Sentences with phrase «so predominant»

This is because of the economical ups and downs that are so predominant in real estate.
Positive sentiment override occurs when the positive thoughts you have about your spouse and your marriage are so predominant that they make any negative thoughts seem insignificant.
[1] In a piece on Mikkel Carl's recent works, curator and art critic Toke Lykkeberg discusses the artist's desire to set up dialogue concerning the muteness so predominant on the contemporary art scene.
Starting with the Public Relations Committee (now called the Media Relations Committee), I helped write informational articles to be placed in local newspapers (long before the internet was so predominant..).
This dictum has become so predominant that non-believers have largely been hushed for fear of being labelled cranks.
There really isn't any sort of narrative yet Hooper hints upon that unnerving sense of tension that would be so predominant in his follow - up, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
What's fascinating about the natural birth trend is that it serves as such a counter to the too - posh - to - push phenomenon that was so predominant in the 2000s.
Hot and spicy food is so predominant in Guntur that the agricultural market in town sells a single commodity: chile in its myriad forms.
John, like the other three evangelists, accents the importance of the crucifixion and resurrection by giving these events a major place in the narrative; but unlike them he makes the divinity of Jesus so predominant over his humanity that the teachings presented take quite a different turn.
I have cautiously watched, with interest and support, the assault on the overtechnologized concepts so predominant in Western medicine and religion.
Here is the cosmological emphasis that is so predominant in process philosophy; furthermore, here is a philosophy of mind in which — unlike Husserl and very much like Whitehead — the conscious ego is not the initial datum, but just a higher unity of more basic intentional acts.

