Sentences with phrase «so matter of fact»

There's something to be said about the minimal — though effective — violence that is shown throughout the film and how it's so matter of fact when visible on screen.
Everything he says is hard to believe, but he's so matter of fact about the film's bizarre upcoming events that you have no choice but to accept it at face value.
The film's strength is that it is so matter of fact with its two characters and that the screenplay and performances by Cullen and New are so effortless.

Not exact matches

The fact of the matter is that salary comparisons will always be apples - to - oranges due to the many variables at play — so we as business leaders must define roles, devise compensation ranges for those roles, and then decide where the company will position itself within those ranges based on the variables.
What I can say though, Wolf, is, as you said, we were public about the fact that we were dealing with cyber intrusions and the State Department was public about that, but the fact of the matter is that we have different systems here at the White House, so we have an unclassified system and then we have a classified system, a top - secret system.
«The fact is that we spend a lot of time at work, so it's very natural that this time — and the relationships you build with co-workers — truly matter,» says Nemecek, explaining the findings.»
Even so, Greece wouldn't matter so much to the Americans were it not for the fact that it is seen as a key member of Nato in the eastern Mediterranean, a region that the US thinks is already unstable enough.
Even so, «the fact of the matter is that in today's job market there are only two tracks — the fast track and the slow track,» says Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary and the author of a new book called Super-capitalism.
As a matter of fact, some estimate that the currency is so well designed that it could easily overtake bitcoin in the next few years.
Of course, one of the reasons their declared impairments were so massive was simply due to the giant size of these corporations, but the fact of the matter is that diversification of their business segments into many different commodities didn't help these companies from suffering massive losses in 2015 and diversification didn't prevent US stock portfolios from crashing in 200Of course, one of the reasons their declared impairments were so massive was simply due to the giant size of these corporations, but the fact of the matter is that diversification of their business segments into many different commodities didn't help these companies from suffering massive losses in 2015 and diversification didn't prevent US stock portfolios from crashing in 200of the reasons their declared impairments were so massive was simply due to the giant size of these corporations, but the fact of the matter is that diversification of their business segments into many different commodities didn't help these companies from suffering massive losses in 2015 and diversification didn't prevent US stock portfolios from crashing in 200of these corporations, but the fact of the matter is that diversification of their business segments into many different commodities didn't help these companies from suffering massive losses in 2015 and diversification didn't prevent US stock portfolios from crashing in 200of the matter is that diversification of their business segments into many different commodities didn't help these companies from suffering massive losses in 2015 and diversification didn't prevent US stock portfolios from crashing in 200of their business segments into many different commodities didn't help these companies from suffering massive losses in 2015 and diversification didn't prevent US stock portfolios from crashing in 2008.
This is not so much a belief or strategy as it is a matter of fact; there are extensive, well - established guidelines from multiple agencies at all levels of government on how to work within the system, and harsh consequences for those who do not comply.
The outcomes of physics experiments and astronomical observations seem so matter - of - fact, so concretely and immediately connected to underlying reality, that they might let us gingerly sidestep all of these issues concerning motivated or sloppy analysis and interpretation.
They used to remember thinking but now it's no longer necessary and with the enriched water it is no longer possible after the cataclysmic campaigns of the last decade when it was decided that facts no longer mattered so therefore truth no longer existed so therefore thinking was no longer necessary but in fact futile so therefore not only sterile but dangerous and therefore behavior alone was substantial and adherence to action alone was useful.
The simple fact is that if matter can neither be created or destroyed in a normal chemical reaction than how does the «god» come up with something out of nothing... remember matter CAN NOT be CREATED or DESTROYED, so if this god follows the normal physics and chemistry than it could not have created the universe either... it just exists b / c it exists..
As a matter of fact changes were not made until 1995 or so to the present.
Paul was simply encouraging everyone in their faith, and as a matter of fact he was soon to have his head chopped off at the hands of Caesar, so what good did it do hiim if he was trying to control people with his letters?
To me, it is obvious, so it's more matter - of - fact than what I consider to be arrogance.
No conclusions could be so flip and matter - of - fact to a person who has actually endured such a journey.
So, it has been proposed that as a matter of fact Muslims and Christians worship the same deity.
So for them matter, which might otherwise seem to be our source of humiliation, is in fact the very source of our exaltation and of God's greatest glory.
The fact of the matter is that God's grace is so great, it removes all of our sin from us, as far as the east is from the west.
However, the fact that the Father himself was involved in the suffering that the Son had to bear, that the crucifixion was the result of God's «definite plan and foreknowledge» (Acts 2:23), inspires in us, if we dare to think about so dreadful a matter, a dizzying terror.
But there is another, more uncomfortable assertion we should also be willing to make: that humanity could not have passed from the devotions of antiquity to those of modernity but for the force of Christianity in history, and so — as a matter of historical fact — Christianity, with its cry of «no other god,» is in part responsible for the nihilism of our culture.
Funny but it seems that no matter how many facts are given to Christians about gays they still come back with the same bigoted arguments so they are incapable of learning?
