Sentences with phrase «so more workers»

But office space isn't keeping up with the increase in office jobs, so more workers are being stuffed into tighter spaces.

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Warehouse workers got so desperate to move shipments they would sometimes slice open a crate that was supposed to contain, say, a dozen boxes of paper towels but only had 10, stuff in two more boxes, tape it shut and send it to a store that way.
Taussig shares that the issue is not just helping workers find employers but rather, «the issue is creating the common framework and context so that they can work together more effectively once they have found each other.
So rather than blowing the Q2 budget on a Superdesk to attract a younger class of worker, consider letting your employees work from a more familiar setting: their own homes.
The retailer has so far spent $ 2.7 billion on raises to make sure workers are motivated to better serve customers and to do work that is more complex now, given how much tech is changing in - store shopping.
So while workers and employers don't seem to paying more for their insurance, in reality, they're being asked to kick in more cash before their coverage actually starts paying for most services.
It's not just entry - level workers or low - wage clerks who collect and process data; people whose annual incomes exceed $ 200,000 spend more than 30 % of their time doing so, too.
«We believe that virtual reality is going to be able to shorten the learning curve [for workers] because we will be able to provide so many more experiences.»
«When we went out for some of our fundraising, I got kicked out of so many offices because people said you should just contract your workers outit will be cheaper and more scalable.»
So far, Sanders has raised more than $ 250,000 from employees at Google's parent Alphabet (GOOGL), nearly $ 100,000 from workers at Microsoft (MSFT), and more than $ 85,000 from those at Apple (AAPL), the group's data shows.
«Fear of confrontation is so overwhelming, but if you communicate boldly, more frequently, and honestly... and you're not afraid to work through conflict, you'll likely reduce your stress and be a better worker,» says Lynn Taylor, national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant; How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job.
But, so far, workers who have gone through the VR training seem more confident in their abilities, Daly said.
The majority of employers (52 percent) typically offer candidates salaries below what they're willing to ultimately pay so there's room to negotiate, according to CareerBuilder's latest survey, which polled more than 4,600 full - time employers and 3,450 U.S. workers between May and September.
It could also have a public benefit if it lessens the need for governments to build highways designed for rush - hour commuting or for workers to spend $ 100 a week or more on transportation, parking, coffee, lunches and so on.
But the dramatic economic downturn in the world economy that hurt so many workers starting in 2008 only accelerated a decades - long trend toward more precarious jobs and the unstable hours, low wages, minimal benefits and insecurity that this work means for so many.
Wage growth has been scarcely better, particularly as more workers become contractors in the so - called gig economy, which offers little by way of job security, benefits, and pay.
After all, as Richard Florida reported last year, the Census Bureau finds that 86 percent of U.S. workers still commute by car and more than 75 percent do so alone.
So, back to doing things the way everybody else does — or more accurately, with far more workers than the typical assembly line, because Tesla did things wrong to begin with and now has to ramp up the humans to avoid a catastrophe.
Goodbye and good riddance to that outdated, monstrosity of a tax code that took too much of your money, sent our American jobs overseas, and kept our economy so slow many workers didn't see a pay raise for a decade or more
Meantime, retailers like Walmart who are raising minimum wages are more likely doing so because the labor market is tightening, meaning it's more competitive to fight for the low - salaried workers that retailers generally employ.
For older workers, meanwhile, more effort should be put into training so they aren't left in the lurch when automation transforms even more jobs along the way.
Too often we think «high standards» only means work experience or an Ivy League education, so we fail to recognize how a young employee who has the aptitude, is a hard worker and eager to learn can be even more valuable.
The labor had been painful, and there'd always been more workers than jobs, so after deciding to return to school, this time at Howard, he'd chosen computer science.
«It's in all of our best interest to have these tax cuts for corporations so that they will have more money to invest in their business and pay their workers,» Rep. Mike Conaway (R - TX) told Vox before the House tax bill was released.
She is one more worker in the great service economy of a post-global America, and — unlike so many others in her general situation — she is making it work for her.
As more U.S. workers found themselves without a job, many turned to freelancing, and continued to do so, even as the economy gradually improved.
But closing down unnecessary capacity can pay for itself, even if unemployed workers are temporarily put on the government payroll (causing debt to rise, but usually by less than it had before), but only temporarily as Beijing takes other measures to boost household income through wealth transfers from the state and so to boost consumption, a form of demand which is likely to be more labor intensive than the demand created in the process of over-capacity.
This is as the use of skilled external talent increases, so does the need for more efficient ways to find, hire, and manage contingent workers as well as integrate them into a company's teams.
