Sentences with phrase «so leaving the planet»

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It doesn't help that lawyers are the most risk - averse group on the planet, so as time goes on it is less likely that you'll want to leave.
But I can imagine, the people with so much «love» to support this is the same that don't have any «love» left to care for the rest of the planet.
These theological visions come from many sources, including: apocalyptic books of the Bible from Daniel to Revelation; a nineteenth - century viewpoint on the end of times known as dispensational premillennialism; and images of the so - called «rapture» popularized in novels such as Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth (1970) and the more recent Left Behind series.
Evolution has operated quietly on this planet for hundreds of millions of years, and will continue to do so long after there are no people left to not believe in it.
I once spoke with a young woman who was raised in a very liberal mainline tradition who told me she left the church because, «I wasn't learning anything there about tolerance, love, and good stewardship of the planet that I wasn't learning at my public high school, so what was the point?»
Evolution has been quietly operating on this planet for billions of years, and will do so long after there are any people left to not believe in it.
Not at all, but here I am looking for a job to pay off the financial debt I made thinking I am sort of called, to eventually f (o) und family, and going starting tomorrow on a full - time two week course on how to write job applications, so me explaining the sinfullness of suicide, and regarding many persons on this planet me motivating them to endure whatever crappy situation (often for profit and / or gain of someone else) even tho they would be better off leaving such situation / s if possible (kind of Moses), seems rather pointless.
All I ever heard was these stories about the immense love I would feel for my daughter so when I had moments of wanting to hide in my room and cry I was left feeling like the worst person on the planet.
So parents of twins or higher - order multiples (triplets or more) can feel as if they've left the hospital and arrived home on a different planet.
It was so encouraging to know I could make some changes in our family's life and be able to leave behind a more gentle footprint on this planet, but at the same time, it was soooooooo overwhelming.
And in the case of Mars, we are just looking at a lot of phenomena that were taking away a lot of the atmosphere in general and leaving the oxygen, so that it could start to oxidize a lot of the surface of the planet.
Despite all these uncertainties, what Liu's trails undoubtedly suggest is that 565 million years ago, a living thing did something virtually unprecedented on this planet — it shivered, swelled, reached forth, scrunched up and, in doing so, began to move across the seafloor, leaving a trail behind it.
The gaps between the rings don't dump water ions on the planet, so they leave bands where the ionosphere naturally glows brightest.
But there is no sign of such a massive companion today, so the planet is likely all that's left of a star that was whittled down by the pulsar.
Left on the craft to experience 23 years without human contact while his companions experience mere minutes on the surface of the planet, his reappearance is one of the film's most resonant moments — the more so for being so quiet and so delicately played by Gyasi.
The plot involves a cute trash compactor robot named WALL - E being left behind on Earth to clean up the huge mess we have made of the planet whilst the remainder of humanity is floating around aimlessly in space waiting for the planet to be cleaned up so that they can re-colonize it again.
The face - changing villain is against everything the Federation stands for, so he dupes the Enterprise crew into going on a «rescue mission» to a distant planet, where he attacks them, leaving the crew completely torn apart.
«The ability to learn deeply is perhaps the best legacy we can leave to our younger generations, so that they have a fighting chance to survive, save humanity, and sustain life in the planet
The ability to learn deeply is perhaps the best legacy we can leave to our younger generations so that they have a fighting chance to survive, save humanity, and sustain life on the planet.
One prominent financial authority, Dave Ramsey, once even cited «unexpected pregnancy» as a reason to build an emergency fund, leaving open the question of whether there exists anyone on the planet who is simultaneously a) responsible enough to set aside six months» of living expenses, yet b) not so responsible that they don't know how to prevent a pregnancy.
so when I was rediculously chasing the tail of a former flame, I made several trips from NYC to Seattle... twice by train, both directions, which takes three days give or take an hour or two... and once by taking Greyhound, again both directions, and leaving the driving to them, again taking three days and a half... I love traveling, and seeing the planet up close... seeing, touching, and feeling other lifestyles is way better than passing them by...
so the person who leaves his country with all the money and weapons and technology support he can get from the planet and invade other people living in peace in their towns and villages, and start shooting them, air raiding them, bombing them, controlling them, prison theme, torture them till death, treat them like animals, use chemical weapons, searches in people homes for freedom fighters and scare the women and children and do every other mean act to stable their bases and control in that country is not terrorist but who is picking up an AKA 47 to free his land from the occupiers and protect his family and his way of living and his beliefs and kill those who came to kill and steal everything is a terrorist??
