Sentences with phrase «so remember to breathe»

you should know, all parents go through exactly what your going through, everyday is a new challenge, because children are always changing and growing and until they have all the tools they need which you will teach him, there will be minor meltdowns, take them in stride... he is not being «bad» he is just learning and adjusting, so remember to breathe...........
You will definitely feel the burn on this one if you hold for a longer period of time so remember to breathe!

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Your logo, colors, fonts — whatever it is, make sure to breathe your brand into the mobile experience, so that your customers remember you.
us join Rabbit's scurrying life, Updike enables us to absorb the ethos of our time, to breathe the air of our distinctively American culture, above all to remember and so discover who we are.
Remember that scene where the guy has to do a REALLY deep dive, so he wears a rig that allows him to breathe a liquid similar to the same fluid that a child breathes in the womb.
So just remember to start the day excited for what is to come, be confident you will get through it and remember to take breaks, feed yourself good food and breathe.
And so you are not just going to learn your breathing techniques if you are going to go run a marathon, you are going to train your body, and you are going to get ready for it, you're going to strengthen your legs, and you are going to strengthen parts of your body that you haven't imagined, I remember my sister saying that her arms hurt after birth — she didn't had the strength in her arms to really use them to pull against whatever she was pulling against, whether it was her partner or someone else, to birth her baby.
Remembering to breathe is so important — I'm impressed (but not surprised, you amazing talented woman, you!)
He went all day without eating during the first, he agreed to take pictures of my c section and when our baby was whisked away to the NICU he stayed with him for over 24 hours straight, and during my last labor he let me squeeze every drop of blood from his hand while I pushed and encouraged me to squeeze tighter if it helped, remember to breathe, and that he was so proud of me and he loves me and I'm amazing.
Remember that babies like to breathe through their nose instead of their mouth, so a clogged nose can make for an unhappy baby.
So she definitely doesn't want to be stressed, and definitely wants to remember to breathe.
One was so sick, Perin remembers, that «he was ashen, unable to breathe, starving — you can't eat if you can't breathe.
Oftentimes an upper respiratory tract infection can mimic asthma, so it's important to remember that «acute asthmalike symptoms» do not necessarily mean asthma — which must be diagnosed with a breathing test and the presence of chronic symptoms.
I like to set my phone so that is buzzes every hour, it helps me to remember to breathe deeply, relax my shoulders and let go of the tensions in my mind and body.
We tried to do the Lamaze breathing, but, I had been the one who practiced it, not my husband, and by about 6 centimeters, I couldn't spell my name, much less remember complex breathing patterns, so that was worthless.
Remember that your liver has to detox every single thing you eat, breathe, drink, swallow, and apply to your skin, so keep it happy by eating clean, reducing chemical exposure (go for natural products always), and occasionally liver cleansing.
The body can lose up to a litre of water an hour while exercising, mainly through sweating and breathing, so remembering to keep topped up is vital for the best chance of achieving exercise targets.
Remember to breathe properly as you do the workout, so you can finish the routine.
Of course, as with the other techniques the key is to be aware of your body while doing so and remember your breathing.
In perhaps the story's most poignant conceit, death turns out to be simply another circle of life where the deceased can remain and thrive so long as they are remembered by a living, breathing loved one.
So in a desperate bid to remain in employment, Barney finds himself in a position where bodies are piling up around him and a local detective (Ray Winstone) is breathing down his neck.Anyone who's followed my blog for a period of time may remember the glowing praise I have regularly afforded to Carlyle.
Carlos says «This thing is so fast at speed and the G - forces are such at speed that you have to remember to breathe, you have to remember to hold on, and you have to remember where you're pointing it.
Glory remembers the relevant things: the heavy thumping of the soldier's boots as they marched near the shallow grave her mother frantically dug for them to hide in; the green strip of fabric ripped from the hem of her mother's dress to cover her mouth and nose so she could breathe easier under the dirt; the feel of her mother's hands — shredded and bleeding — in hers as they lay there together, hoping for silence and not discovery.
I remembered the first night I spent in Boulder, lying awake on an air mattress in a strange house — jobless and friendless in this new city — so homesick and unsure of my decision to move from the East Coast that I could barely breathe.
I can't remember a game where I spent most of my time hiding in a locker or under a table for so long daring not to breathe or go out...
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