Sentences with phrase «so seek help»

But some couples recognize that they can not do it alone and so they seek help from a marriage counselor.
A fine level of detail is needed with the healthcare resume, so seek the help of a professional resume writer.
This aspect of your career search is the most important so seek help from college staff that specialize in student career services.
Writing the best LinkedIn summary is an art, so seek help if you need it.
Leaving your current home or apartment in RI can be an emotional process so seek help with the logistics aspect from your Rhode Island renters insurance provider.
Any use of aversive techniques such as spraying your cat with water or getting cross and stalking it around the house is only going to make things worse and may cause further problems, so seek help from your vet as soon as possible.
Liver failure can occur within a matter of days, so seek help from your veterinarian straight way if you think you cat has eaten something containing xylitol.
So seek the help from our expert writers at any point of time and ask them to Do My Homework.
So seek this help in UK and get the best grades in your assignments from Students Assignment Help.
Bleeding from the vagina may be a sign of serious problems, so seek help for vaginal bleeding in pregnancy.
It was getting out of hand and so I sought help from Susan Roberts, a pediatric occupational therapist and author of My Kid Eats Everything.
My son didn't latch immediately, so I sought the help of la leche league ladies when my son was three / four days old, then went to a local place that helps with breastfeeding issues, and even took my son to a chiropractor since they told me it looked like he had restrictions.
At age 3 there were language delays and so we sought help.
So she sought help and went to therapy to reflect on what mistakes she'd made and learn how to change the direction of her love story.
So she seeks the help of Attorney Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin) to sue her parents for medical emancipation.
He wasn't sure that his investment portfolio could sustain the annual withdrawals he was planning to make once his paycheque was gone, so he sought the help of a financial planner.
I got overwhelmed with bills and I remembered that I had been in the program of Cambridge Credit Counseling before, a long time ago, and I wanted them to help me with their services again, so I sought their help.
The severity of squamous cell carcinoma in cats is often dependent on how quickly treatment is administered, so seeking help for your cat as soon as signs develop is strongly recommended.
Six figure awards have already been granted for bogus complaints, so seeking the help of competent counsel is advised.
So I sought help and received a diagnosis of binge - eating disorder.
«Life can be really tough and often confusing, so seeking help to process through life is a great step.
We both liked the bones of the house plan I'd found, however there were many things we didn't love and so we sought help from a local Architect and custom home building company.

Not exact matches

However, any employer who is considering seeking out a helping hand from a third party so that they can streamline their workplace processes have been urged by Chris Runckel, the president of Runckel & Associates in Portland, Oregon, to not rush into the decision.
So they digitize all their documents by scanning themselves or seek help from document scanning services.
So what are you to do when the complexity of your financial life finally drives you to seek some professional financial help?
A recent survey by theBoardlist, a group that seeks out women qualified for board seats and helps connect them to search committees, asked why the representation of women on boards was so low.
In the opening scene, Don Vito Corleone admonishes his friend, Amerigo Bonasera, for taking so long to ask for help in seeking justice against the hoods who harmed Amerigo's daughter.
So Turkey seems to have decided to seek extrajudicial options for getting Gülen back to Turkey, and apparently turned to Flynn for help.
So the CEO of HR America, a human - resources - outsourcing company based in Fort Wayne, Ind., found a solution: he requires employees to fill out a problem - solving form before they seek his help.
To help circumvent the shortage, the FDA enacted new provisions in 2012 that require drug makers to give the agency earlier notice about potential shortages in order to alert patients and doctors so they can seek alternative treatments.
So America, it is time to stop fighting all forms of worker voice and representation and instead stand with workers seeking to regain their rightful voice and a fair share of the prosperity they help to generate.
For example, a local plumber is typically sought on an as - needed basis, so optimizing content and search ads for «emergency plumbing services» may help you target consumers who are actively making a quick purchasing decision.
Then the fact that we are so entrenched in Philly helps people to get multiple referrals over and over again when they are seeking search firms.
So, visit online and seek for its genuine and positive reviews that can help you in deciding for its use.
The Christian Right wants public money to be used for private religious education (vouchers), buildings and services to be used for private religious purposes (this article), and they want subsidies in the form of tax breaks, special exemptions of other sorts, and they even want to destroy Aid to Needy Families so they can drive people into seeking help at their private religious «missions» where you are not allowed to eat unless you are a Christian, and so on.
@drmabus Am not a religious so I can not help you with your problems.You should seek help asap, meds might help.God bless.
«So this Easter, as we pray for the friends and families of all those who've lost loved ones in Brussels, let us also draw hope and inspiration from the values we share and all those who, inspired by those values, seek to help others in our country and around the world.»
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
Last week, Google began addressing the U.S. depression epidemic by announcing a new feature to users who search for «depression» or «clinical depression» by offering a questionnaire, so you can «check if you're clinically depressed,» to determine whether to seek professional help.
So while I agree with you about charities possibly dropping the christian tag, it's not because it will bring in more donations, but because their organisations would be better welcomed and understood to those they seek to help.
Smith recognises that Christians, like everyone else, can be depressed to the point of emotional paralysis; they can be so ill that they may need to seek psychiatric help, be medicated and even be sectioned.
And so the two men sought another alcoholic to help.
As a newcomer (remembering how I felt) I was intimidated and uncomfortable so if you mentioned God, religion ect I would run and seek help elsewhere that may not actually help me.
Moe's data are sobering for the school «choice advocate, and they help to explain why so many efforts have foundered that sought to create the sort of regimen that Mr. Forstmann (and I) favor.
Yes, the Isrealites are «God's chosen» — and God is also using the gentiles who can out amongst those who need to hear — who need God's help, his food — and we can do that because we are God's ambassador's here on earth — but we must also be «watchful» because there are those who will not come to him, seek him or repent of their wickedness, so we are to be «discerning» and not to associate with such wickedness.
Demi Lovato sets an example for young people to find the courage needed to seek the help they so desperately require.
The majority of parents who seek help for a child do so because the child's outward behavior worries them or someone outside the family, often the school authorities or law enforcement officers.
A relatively small percentage of those who seek pastoral help come because of overt «religious problems» — problems of belief, doubt, prayer, and so forth.
His aim will be to allow a strong bridge of rapport to grow with them so that they can walk over it (psychologically) to seek his help.
Our brains are built to intuitively grasp natural numbers, we need education to learn about zero and the rest, our brains are built to seek refuge from the unexplainable, the unknown holds some danger, so the brain has mechanisms of inventing imaginary supernatural creatures to help make sense of things that are beyond our knowledge and understanding.
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