If planets become too unstable they'll leave the alliance entirely, so while you're ostensibly trying to work through the story missions the reality is that you're more or less performing a juggling act.
The problem with this is 1) random planets randomize, so leaving and coming back will present you with different terrain to explore and 2) this will conflict with story checkpoints.
You don't have to micromanage the building and production of each of your planets, so that leaves time to do battle over and over again.
Of course, Samus can't fly it into the catacombs of every planet she visits, so she leaves it on the surface as her sanctuary.
So unless there is some amount of non-negligible carbon being produced in nuclear that I don't know about, I think it is ridiculous for people who are talking about SAVING THE PLANET, to leave out nuclear as a recommendation.
We have a moral obligation to leave our children a planet that's not polluted or damaged, and by taking an all - of - the - above approach to develop homegrown energy and steady, responsible steps to cut carbon pollution, we can protect our kids» health and begin to slow the effects of climate change so we leave a cleaner, more stable environment for future generations.
As we've learned from what's called «the terrifying math of global warming», we need to leave a huge amount of fossil fuels that have been discovered in the ground instead of burning them into the atmosphere in order to keep the planet from warming so much as to make it inhospitable to human life.
However one can not create heat or energy from nothing so there is no net heat gain merely a delay until the part sent down is radiated back up again and has another attempt at leaving the planet.
Older folk have a responsibility, so the reasoning goes, to leave their grandchildren an intact planet.
But it wouldn't be so expensive and therefore hard to do if Earth had same gravity as the Moon, this what mean by «only reason earth is difficult to leave is because of the relative high mass of planet Earth».
One doesn't need a climate model to determine climate sensitivity (Arrhenius and others managed to do so without climate models), one doesn't need a model to measure CO2 and the other GHGs and their sources, and one doesn't need a model to determine that a few degrees C increase leaves us with an ice - free planet with drowned cities.
This is the same James Hansen who has, since 2007, publicly stated: A) that he has been muzzled by his superiors; B) that nobody listens to him; C) that he thinks he should perhaps try to refrain from spouting his mouth off so much in the media; D) that we have only four years left to save the planet; E) that everything is much much worse than anybody else seems to think.
It's so clear that the greedy rich are destroying the planet regardless of what they leave behind even to their own children.
But it was cold this winter and C02 is plant food and only a trace gas and the greenhouse effect has been disproved anyway and even if the greenhouse effect does exist, C02 has negligible impact compared to water vapour and our only source of heat is the sun so it must be the sun, unless it is due to the C02 from volcanoes, but C02 follows warming so it can't be the C02 and the medieval warm period was warmer anyway and all the temperature reconstructions that show this not to be true are produced by corrupt scientists being paid by corrupt governments that have colluded to create an excuse to form a one world unelected social - ist government and even if the scientists are not that corrupt, although the e-mails prove they are, they have still got it wrong as the climate sensitivity is not as high as they think it is because it is basically the planets orbits and cosmic rays so we can say for a fact that the warming that probably does not exist is definatley not due to humans and even if it was the evidence is not sufficient to make drastic changes to the economy and increase taxes so that the politicians and scientists and business leaders get rich and leave us all poor — do they think we are stupid or something?
CERES however has much greater precision than accuracy so year - to - year changes in the imbalance are used instead of absolute number of Watts / m2 leaving the planet.
Protection of employees on maternity leave The necessary protection given to an employee on maternity leave is so well known as to be burned into the collective HR consciousness, to the extent that a classic HR joke is to refer to such an employee as a «white rhino» (the most protected species on the planet).
Me — the only dark wood loving person left on the planet, or so I thought.
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