Sentences with phrase «so make»

You'll be shocked to see what you can get out of an event, so make sure you start networking on a regular basis.
You typically only get one look by a potential investor, so make sure your investor deck is the absolute best it can be.
We often don't realize until it's too late, so make sure to stay on top of your to - do list.
Be careful because you can accidentally cook some parts while thawing, so make sure to always cook fully through after thawing in the microwave.
First of all, no one is going to follow your Facebook if they can't find the button, so make them a little larger and put them towards the top of your site.
Well - timed email marketing campaigns lead to healthy conversion rates, so make sure that your email messaging is precisely targeted to your audience.
They are naturally skeptical, so make sure to include information on your landing page that builds trust and displays credibility.
So make sure people don't find out about that new position after you've made an outside hire, says Roberge.
You will never get it perfect, so make progress your goal.»
The mindbodygreen digital audience is 70 % women so they make sure their attendees were 70 % women.
So make yours competitive and attractive, using high - demand products at smart prices to draw in customers who may purchase additional products and services.
So make decisions — and always explain why you made that decision.
So make a point of raising this the next business day, when your concerns are still fresh in your mind, and make sure you're prepared for the conversation.
What they do care about is how it will help them, so make sure your copy is customer centric and not just a place for you to air your ego.
«Exotic strategies like these let investors get exposure they won't get anywhere else, so they make sense in that way.
Healthy communication is essential to making long - distance relationships work, so make sure that you're at least attempting to form some sort of plan.
After all, you only get one life... so make sure you live it in the way that makes you as happy and fulfilled — and therefore successful — as you can possibly be.
They know nothing can take the place of persistence and determination, so they make a habit of never quitting until they get results.
It's easy to fear the unknown, so make time to understand what's caused the issue.
Appearance is just about as important as body language, so make sure that you're dressed for the occasion.
These sites often receive a lot of submissions, so make sure that yours is authentic and informational.
So make sure whatever you settle on doesn't get stale over time, and you can continually be happy saying, «Hi, I'm Saucey with XYZ company» and this is what I do.
The physical layout of your company is the first thing people take notice when they visit, so make sure you «dress to impress.»
That can be plenty hard on your eyes, so make sure you set up your office so that when you do get a second to glance up, you have something more distant and more interesting to look at.
«So we make our decision based on the owner's credit record.»
«So make sure you have a very good story and that it all adds up, so you can really sell yourself and sell someone on why you want to make this big jump.»
The role of VA can encompass a wide variety of tasks, so make sure you're straightforward about your needs (lead generation) when searching for the right VA..
Give away something memorable: You only get 60 seconds to impress the open - call directors, so make sure you impress them with something physical or memorable, preferably at the end of the open - call pitch.
Florida is known for its oranges, so it make sense that the citrus fruits — set against an outline of the state — adorn the Sunshine State's license plate.
How other platforms make money is all over the board, so make sure you understand the fee structure of any crowdfunding site you're considering.
So make sure to search your particular state's social gambling laws, and when in doubt, leave the money out of it.
So make sure they're relevant.
So make offers that are in - tune with the recipient's buying habits.
Remember, most people do not like indiscriminately receiving flyers — the same goes for push notifications, so make sure the recipient list is well thought out.
This isn't always easy for the creative entrepreneur, so make sure you have someone in your life to help you with the occasional reality check.
So make sure to budget accordingly.
You don't want it rejected for unnecessary errors or simple mistakes, so make sure you get it as close to right as possible the first time.
People respond to accolades and testimonials, so make sure you're equipping your affiliates with the right information.
Your marketing copy is designed to drive customers to your website so make sure it's accessible once they arrive.
In fact, over 93 percent of all content from brands on social is 1:1, so make sure you're not left out of the conversation.
All commonly - used content management systems have this option so make sure to use it to its full advantage.
In a business, your employees don't start with a shared vision, so make sure everyone is clear about the end goal — and why it matters.
Minimizing typos and, even worse, those dreaded «oops» emails, builds confidence in your brand, so make the time!»
As the company put it, «Taking crisp, well - lit and composed photographs that accurately convey the look and feel of the space is the most difficult part of creating a listing, so we make it easy.»
«People make judgments about you... within less than a second so make sure when you walk in — even if you're nervous — you have that big smile ready to go,» she says.
Tweets with images get 18 percent more clicks than its text counterparts, so make sure you're using Twitter Cards.
Our minds are often most focused and creative in the morning, so make valuable use of this time.
Most business owners forget to account for the fact that equity in a business grows as it gains market share and a loyal customer base, so make sure to account for the value of your business and its holdings as well.
Professionals who are happy and healthy will exert more effort to give back to the company, so make sure your employees are always well cared for.
Quarterly taxes for your business, for example, are due the 15th of April, June, September, and January, so make sure to file and pay if you need to.
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