Not exact matches

Straubel remarked that Tesla execs believe lithium - ion batteries will become so inexpensive and reliable that they'll become «the predominant and primary fuel for light vehicles,» WSJ reports.
I have heard this story from so many «Biblical» pastors that I have accepted it as the predominant interpretation.
In his influential book The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins asserts that «Like successful Chicago gangsters our genes have survived... in a highly competitive world,... [and so] a predominant quality to be expected in a successful gene is ruthless selfishness.»
Buttressed by such a phalanx of support Leo XIII ended his encyclical with a ringing exhortation, «We exhort you, Venerable Brethren, in all earnestness to restore the golden wisdom of St. Thomas, and to spread it far and wide for the defence and beauty of the Catholic faith, for the good of society, and for the advantage of all the sciences» [6] It was an exhortation that was welcomed and followed by many in the Church so that it has been written «We are accustomed to consider Saint Thomas, Thomism, and Aristotelianism as the predominant points of orientation and the most favourable to the Church.»
But outwardness is the entirely indifferent factor in this case where introversion, or what one might call inwardness with a jammed lock, is so much the predominant factor.
I have tried to bring order into this array of insightful scholarship by grouping them according to certain predominant themes, even though they merit attention each in their own right — and some prominently so.
So the natural philosopher who aims for comprehensive explanations that do justice both to science and to ordinary experience is obliged to wrestle with the problem of the «goodness,» or otherwise, of predominant mythologies, especially those that underpin the scientistic ideology.
In the extensive remnants of the Portuguese holdings of previous centuries Roman Catholic missions were predominant, but the clergy from somnolent Portugal were not so energetic as those from vigorous France.
Wouldn't you be angry too if you recognized that the predominant religion in your country was nothing but a Bronze Age fairy tale but it was so widely accepted that it intruded into your country's politics, laws, educational system, medical science, and nearly every other aspect?
So why do you dirt bags get a free shot at insulting the predominant religion in this country / world and you think you can get away with it?
I found the flavor of egg was a little too predominant, so I tried it with four eggs instead of five — instant fix, the bread was unaffected consistency wise.
The banana flavor is fairly predominant in mine (like when you make a smoothie with banana in it — takes over the other flavors), so will cut it back.
The three games which the Yankees won were so one - sided that pity for the Pirates was the predominant emotion; there was no suspense at all.
So often as a culture we insist that our children should feel one predominant emotion — happiness — the majority of the time.
There is currently no Zika vaccine, so preventing mosquito bites and using condoms — the virus can also be spread by human sexual contact — remain the predominant ways to combat its spread.
So, an overall mix of creatures dominated by early dinosaurs didn't really look that much different from earlier ones where dinosauromorphs were predominant, he notes.
But it turns out that the more we rely upon fat as our predominant fuel source, the better off we will be, in so many respects.
It's an app that filters the light emanating from your device so that in the morning it is blue / black predominant and in the evening it is red predominant, mimicking sundown and reducing your exposure to blue light at night.
A person with a predominant Vata Dosha needs to be grounded and so standing postures that ground and balance will be more beneficial to a Vata constitution.
Also, ingredients are listed in order of dominance, so if sugar is listed first, that is the most predominant ingredient.
Unfortunately, H3N2 is also the flu strain that's most predominant so far this season, and it's historically been linked to higher rates of hospitalization and death, says William Schaffner, MD, infectious disease specialist at the Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, and past president of the National Foundation for Infectious Disease.
I think we're making progress and it's awesome that so many women are getting into this industry and having real predominant roles.
So, because navy is my accent color in here (and a predominant color in my floral pillow) I knew navy was going to be the right color for my frames.
To present such images would be to give himself an aura of heroism, and so to deny the terror that was a predominant note of his expedition back home.
There are so many things wrong with the film that it's hard to pin down what the main flaw, so I will mention just a few predominant ones.
Be aware of your own predominant learning style so that you can compensate for any over-reliance that occurs.
Books are like food for me, and I'm a greedy omnivore, so it's hard to say what my predominant influences are.
The company has a predominant role in the so - called «contract economy» supplying skilled workers, services and technology to business and government agencies... Read More
Spitznagel is a specialist in tail risk, and so the most intriguing part of Spitznagel's papers is his demonstration of the utility of the equity q ratio in identifying «susceptibility to shifts from any extreme consensus» because «such shifts of extreme consensus are naturally among the predominant mechanics of stock market crashes.»
I also feel that we become immune to these cage photos because they are simply predominant to so many people.
I was unsure if I should include the Olympic Games series, but Sonic and friends have predominant roles in the, uh, Olympic proceedings, so here we are.
And so today, even in some of Jack Tilton's shows where they have maybe twenty pictures of a black guy showing his butt, or when they had that show Black Male: Representations of Masculinity in Contemporary American Art [at the Whitney Museum of American Art in» 94], where the gay element had a more predominant role — I mean, it was first brought into the scene with Lyle Ashton Harris having that show [Face: Lyle Ashton Harris at the New Museum in» 93].
Jokes provided an antidote to this bravura, and, even in a post-modern, post-Duchampian age that is so accepting of art's multifarious and fluctuating identity, he still managed to present a strong challenge to the predominant art of the time and to the tastes of the art establishment.
«So we do have this way of breaking down the country in these different interpretive units, these zones that have predominant themes but aren't necessarily totally obvious either.»
«Although man's imprint is a predominant theme in Celio's work, her ability to incorporate elements of urbanization within the natural world with a subtle hand is what makes her drawings so powerful.
The question I would like to ask Tom is this: Why would China, India and the remainder of the under - developed world stop growing their national economies, just as the US is growing its economy now, while the US, the predominant leader of the over-developed world, remains intransigent and unwilling to so much as openly discuss the necessity for stopping what it is doing now.
My current reading is that the error bands are larger than the claimed signals, and so any one of several causes for climate change could be predominant.
So more than likely we'll just see a very slow decline in temperatures with CFC abatement, until the predominant cycle of centuries - long warming pushes through again at some antediluvian rate.
The effect / impact is a different issue if the station is downwind of a large thermal mass — especially so in areas with a strong predominant wind pattern?
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