Sentences with phrase «so much a study»

The author records his deep indebtedness to various scholars who have spent so much study and translation of the literature discussed here.
So much study, has twisted her brains.
«It was an honour meet a Nobel laureate who has influenced so much my studies and meet the man behind the science,» he says.
Now that our microbes are the source of so much study it's been determined that they regulate our behavior related to anxiety, learning and memory, appetite and satiety, and mood and emotions.
It's not so much a study on
It's not so much a study on middle age, but not knowing where you are in life, at any age.
But this fits with our What happens when small cap and NASDAQ diverge so much study.
I can't remember any other energy source being put through so much study for so long before a single kilowatt was produced, except perhaps the kind that creates highly radioactive waste.
I don't write about the problems of adaptation (how we will live in a warmer world) and mitigation (how we will reduce our emissions) much, because these areas take so much study and change so fast.

Not exact matches

This data was taken from loan applications, so it's possible that the workers in the study aren't making as much as other people — notably, those who don't need loans — doing business on these platforms.
Each can use it to study pretty much whatever he or she wants, so long as it fits PICI's strategic road map — and so long as it involves cancer immunotherapy.
According to a recent article by Stanford's Emma Seppälä for the Greater Good Science Center, «one of the most extensive studies on charisma found that charisma is not so much a gift as a learnable skill.»
Despite being an America - only study, it's still an interesting barometer of consumer sentiment, particularly when so much coverage features headlines like «America's most hated companies.»
So we continue to look to the stars for clues — and the «unprecedented detail» in the new images, write the authors of three new studies in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, may bring them that much closer to the complicated truth.
Like the detrimental physical effects of sitting, the mental health consequences of so much time spent on your butt can not be relieved just by joining a gym, according to the study.
So much so, in fact, that a study by Zendesk found that 92 % of customers feel satisfied after communicating with a brand over this channeSo much so, in fact, that a study by Zendesk found that 92 % of customers feel satisfied after communicating with a brand over this channeso, in fact, that a study by Zendesk found that 92 % of customers feel satisfied after communicating with a brand over this channel.
Greenland's coastal glaciers and ice caps have passed a pivotal tipping point — a new study concludes that they've melted so much that they're now past the point of no return, and it's unlikely in current conditions that they'll be able to regrow the ice they've lost.
Much of what we think of as simple good fortune can be explained if we look hard, so forget about a lucky horseshoe and study what «luckier» people do.
For future studies, they suggested, researchers should test the performance of doped chess players given a much longer time limit, so the study could isolate the positive effects of brain drugs.
When Zajonc started studying it so many decades ago, his initial experiments measured how much schoolchildren liked the adults in their classrooms.
And by «studying» I mean I've tried to figure out why I've experienced so much conflict.
Still, many Americans are woefully ill - prepared for any unplanned expense, let alone a job loss, so much so that 66 million U.S. adults have zero dollars saved for an emergency, according to a recent study.
We'll have more on this study over the next couple of weeks, including a finding that surprised us so much we didn't believe it at first, still aren't sure about, and plan to study more deeply going forward.
Not only is the legality of doing so under scrutiny, but it wouldn't actually curb speculation as much as it would push domestic traders to offshore accounts (see China for a case study).
Experience is so much more than the buzzword it's become, and how to incorporate the right experiences into your customer's journey is what Brian has studied.
The study points out that borrowing so much could stretch these young peoples» budgets, especially when one considers many also may have a mortgage, as well as significant student debt.
I have not studied the whole bitcoin concept much so I am a bit ignorant here.
Those AIC university deep courses were much tougher requirementally for studying / passing than ORE courses were due to much deeper dives into what it takes to become a professional Appraiser than becoming a so - called professional Realtor (after serving only a few weeks in the classroom).
The stock market has a psychology all of its own — so much that countless books have been written and studies performed trying to figure out how the market «thinks» and «behaves».
This is why I love studying culture so much, and I think it's integral to studying markets.
The report draws heavily on several economic studies that find results similar to Mr. Hassett's, including that the so - called incidence of corporate taxation falls mainly on workers, meaning they have much to gain if such rates are cut.
I don't understand why feasibility studies take so long and cost so much, it strikes me as a racket.
Since we only looked at reviews from a top level (count of reviews) there isn't much more to say here, however, we are going to greatly expand how we look at reviews in the 2017 study, so stay tuned!
Since actual policies submitted tend to be well below those 2011 numbers, the natural question is why are the premiums in the CANNEX study so much higher?
right Romney has so much integrity he claims to have «formed» a study group to find women for his cabinet when he was Gov of Mass..
You have studied the Bible so much that it has allowed you to excuse the unthinkable.
Kerry, I'm so glad that you stuck with your studies after the embarrassing prof. pretty much made an ass of himself.
James Nuechterlein's medley of reviews of the three new Lincoln studies is particularly artful in weaving together so much that we have come to know about the mature Lincoln who led the Union through the war years, as well as pointing out those areas in which Lincoln will perhaps always be clothed in mystery or contradiction.
We were surprised to see him back at BYU within the year because he said he felt so much more at home in the BYU community than he ever did in his graduate studies elsewhere.
The profligate grace side is well - represented here so I'll be a contrarian and say that after much study of his Word, I lean to the «No» side.
So much effort is spent on driving Christians to be in the Word more, to read their Bible's more, to study the Bible... You know what?
Ironically, it was the result of my studying Scriptures so diligently that led me to realize that much of it I simply couldn't buy.
So much for the Bible study teacher caring for «spiritual matters» while the finance chairperson keeps an eye on «the real world.»
The book does not so much explain the various prophetic texts in Scripture, as provide a framework to read and study it on our own.
But I also believe that through the wonder of studying this natural world we learn so much about God.
What about it disturbs you so much that you put so much effort into avoiding it even though the Bible does indeed teach us to study that we may be approved, and to defend what it teaches us without fear?
I know it's a stretch, but that is why I spent so much time laying down some of the theological and hermeneutical principles earlier in this study.
I mean, realistically, it's not a happy time to be alive on the earth with so much suffering, but I really don't think a study used to see if christians or atheists are happier can shed any light on reality.
They study their sacred texts, memorize them and talk about them so much that adherents share a deep, rich common language.
So numerous have these studies been that scholars have on occasion expressed doubt about the likelihood of much of value coming from further work of this type.
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