Sentences with word «soaked»

We have become used to dismissing matters of religion («Oh, it's all rubbish»; «Causes more trouble than it's worth» etc) and we find it easier to sludge along with our culture soaked in TV soap operas and rising crime figures and drunken teenagers hanging around bleak shopping centres shouting at one another on Saturday nights.
Resurrection feels like the wine running down your fingers and into the palm of your hand as you hold up that piece of soaked bread and then you put it on your tongue and push it up against the roof of your mouth, tasting and seeing.
Even when the Great Intelligence confronted him at Trenzalore, he called the Doctor blood - soaked and by the tragic look on the Doctor's face, you know he believes it.
Hopefully, you soaked in every blissful moment of the hope of a Friends reunion yesterday.
You lay in the river of God's love, and then soaked a little more in the hot tub of humanity.
Now, I know the objection, how can this terrible blood - soaked world be the best God can create?
Except for all the American Western born - again Christianity it's thoroughly soaked in.
Some of the specific stimuli of my sober reflections have been the histories of the fiendishly diverse injustices, cruelties, tyrannies and butcheries human beings have inflicted on one another — in particular the long, appalling story of Jewish suffering at the hands of Christian Europe with its insane climax under the Nazis; Camus's searing reflections on our blood - soaked century; accounts of the horrors of plagues and epidemics at whose complete mercy human beings for so long existed; and insights of depth psychology into the character and influence of the unconscious, childhood and repression in our behavior.
Temps in the thirties and forties can be life threatening when you're soaked to the skin.
Or maybe they can recognize the kinds of arguments that do and do not reach people (especially academic types) in our science «soaked culture.
Fifty isn't all that cold unless you're soaked to the skin sitting on a wet sidewalk in the rain.
By the time I got back to the sleeping bag I had stowed under the bridge I was soaked to the skin.
We now see a generation rising that has been soaked in a nihilistic view of sex and an objectified view of sexual partners, even before it hits puberty.
A book is a weighty thing which gathers weight: something to be lived with, handled, smelt, carried around, accidentally torn or soaked, written in, loaned and sometimes even returned.
It is they who suppose that the special «subject» called theology can be put into people by an experiment lasting half an hour; and that this magical inoculation will last them through a week in a world that is soaked through and through with a contrary conception of life.»
Even if the genuine, original blood soaked roman stake was unearthed from golgotha, were we to bow and kiss the thing would be an abomination.
Use your brain before you open your mouth, if you have one that hasn't been soaked beyond all recognition with the importance of political correctness.
Christians certainly aren't quiet in this religion - soaked country.
«The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries.»
Don't think that I am defending godless Communism, but you anoint gonna lullaby me with your humming about how great, free and just this misery we're soaked in is!
In 1984, after Farrah Fawcett played in The Burning Bed, a TV drama that told the true story of a battered wife who ended thirteen years of marital torment by setting fire to the gasoline - soaked bed of her sleeping husband, a number of copy - cat assaults occurred across the nation.
No easy fine, no mere apology or formal expiation, will satisfy the world's demands, but every pound of flesh exacted is soaked with all its blood.
I didn't want just any prayers, but ones soaked in Scripture and ones that stood the test of time.
To Christians, Jerusalem is a giant walk - through reliquary of Jesus» life and death, with every street, every stone, soaked in his aura.
We have been soaked in the Judeo / Christian moral code for 4000 years.
For Underhill the spiritual life was a life «soaked» by a sense of God's reality and claim, where «all we do comes from the centre in which we are anchored in God.»
He begins by drawing in brush and Chinese ink on heavy, handmade paper which has been soaked in persimmon juice.
Have we forgotten that this age of secularism and empiricism has resulted in one of the most blood - soaked centuries in human history?
«Several were injured and had blood pouring from their heads and they were soaked,» Matsuhashi says of survivors who just escaped the waters.
A bag of clothing by her side was gradually getting soaked, and she was shivering with cold.
My pee soaked granny panties are so stiff they can stand in the corner alone.
Our world is soaked in blood as nation rises against nation.
In a scorched land, soaked in the blood of the innocent, it will invariably die.
Or was Elijah playing to the crowd and that wasn't really water that soaked the logs?
Last week a storm blew through, knocked their tent down and soaked all their meager belongings, so they have been in our home since then.
His soaked - to - the - skin companions could only marvel and ask that most important question, «Who is this man, that even the wind and the waves obey him?»
Though you sit at the right hand of God soaked in the purist of light and love you will feel it naught so great will be the sorrow in your heart for your wasted life and the vile hatred you spread.
And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.»
The early morning dew quickly soaked my shoes as I crossed meadows and climbed into the foothills.
(Isaiah 34:7) «And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.»
Now, while we have the time, we must get into the Word, and expend the effort necessary to get to know it and to get our lives well soaked with the Word.
One end was wrapped with rags and strips of cloth which had been soaked in oil.
I sit in the rain - soaked school - drop - off lane with a line full of other, ordinary people in cars.
Rather than demonstrate how their specific call as women and as religious complements all other roles in the Church, they articulated an incoherent ecclesiology soaked in the rhetoric of contention.
There is only one world, only one history, and therefore all history is salvation history, because every moment of the world is related, proximately or distantly, to the crux of history planted in Palestine's blood - soaked soil.
I've soaked up many books aiming new ideas on faith, doubt, and searching for God.
Snowmelt soaked into soil.
«I began to learn to wrestle with homosexuality in community,» he writes, «over many late - night cups of coffee and tear - soaked, face - on - the - floor times of prayer with members of my church.»
In response, a sponge soaked in Poska, the cheap, sour wine which is the staple drink of the Roman legionnaires, is lifted to His lips.
But in this country there is not the sharp black - and - white contrast between Christians and pagans, largely, I believe, because the whole life of the country has been soaked for many centuries in the Christian tradition.
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