards and cost of living is different so my numbers are probably irrelevant to yours.
So The Glacial Pace Of Reduction, Although Technically «Tightening», Is Essentially Irrelevant.
Acquiring too many links, or too many of the same kind of link, or links on irrelevant or low - quality sources, can all potentially lead to an algorithmic or manual penalty — so it's no wonder why Mueller says that link building can do more harm than good!
At such junctures one should keep in mind that it is actually irrelevant whether the economy is doing well, or «forward» earnings estimates are strong, or confidence is high, and so forth.
First you comment that 2/3 of farmers don't have paid farm workers so bill 6 is irrelevant to them.
So... pretty irrelevant.
They would be on much better intellectual and moral ground if they just allowed for the fact that yes, the religious Jews had Jesus killed so that they could protect their authority, but that as much to do with modern Jewish people as the Romans killing the Maccabees has to do with modern Italians — it's utterly irrelevant.
Hashem does not accept any of those acts of evil to begin with, so your point is irrelevant.
So what's er it is that you nutters think your version of a god wants, needs, desires, or demands is irrelevant.
It is so unbelievably irrelevant as a question.
To talk about odds of it happening and not happening are irrelevant, sorry if you think the odds are so astronomical that its impossible, keep in mind that you feel better with infinite regression, the most illogical fallacy there is (that god created this universe and then god had to have a creator, because lets get real, you're supposed to have me believe that a creator so complex that he can create the universe just appeared?
You'll have to excuse Bill, his comments are completely irrelevant so often that we tend to think he got a dictionary as a small child with all the definitions moved up four words.
I'm not American, so I do nt really understand your myopic and distorted political views, and how irrelevant that is to the heart of God.
Our culture dreams of equality so complete that the male — female difference becomes irrelevant.
There are just so many other options — a world of irrelevant and unimportant activity to engage in — and it's all so terrifyingly accessible.
Municipal judges are not actually allowed to solemnize marriages so Neely's views on that subject are irrelevant to her ability to perform the job.
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