Sentences with phrase «so useful training tool»

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But what's worse I think than our being trapped in this adolescent species evolutionary level, is that we got here, to this point as thinking human beings standing upright (most of the time) via an evolutionary path that made it useful to have the brain keep getting bigger and bigger, and more wired and wired, and better wired and better wired, to the point where we humans became so smart that some of us, the brilliant ones, invented things like bows and arrows, carving tools... fast foward to... the model T, trains, planes, ships, nuclear weapons, air conditioners, windows!
Regardless of the size and scope of your new technology implementation, legal technology experts can help you choose the product and train your attorneys and staff to properly use the new tools so that they can actually grow your practice rather than become flustered with useful technology that isn't understood.
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