Sentences with phrase «soaring stock market»

... we may be on the cusp of a major market opportunity, similar to the 1994 mid-term elections that brought a more prosperous economy and soaring stock market in 1995 and 1996.
This success has translated not just into a ravenous reading public, but also a soaring stock market value.
More corporate cash and a soaring stock market will only make it worse.
Major companies have signaled benefits from the current administration's deregulatory stance and tax cuts — leading to a soaring stock market in 2018.
Scandals at Volkswagen and Wells Fargo, a new pharma villain, a soaring stock market, an exploding smart phone and a billionaire president - elect were among the most talked - about national business stories this year.
To be sure today's soaring stock market will be 5 - years minus 2 months (ie the Ides of March 2014).
While the shakeup of «traditional politics» continues, the only shakeup in the markets seems to have been a reawakening of the «animal spirits», exemplified by a soaring stock market, rising consumer confidence and business investment.
Thanks to the soaring stock market they were able to continue to attract new investor funds despite having much higher fees than passively managed counterparts, such as index ETFs.
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