Sentences with phrase «so tenuous»

Because the economy is so tenuous I position my portfolio as conservatively as possible.
I am sympathetic to Judge Straub's dissent but I can't agree that the facts are so tenuous as to fail reasonableness review, not in light of the position taken by the majority in the lines noted above.
The reason is doesn't burn up is because the atmosphere is so tenuous at that height that it can't transfer enough heat to the solid shell of the space station to have any effect on it.
The supposed link between sunspots and global warming is so tenuous and has so many problems in its science, any effect sunspots have on our planet are likely to be very weak:
Birkeland currents are interesting, although they seem to be a possible correction to direct solar irradiance only at the poles and only in the ionosphere, which is already enormously hot — between 1500C and 2500C — but so tenuous that you wouldn't feel heat if you stuck your arm out into the near vacuum of the ionosphere, you'd feel intense cooling as your blood started to boil and ordinary thermometers would radiate heat away faster than they would equilibrate (and hence would read very cold temperatures).
What climategate reveals is a group of scientists pushing a theory so tenuous they wanted to suppress alternative views and not make their data available.
In Wilson's work, clouds and light appear so viscous and so tenuous that they carry self - referential weight.
The Farrelly brothers» grasp of social embarrassment is strong enough that I was able to identify on some level with the Siamese twins — though on a level so tenuous only their sleight of mind made it possible.
Love can feel so tenuous sometimes though, especially if you are unaccustomed to feeling it, especially in the beginning of your relationship, and
Some days I sway, these passions of the heart, so fickle, so tenuous.
Because the gas is so tenuous and not quite hot enough for X-ray telescopes to pick up, nobody had been able to see it before.
Because it is so tenuous, it is best seen with light shining from behind it, when the tiny particles are outlined with light because of the phenomenon of diffraction.
It doesn't help him that his grasp of English is so tenuous.
Financial success in New Orleans is so tenuous for this club.
«Avatars can develop to the point where the connections between identities is so stretched, so tenuous, that the «ping» of broken elastic can be heard in cyberspace, but the connection can be surprisingly strong, with collective refusals to think of avatars as distinct identities.»
It's as if people are not «all in» since they know that the relationship is so tenuous, because they know fragility on which the community is based.
How can the seminaries train men for a work that is so tenuous, and concerning the nature of which such a diversity of opinion exists?
Edward Scribner Ames was more cautious than Mathews about injecting so tenuous a metaphysical notion as «personality - producing activities» into the empirical discussion of religion.
For if this plaint of the air, this tinting of the light, this communication of a soul were so tenuous and so fleeting it was only that they might penetrate the more deeply into my being, might pierce through to that final depth where all the faculties of man are so closely bound together as to become a single point.
Is your faith / religion so tenuous as to be unable to bear the weight of a little inquiry?
As of last week, the Market Climate for stocks was characterized by unusually unfavorable valuations, and market action so tenuous that it is indistinguishable from unfavorable action.
But, he admits, the political situation is so tenuous that's it's impossible to make any steadfast predictions.

Not exact matches

So the public benefits of expanding bitumen production are tenuous.
Indeed human «existence,» so called, is nothing but a tenuous film of shadow - being stretched over the great abyss of nonbeing.
So this is a tenuous alliance, but for the time being it is an alliance.
Not so loosely held, tenuous and humble.
«We are here because one odd group of fishes had a peculiar fin anatomy that could transform into legs for terrestrial creatures; because the earth never froze entirely during an ice age; because a small and tenuous species, arising in Africa a quarter of a million years ago, has managed, so far, to survive by hook and by crook.
So to discover that the bumpy old airfield on a remote bit of moorland a few minutes drive from where I live not only had a motorsport history, but a (tenuous) Formula 1 history?
The player, of course, was Nuno, so the link isn't tenuous.
During my second pregnancy, I was so wound up in that mix of hope and fear and grief and tenuous life that is pregnancy after loss that I didn't tell a soul.
So the belief / evaluation we are sleep obsessed based on poor sales of books on racism is tenuous at best, propagandaist at worst.
Though Rosen's connection is tenuous to the Obama administration, Republicans used the line as a counter punch to the so - called «War on Women» as both parties vie for that voting bloc this year.
So it shouldn't have come as a surprise to anybody, that there might be an issue or two that might be raised, however tenuous
He thinks the future of ocean creatures and right whales is «pretty tenuous,» as much as Herman Melville did when he wondered whether «Leviathan can endure so wide a chase and so remorseless a havoc.»
The team thinks that, at 10 million °C, the gas is too hot and tenuous to fall in readily, so our black hole, which would eat colder meals more easily, can't swallow much of it.
And the recent warm spell in the United States happens to be more than offset by cooling elsewhere in the world, so its link to «global» warming is weaker than tenuous.
Indeed, sometime after the tenuous gas of the Solar nebula began collapsing into the proto - Sun within its host molecular cloud, a strong magnetic field developed that was instrumental in transporting rotational energy away from its core region in bi-polar jets of gas so that centrifugal forces created by the nebula's collapse did not grow so much as to halt continuing gravitational contraction.
I get so sick of people who don't understand chemistry making these tenuous statements.
And so kicks of a global story of double crosses and tenuous allegiances, that hops from Moscow to Budapest, the US, Vienna, London and occasionally back on itself.
This was put together in 1974 as a theatrical release in honor of MGM's 50th anniversary, so it's really well put together and hosted by many of the stars who were there at the time (and some whose connection to MGM is tenuous at best — like Paramount's Bing Crosby).
So it is a fairly long plot description for what is essentially a road movie with the inevitable chainsaw getting revved up by the end but that is what this franchise has become — tenuous and contrived plot points to try and tie in to something that already exists.
Not only are they trying to appeal to the hardcore crowd, but they have a tenuous grasp on how to sound cool in English, and also because it worked so well for Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.
So you can imagine how happy we were to have any tenuous reservations quickly dismissed by one of Leigh's greatest achievements (read our review).
So, the most intriguing findings here are also still somewhat tenuous.
With so many unmanageable and unpredictable variables, whole - school reform will always be tenuous, because it attempts to simply glide by many of the institutional constraints — the variety of programs operating within a school, all with different goals; the requirements of the administrators» and teacher unions» contracts — that make large - scale change so tortuous.
This is noteworthy because so many parents have a tenuous connection to their child's school once they reach middle school and high school.
With such sophisticated technology, the link that Porsche so energetically attempts to draw between the 919 Hybrid's powerplant and that of the 718 Boxster may seem tenuous (one is arranged in a vee while the other is horizontally opposed, for a start), but there are some parallels that stem from the fact that Hitzinger's team work closely with engineers for the production cars.
So many rides on the research proposal it's easy to forget its only the first part of the process, and the most tenuous because if you aren't convincing in your research proposal it may get rejected and you won't get any chance to even attempt it.
We've got no insight into the value of those product platform assets, so our holding in CAPS is tenuous.
With edges that look as friable as leftover slices of wedding cake, the paint shards offer a destabilizing context for these disorienting images, so thoroughly imbued with a tenuous «Through the Looking Glass» spirit themselves.
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