Sentences with phrase «so keep some on hand»

White noise is a baby win, no matter where you are, so keep it on hand to drown out flight attendant announcements and chatty seat mates.
This soup freezes well too, so keep some on hand when you're pressed for time but still want a healthy, hearty meal.
My husband enjoys cheese occasionally and so we keep on hand a sheep's milk manchego.
so i keep some on hand.

Not exact matches

Instead, keep healthy snacks on hand, pack home - cooked lunches and stock your fridge with healthy options so you can prepare dinner at home.
So keep a second or multiple suppliers on hand, and don't be embarrassed to tell your key supplier that you're doing sSo keep a second or multiple suppliers on hand, and don't be embarrassed to tell your key supplier that you're doing soso.
But when I got on the back stretch my right leg started shaking... so I took my hand and pushed my leg down to keep the gas pedal floored.
That whole «rechargeable» thing goes out the window when you're out of electricity, however, so it helps to keep a reserve of standard alkaline batteries on hand.
For one, banks get zero interest on required reserves — the assets they must keep on hand to meet depository obligations — so no issue there.
Tesla Motors added that the Autopilot system requires drivers to always keep their hands on the steering wheel so that they would be able to take control of the vehicle at any time.
On the other hand, Roth IRAs don't have RMDs during your lifetime, so your money can stay in the account and keep growing tax - free.
I am addicted to colourin as soon as i get up i make a coffee and decide on what picture i am gonna do and the colours then i settle down for the day its a reall help keeping my mind active and so i am not so stressed and ive stopped smoking as my hands are to busy and ive even lost weight and i put it all down to colouring i recomend it to anyone the only downside i keep spending money on books and supplys
McDonald's, on the other hand, will probably keep dominating the industry, largely because it has been such a huge presence for so long that its position can't realistically change much any time soon, Kalinowski said.
And you may want to keep a little extra cash on hand so you can add stocks at lower prices during pullbacks if appropriate.
More precisely, they do so in order to lend or invest most of the base money that comes their way, while keeping some on hand for the sake of either meeting their customers» requests for currency, or for settling accounts with other banks, as they must do at the end of each business day, if not more frequently.
A first aid kit should be kept on hand so that you can deal with emergencies.
This partnership also includes disbursement reloadable Mastercards that Grameen America will use to deliver microloans to its members so they don't need to use bank checks or keep large amounts of cash on hand.
Berkshire likes to keep around $ 20 billion in cash on hand, so this big buy means they probably won't do any other large deals for another year.
, so keeping some cash on hand will help keep you out of trouble.
The central bank has the monopoly on issuing currency, so if a customer withdraws cash from a demand deposit, the bank in turn has to obtain the bank notes by drawing down its reserves account with the central bank (leaving aside that banks keep a certain amount of vault cash on hand).
So, always keep some cash on hand just for emergencies.
There's Arkansas, bounty hunters, snakes real, human, and symbolic, being rescued from a snake pit by a very errant knight, a display of the gratuitous slaughter that comes when you take the law in your own hands, a deep commentary on place, displacement, the state of nature, and the techno - forces of the modern world and modern government, solidly American thoughts on law, property, justice, and keeping your word, and so forth and so on.
JW, You keep saying «out of nothing» as though it is impossible and on the other hand claim that it is only possible for your god, but logic dictates that if a god can just exist, so can a singularity.
We want you to strive hard to keep calm, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands, as we ordered, so that you may both make a good impression on outsiders and also find your own (economic) needs supplied.
Such was Paul's dynamic theology, and Erasmus had failed, so Luther judged, to understand on the one hand the relative dignity and goodness of the Law, on its own merits, and on the other the fact that in any case to keep it was useless, and indeed largely impossible for most men without Christ: «Fulfilment without faith in Christ, even if it creates men like Fabricius, Regulus and others [heroes of Roman history] who are wholly irreproachable in the sight of men — no more resembles righteousness than sorb apples resemble figs.»
This is a great way to use them up, especially since I pretty much have the rest of the ingredients always in stock (game changer: fresh ginger keeps fantastically in the freezer so you can always have it on hand).
I like to keep a good selection of frozen fruit and ice on hand so I can whizz up whatever takes my fancy at any time, but considering my freezer is pretty teeny, it's getting very tight in there!
Oats are probably one of my favorite, must - have pantry items, (although I keep mine in the fridge so they don't go rancid), and I've always got at least three to four different kinds of oats on hand.
Our favourite recipe: The Radish Omeboshi Pickles are so great to make and keep on hand to add a little tangy flavour to salad and rice bowls.
So, this past year I came up with this simple and easy Homemade Superfood Raw Muesli and now I keep it on hand all the time.
So, I'm sharing a recipe to keep on hand that is the exact opposite of all those special occasions I just mentioned.
I had plenty of left overs, so to keep it looking fresh I squeezed a little lemon into the tubberware and, using foil (all I had on hand) sealed it, making sure to push down so that no air could get in.
If serving a crowd, just keep the Sriracha bottle close by so fiends like me can easily get their hands on it.
And I always make sure I have extra bananas on hand so I have an excuse to keep making it!
We don't keep peanut butter in the house (as my sister has a peanut allergy), so I used cashew butter, which I had on hand.
I like to keep a bottle on hand so that I can make this yogurt all day every day.
I know a lot of you, much like ourselves, don't keep buttermilk on hand so you may be wondering how to substitute buttermilk in pancakes, but this is one of the few times I'll plead with you to use the real stuff.
That being said, this almond milk doesn't keep as long, so the boxed stuff will still be nice to have on hand.
I don't usually keep lemons on hand because once I get the peel they turn into rocks in my fridge, so I usually just add a tsp of lemon juice.
I always have wonton wrappers on hand, so this is a perfect idea to keep in my back pocket.
I don't keep brown sugar on hand so I used granulated sugar (reduced to 245g) and added 2T molasses.
Many restaurants keep black beans on hand as a substitute for a side, so they're a great go - to item when you're out with friends and want to eat well without looking like you're on a diet.
I like to keep this type of non-perishables on hand but it doesn't work so well when it's bad cuz I'm past the Amazon return window.
I also keep a well - stocked pantry, so I have ingredients on hand for easy, no - hassle dishes like this Easiest Ever Black Bean Soup.
Cup4Cup simply turns out too good of a gluten - free cookie, so I always keep a bag on hand just for -LSB-...]
On the back of comments I have received, I am testing the recipe as it stands by hand - baking so keep an eye out to see how it goes (I have one proving as I type!).
We don't keep enough bread and vegetables on hand to eat 5 pounds of it just as a snack, so I brainstormed other ideas.
It's one of those things I keep on hand in the freezer at all times so if I need a comforting / impressive / delicious meal, I pull out a Ragù alla Bolognese in like no time flat!
Models are known for their ability to mix and match — They have access to great designer gear and new pieces from collections before we can even get our hands on them — So let's turn to some oh - so - fashionable models for their tips on Winter accessorizing — Chic Accessories to Keep You Warm This WinteSo let's turn to some oh - so - fashionable models for their tips on Winter accessorizing — Chic Accessories to Keep You Warm This Winteso - fashionable models for their tips on Winter accessorizing — Chic Accessories to Keep You Warm This Winter.
I keep a jar on hand at all times, because this stuff is so good.
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