Well, if Christianity (or even one of those other religions) is correct, then the «correct religion» isn't decided by a Democracy... so the fact that 2/3 of the world doesn't care about Christianity doesn't matter, except that it means we still have 2/3 of the world to reach with the Gospel.
Prosaic and matter - of - fact, they made the symbolic so tangible that a direct link was forged between their own day and the days described in Old Testament and New.
We must remember that Whitehead is not a metaphysician seeking to describe the ultimate facts of existence (so WM 17 - 20), but a realist philosopher of science remarking on uniquely human matters such as perception and freedom.
Whatever the case, the fact that Christians can be so un-Christlike on matters like this or modern issues like homosexuality is a big cause of doubt for me.
critics tended on the whole to say: strip off the interpretation so far as possible; it only tells us what some early Christians thought or believed; the residue will be plain matter of fact.
So no matter how much they try to make this country theirs alone, they can't because of the simple fact that we are still here.
So, yes, as a matter of fact, I do expect people to compartmentalize their personal beliefs and their actions in the shared culture, while still giving priority to their personal beliefs.
The facts of the safety breaches were not opened by prosecutor Michael Gregory, who told District Judge Lesley Mottram: «The prosecution submission is that this matter is so serious that you should use your powers to commit it to the Crown Court for sentencing.»
Noni and all those who find themselves ostracised or slandered unfairly firstly God loves you and you are special to him you are his children his daughters and sons do nt ever forget that so you are not alone in fact you are the apple of his eye and he loves you.No matter what people say about you it does nt change the fact that he loves you and will protect you just abide in him he will strengthen you in your weakness.Never think you are alone we have the holy spirit and have other believers even though we may not go to church together we love the Lord just as much as you do which means we are brothers and sisters in Christ.Just trust him and take each day as it comes he promises to never leave us or forsake us.He has given us his strength in our weakness so that like him we are overcomers the head not the tail.Keep asking the Lord what it is he wants you to do and be obedient though it may be hard but in the end it will prove good for you for the Lord is for you not against you.regards brentnz
So Tarver starts off making one of his usual «bright» matter - of - fact statements, and when asked to provide evidence, the first words to come next are «If OBL..»
We shall argue (1) that Hartshorne does not show that this is so and (2) that, as a matter of fact, it is not so.
I could go on, but the fact of the matter is, if you use just the bible to map out a timeline it's a little wonky but doable because for over 2000 years its had revisions and edits so that it would make more sense, if you want to really look the history of the world through geology, ice core samples and what not, it'll paint a very different picture.
And to say that it is immanent means that the dynamism is not merely as a matter of fact orientated towards it, whereas the dynamism could fix on another goal and so show that its dynamic nature was independent of the transcendent term, which would then be an arbitrarily selected one.
... as a matter of fact it was originally the god damn particle as it was so difficult to detect.
A matter so strenuously debated is not to be settled by a few casual comments; yet certain facts and agreed opinions have in the heat of controversy received less than their proper attention.
And so of any other arrangement, bad or good, which might as a matter of fact be found resulting anywhere from previous conditions.
It was, as a matter of fact, the impact of the Judaeo - Christian tradition on Western civilization that is chiefly responsible for the awareness so prevalent among us today that history presses forward toward novel achievements, that the future is open and full of promise, that man is a free creature whose own decisions and deeds enter into the shaping of tomorrow's world.
In fact, I know of churches that have services on Friday night, and Saturday night and Tuesday night so that all people, no matter what their work schedule, can come to church.
If the comparison is to be a just one we must, at every point of resemblance, take this difference into account, But when all allowance is made the fact remains that the analogies between the two systems arc so numerous, and so compelling, that reason forbids us to regard the parallel as either purely superficial or a mere matter of chance.
So the person living without God is also blessed, however the good that comes to him, he gives God no thanks for; matter of fact when good comes, he doesn't even see it as good.
People do wrong things regardless of faith... it mostly because greediness, power and so on... very few among the mankind fear Lord The Almighty which includes Muslims as well... and which is why today we see these actions are being done by human in everywhere... as a matter of fact its been there since the beginning of mankind... now we have been blessed with media and anything happens, next minute we can see it and sometimes we see what the media wants us to see...
In fact, my gayness was the cliff edge for me in deciding whether to give my heart to Christ many years ago; the fellow who led me to Christ said no sin was greater than the blood of Jesus, and so I had to give in to His love, no matter what judgement I put on myself because of the curses I had received from those who hate gays.
It is not a «distraction,» however, but the hard and central fact that so many children and young people have been abused because it is manifestly not the case that «bishops and priests are totally committed to the fullness of Catholic truth on matters of sexual morality.»
Modern intellectual culture assumes the «fact - value dichotomy» so easily, in fact, that the future relations of piety and intellect at Union will undoubtedly involve some mighty wrestling to keep the two intimate with each other, no matter how insulated some of our university colleagues prefer them to be.
Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution So let me EDUCATE you all: THEORY: «a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well - established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact
As a matter of fact it is so ZERO, they will find the missing link's every once in a while and then quitely repudiate the findings.
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