Sentences with phrase «so little resistance»

You put up so little resistance to anything with your pathetic posts.
We must ask why traditional religions have offered so little resistance to the trans - valuation of values that has shaped our world.
I look at the crowd, apparently jubilant that I've put up so little resistance.

Not exact matches

He knew that the meeting was little more than a communist propaganda ploy, but he also sensed that the threat of a nuclear holocaust was so grave he had to take a stand for disarmament, despite resistance from the Reagan administration and steel - tipped invectives from the Religious Right.
The gel is great for resistanceso the stars don't immediately fall to the bottom of the bottle, and the little air bubbles inside the gel simulate all the little stars in the galaxy.
So they'll be soft so she could just you know bite in and sort of you know much I mean a little bit resistance but you know really soft enough that she could hold on to iSo they'll be soft so she could just you know bite in and sort of you know much I mean a little bit resistance but you know really soft enough that she could hold on to iso she could just you know bite in and sort of you know much I mean a little bit resistance but you know really soft enough that she could hold on to it.
Core principles do not lead to the engineering of elections so that there is little to no resistance to the election of a party hack; core principles do not lead to the award of multiple minority lines to party hack candidates so that they can literally run unopposed.
And here's another interesting point: resistance training is so effective it can literally skyrocket the metabolic rate in as little as 11 minutes.
So for instance, free - weight biceps curls provide little muscle tension at the top of the concentric phase, due to the prominent horizontal movement of the weight, while adequately positioned elastic bands will provide a consistent level of resistance on the biceps throughout the entire range of motion, thus stimulating greater muscle growth.
But after doing Crossfit stuff like this for awhile, I realized that there were lots of little details that I wasn't getting to by using the Crossfit style programming, so I wrote my own triathlon training workouts and put them into a little manual called «Top 12 Resistance Training Routines For Triathletes».
So if you have a little bit insulin resistance or blood sugar stuff, that can be a stressor.
I'm already doing most of the things you advice, but I have a little question: fats are a big part of the paleo diet, so naturally when I lowered my carb intake (because of insulin resistance) I increased my fat intake (I use olive oil, coconut oil and eat fatty fishes).
Hi, my english is still in progress so i don't know if understood it properly, by little - to - no resistance training you mean HIIT or just heavy weightlifting sessions?
The resistance band gives you resistance throughout the movement, so your muscle fibers will fire just a little differently.
The moves usually involve your bodyweight as the resistance, so these exercises are great for doing at home or anywhere and nee little or no equipment.
In this case, put the pulley a little above your knee so that the resistance provided by the cable comes well within the shoulder's pulling axis.
If weight lifting is so awesome for burning calories because you're burning more calories while you're resting (a claim that is made over and over again with little clinical evidence to back it up), how come the resistance training group in this study did so poorly in losing weight?
Angie Alt: So, you don't have to push it much further than that, unless — like you said, unless you have some specific conditions where you might need a push of a little bit further if you've got insulin resistance.
You need enough resistance to allow for a full range of motion but not so little that it barely challenges you or so so much that you can barely budge it.
Like meaning that person would feel a little bit better for a bit of time and then the symptoms would come back so I knew intuitively something wasn't right and then now with some of this newer technology we can see that there's actually antibiotic resistance.
It reduces stress, so I — I developed a practice right away, after a little bit of initial resistance because again, no survivor wants to sit still and be quiet, so I had a little bit of a — a resistance that I had to work through, but when I did, within a month, I was already seeing the benefits.
The only truly constant externally - applied force is provided by pneumatic resistance, because it has so little inertia.
Interestingly it's also the reason why type 2 diabetes is so common, since that disease is little more than a super-advanced form of insulin resistance.
Turning was a little pain when the jumping Chimera were going all over the place, but with the Bullseye's secondary fire being touch based, it's so much easier to tag them than in Resistance 3.
Alright, so there's probably a little less grip from the low rolling resistance tires, and the brake modulation at the top of the pedal exhibits the usual hybrid weirdness, but otherwise, it's competent through and through.
And I've begun to wonder, also, if the unspoken concern that lies behind resistance to ebooks among literary - minded people isn't somehow related to this feeling, that the novel is on the cusp of changing irrevocably, becoming something unrecognisable to we who care about it so, and in the traditional capitalist manner: with little to no discussion about what these changes might mean and lots of racing pell - mell toward the ever - retreating utopian future.
The breakout line often acts as resistance, so it's a good idea to move your stop to break even, as long as your trade still has a little room to breath.
The company passed on a 12 % increase with little resistance from consumers in January 2012 and is expected to do so again.
Since the water provides increased resistance, a 15 minute swim is the rough equivalent of a fast 15 minute run, but without the pounding so there's little or no stress placed on the joints.
A looser opening means less resistance, so most dogs are able to pass gas while making little if any sound.
there's so much stuff to play online on PS3 that it's hard to spend a lot of time on one game: little big planet, resistance 2, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Motorstorm 2, Demon's Souls and more also when you're paying for something that the competition offers for free people tend to form bonds, sorta like a losers club
man im getting the vita first edition bundle, uncharted golden abyss, modnation racers, wipeout 2048 and escape plan on feb 15th, i wanted to get twisted metal but warhawk still remains my best online experience on the system so i will get starhawk limited edition and in the summer (if i get time to play) i'll get twisted metal but then again Resistance Burning Skies and Little big planet vita are coming out in the summer oh my god so many great games bah, i do nt kow what to do
I noticed people encountering it have very little resistance because the shape is so familiar.
As noted on Climate Resistance not so long ago, there is very little research on acidification, and what there is is very new.
Perhaps, like the final added voice that let others besides Horton hear the pleas from Whoville, our resistance in the PNW may be just the extra little bit that makes coal so expensive that a single new coal plant won't be built and that will be the change that prevents the climate from spinning totally out of control.
Another feature active users will enjoy is water - resistance, so the buds can handle a little sweat.
Additionally, the Moto X4 offers IP68 water and dust resistance, so you don't have to worry about the phone getting a little wet or dirty.
Just put the setting up a little higher so there's a little more resistance between you and the carpeting.
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