Subsequent tax incentives in the 1980s (such as Section 1042 of the Internal Revenue Code) allowed owners of privately held businesses to defer their capital gains taxes when they sold more than 30 % of C corporations to the employees and managers through ESOPs or eligible worker cooperatives.15 Often, retiring entrepreneurs would sell 100 % in stages so that they could fully retire if they had no heir to operate the company or the family wished to cash out on their stake.
So far, however, the Administration's protectionist trade actions appear more likely to result in increased economic insecurity for workers in California, with the effects concentrated in communities that are already struggling economically.
So hitting the targets their parents achieved means today's workers must retire later and save more.
«It's in all of our best interest to have these tax cuts for corporations so that they will have more money to invest in their business and pay their workers,» Rep. Mike Conaway (R - TX) said.
We ran into one cyclical recession in the» 70's, and the Republicans seized on it as an excuse to rig government and society for the benefit of people who are already rich, while taking away opportunities from everyone else... then they crushed the unions so that workers would never be able to get back better pay and better job security, while investors make more and more and pay less and less in taxes.
Just as those glued to their television sets for six or seven hours a night reasonably prefer sets with PIP (picture in picture) which let one see the action of more than one channel at once, to enhance surfing (at the loss of coherence, if you value that), so, too, do workers chained to computer monitors for eight or more hours a day naturally prefer to have a large screen with 16 million possible shades and hues of color, with a number of programs opened at once.
He said the pessimist in him mocked his receipt of a degree in law when «law is ever more a hollow word, resonant but empty, in a world increasingly dominated by force, by violence, by fraud, by injustice, by avarice — in a word, by egoism»; when civil law permits «the progressive and rapid increase of oppressed people who continue being swept toward ghettos, without work, without health, without instruction, without diversion and, not rarely, without God»; when under so - called international law «more than two - thirds of humanity (exist) in situations of misery, of hunger, of subhuman life»; and when agrarian law or spatial law permits «today's powerful landowners to continue to live at the cost of misery for unhappy pariahs»; and whereby «modern technology achieves marvels from the earth with an ever - reduced number of rural workers (while) those not needed in the fields live sublives in depressing slums on the outskirts of nearly all the large cities.»
Build business, employ workers, improve skillsets so that people can become self - sufficient and more productive, grow the business, hire more people, teach them to save (not impulse buy $ 1000 rims or whatever the Jones» have)... not only will they actually be able to afford healthcare w / o public subsidy, but they will also be able to save money in order to send their kids to college to become doctors.
Republicans hate people, are racists, want to take everything away from the average person and give it to the rich, stomp on those in need so corporations can have more power and abuse their workers more and LIE ever day as easily as they breathe.
Just use common sense his parents lived in Bethlehem they was decedents of King David a Hebrew take into the account Jesus was a carpenter and he also traveled outside a lot so he definitely wouldn't have been white looking to any of his contemporaries he was a probably more of an olive skinned person muscular and the physical appearance of someone that was a hard worker hardly what the Vatican or Protestants have pictured him out to be which is a sickly skinny weak looking person.
This is sad that our system is beset by Republicans that think the best way out of a recession is to eliminate more jobs and take away workers and social protections so they can further the system that caused the economic collapse in the first place.
You begin working to reshape policy structures so the workers can begin owning more of the company work process and sharing more of the company vision.
So if you are really about preventing the creation of a large new class of illegal immigrants, stopping the Gang of Eight's guest worker program and mandating near - term employment verification are probably even more important than «border security.»
Maybe someday, when people can again sing, «We shall overcome» with integrity, there will be celebrations and speeches commemorating slain civil rights workers Andy Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney — and all other who gave so much, yet received so much more from the quiet courage and faith of the people whom they had come to help.
In both countries there is more job security, more worker say - so and more stay - put, lifetime commitment among managers.
Later in the day he hires some more workers, and then, an hour or so before quitting time, he hires still more.
So if front - line workers are making enough to get by comfortably, what incentive do they have to strive for more or go to college?
Every generation of workers faces unique challenges, so although the more senior mentors can offer a wealth of advice, it can sometimes be more relevant to hear from people only a few steps ahead of you.
To answer that question, one needn't look any further than the dozens of damning undercover investigations into agribusiness operations released over the last several years: chickens crammed so tightly into tiny cages that they can't even spread their wings, living in the same space with the rotting corpses of their cage - mates; mother pigs unable to even turn around for months on end inside their gestation crates; factory farm workers sadistically abusing animals; and more.
So while AFSA strongly supports the need to recognize agriculture as the priority activity in the Farming Zone, we see a need to offer more flexibility to enable farms to construct suitable dwellings for the rich community of workers needed to manage these systems, where those dwellings are genuinely built in support of agricultural purposes.
In other words, ending the live export trade will have a marginal effect, even more so when the workers shift to the processed meat sector.
If only we had more support workers at Arsenal who could work on selling the players who do not step up faster so they can be replaced faster...
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