Sentences with phrase «so unknown a quantity»

Not exact matches

Unknown quantity so far.
So as the parliamentary establishment obsesses about Brexit, shifts in public opinion may still follow making British politics an unknown quantity.
In an editorial accompanying the study, Nita Forouhi, a researcher at the epidemiology unit of the University of Cambridge, said that the Chinese study has a number of strengths but that the dietary survey contained only «crudely measured» categories (red meat, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits) so it was unable to take into account other dietary habits that might have impacted the results, and that the quantity and strength of the chili consumed was also unknown.
So while Big Data might still seem like a largely unknown quantity, which some may seek to avoid, those who wish to keep ahead of the curve should act now to harness it to their advantage.
You're telling the consumer that you know they are taking a bit of a risk on a new, unknown quantity, so a price break makes it more appealing.
If you come to a traditional publisher as an unknown quantity without a «platform» (I hate that word so much), or in other words without an audience, from their perspective they're taking a huge risk on you.
The rationale is that an adult shelter dog is an unknown quantity, so buying or adopting a Pit Bull puppy is safer.
Now that I've been through the multiple visits required for my international adoptions, I wonder what it was that I felt so worried over, but I get that the unknown quantity is a big one for many and I know my hindsight is 20/20!
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