Sentences with phrase «so nasty stuff»

Not exact matches

I make them so they do all this nasty stuff in my name, all the while being sure they will go to heaven.
Then hears all this nasty stuff, about how horrible Christianity is and so on?
Since there's so much bible quote dumping going in here, let's take a look at some of the typical nasty stuff that the evil Christian sky fairy is demanding in there:
It's frozen fresh (yuca is so perishable and that's why they coat the whole ones in that nasty waxy stuff) so it's never blighted like some fresh ones are.
So much of them were filled with tons of sandwiches, pastas dishes (made with white flour noodles), cool whip and nature's balance and vegan cheese (the store bought nasty stuff, not the homemade ones made from cashews and nutritional yeast).
around the base of the computer so he can't get into the wires, or the masking tape that keeps the fireplace shut as he's realized that if you push it, it opens... and there is all kinds of dirty nasty «fun» stuff in there to play with — including the place in which you light it (it's gas).
So, at least you won't worry about those crappy nappies from breeding other nasty stuff out there.
One of my best tricks for our really picky eaters is to pretend its really nasty stuff that the kids REALLY should not eat, like in «don't you dare eating those bug eggs and those wiggly worms, no, no, you really must not eat those, they'll crawl out your nose...» and so on.
This is because these diapers are not made with any harmful chemicals so you don't have to worry about that nasty stuff leaking into the ground and harming the earth.
That stuff is just so amazingly absorbent that it can sometimes be difficult to remove some of the nasty things it has absorbed.
So you have these ships on the open ocean basically burning the nastiest stuff on Earth as they come into port — ports like the Port of Los Angeles, where you have the strong westerly wind and huge amounts of port traffic, [and] all this burning bunker fuel comes inland.
Even the so - called «natural» products still contained preservatives, parabens, and other nasty stuff!!
I stopped using the nasty stuff because it didn't work, so there wasn't even a point.
It makes me so happy to make yummy foods that everyone can enjoy without all the nasty stuff!
It has so many anti-microbial properties that it helps get rid of a lot of nasty stuff.
The «leather» was so cheap and nasty, I didn't even need to look at the hardware (which is usually a giveaway with fake designer stuff — it never feels as substantial as the real thing).
So now they can afford to give you cheap stuff and honestly in some cases, cheap and nasty is right, but some of the cheap stuff has been good, Velocity 2X and Resogun are probably the highlights, Resident Evil would have been but I already have that.
Someone using «Hank» has a few times posted nasty stuff that's been mistaken for mine, so I'd like to know for sure.
All that nasty brown stuff, comes from astronomer Brown, who as far as I can see has done little or no research into the BoM and yet describes Jennifer, who definitely has, as an amateur for doing so, despite her qualifications and strong environmental leanings.
Radiation is, in short, nasty stuff and not to be trifled with, but perhaps not nearly so threatening as we may bring ourselves to believe.
Nasty stuff on that wood but oh so worth it!
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