Sentences with phrase «so take care»

It's all too easy to get giddy when faced with a wealth of shiny appliances with countless programmes and functions, so take care to invest online in the things you will genuinely make good use of.
Eventually the inner piece will fall out — the edges will be jagged, so take care.
The plates aren't particularly deep so take care not to add too much batter.
Eventually the inner piece will fall out - the edges will be jagged, so take care.
So take care of your community and those you care the most about by working on your relationship.
So take care and maybe explain how you feel to your bf and see how you feel then but affirm your trust in him.
Anything that will adversely affect that sound will cause problems so take care to remove yourself from any interruptions..
Crossing your arms, fidgeting, or using distracting hand gestures can weaken the impression you make, so take care to ensure that you look as confident as you sound.
But a rushed application more often than not leads your resume straight to the trash can, so take care to recognize the resume blunders below (and when you're done, check out the 5 resume mistakes we wrote about last time).
Including groups to which you belong may inadvertently reveal polarizing facts about you, too, so take care when considering including such information in your résumé.
Next up, you'll be asked to create a backup password, so take care of that.
So take care of that, and you'll be ready to try out the new feature.
At this point, you'll be prompted to enter your password for verification, so take care of that.
At this point, you'll be asked to confirm the pattern, PIN, or password that you use to unlock your phone, so take care of that, then move onto the next step.
If at the total company chooses to give it a straight update from Lollipop to Nougat, we are in a position to update you on this same page, so take care of subscribed and bookmark this page for future updates.
Our only complaint here is that the finish on the speaker can be rubbed off with harsh use, so take care of this baby.
Each incident will cause a point to be added against your driving history; points can take up to seven years to drop off of your record, so take care not to let them build up.
Luckily, though, letting a policy lapse is the only way that the contestability period can come back into force, so take care of things with your premium payment and you'll be in the clear.
A higher credit score could mean lower rates, so take care to maintain a good rating.
But with my co-author we are about to submit a paper along these lines, so take care, as I am recording both my submission here and its non-appearance.
Building a bond with your favorite pony will make them more trustworthy in a firefight and able to hear your whistle from further away, but beware — if your horse dies, it's gone permanently, so take care of it.
However, the waves are often quite rough and there are lots of rocks to climb over before you reach the sea, so take care.
Large tour buses also drive on this road, so take care when you turn corners on this road.
The surf here can be choppy and erratic so take care.
So take care of your head, it is not cool to be sunburnt on top of your head.
In rough seas injuries do happen, so take care.
Subject to westerlies, the waters along the beach here tend to be more wavey than the smooth waters of the east, and we noticed the features that tend to create rip tides, so take care.
We want every MWBTR dog to find its forever home, so we take care with the details to make sure that each adoption is successful.
Stress is an important contributor to FUS, so take care to keep your cat's environment as calm as possible.
A sudden change in diet can cause digestive upsets — even when you are changing to a better quality diet — so take care!
They can not handle extreme changes in temperature, so take care to keep them cool during summer months.
So Take care of your dog's teeth and taste great.
A Mini Lop can die from large amounts of ingested fur, so take care to avoid this.
So take care to keep your cool this summer.
Each dog has a unique system so take care in transitioning him or her onto a new product.
Small pets fill your home with big love, so take care of them with small animal supplies designed with their needs in mind.
Overly wet air can cause breathing problems, so take care not to overdo the humidity.
Dogs will love their bones, so take care to keep your children and other pets away from your dog while they're consuming them.
It is painful for the dog, so take care of him every day!
She is also short on leg, so I take care not to shave too far up.
The stock is very thinly traded, so take care getting set.
Absolutely is the answer to that question, so take care of your own repair needs and refer over your mother your brother and anybody else you can get your hands on and allow us to do our magic.
However, the few advisors who don't have the potential to cost their clients a lot of money, so take care to watch for signs of unethical behavior and make changes before it's too late.
So take care of business upfront to avoid nightmares on the back end.
Remember that your pension contributions reduce your RRSP room, so take care not to exceed your limit.
So take care when buying.
E-books are usually in both ePub and Mobi formats, but the author can select whether to apply DRM, so take care when pledging or buying a book.
The professional writers are paid for their services so they take care of the data used in writing the term paper for the students.
Updating to a custom ROM can offer you a really new, better experience, but there is also the risk to brick your damage or lose the warranty, so take care what update you choose and how you do it.
That said, larger bumps and midturn potholes (the kind that you find on poorly maintained, twisty mountain roads) can be a bit of an issue for the Nismo Z's super-stiff suspension, so take care when you're really pushing it lest you find the rear end hopping a few inches laterally midcorner.
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