Sentences with word «sob»

The word "sob" means to cry loudly and noisily, often with tears and a lot of sadness or emotion. Full definition
Beware of sob stories of illness and bad luck that require your urgent financial support.
I don't agree with crying it out, but please someone inform me: Must I just accept hours of sobbing in the end, if I want it to stop?
There's a lot of sob stories from christians on these boards claiming that christianity is «under assault» from atheists.
When Gerwig cheerfully shoos Swanberg out of her apartment so she can change for their not - quite - a-date, then crumples into sobs as soon as he steps out, it's both a powerful, beautifully acted scene and a critical study of what becomes of the noncommittal.
I'm getting all the people with sob stories, who barely make the minimum 3X rent, have past bankruptcies, have unreliable rental history (renting from family, or other «landlords» that seem questionable), people who smoke, illegal immigrants who work under the table and don't have verifiable income, etc. (the list goes on).
I hope everyone's little ones settle in to school life ok and that you parents out there don't sob into your hot - for - once cuppa for too long!
I took the woman back to the bar and returned to my hotel room, and just broke down and sobbed for about three days.
We did spot the cutting boards in Recycline's online store, however, so don't start sobbing on us.
It was the «second» first day of school since she died, but this year, looking at that photo, I just started sobbing uncontrollably because I couldn't share it with my mom.
We just thinks its pointless and self serving for self - righteous Christians who sob over 12 Americans they didn't know but don't care about hundreds of thousands of afghanis, iraqis, and Syrians who are being slaughtered either by us or due to our policies.
I broke down in sobs when I just felt normal because it felt sooo good!
His hand reaches up to his mother, and he starts sobbing in sympathy.
On the contrary, there is only an intergovernmental panel on sobbing at our utter vulnerability in the face of geology.
It is enough to make you curl up on the couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry's while sobbing through reruns of romantic Hugh Grant movies.
I'm not sure if I should be jumping for joy or uncontrollably sobbing because my life is over!
As a matter of fact, I'm here to tell you that it's an excruciatingly long time, and that by the middle of the 10 minutes, you could hear sobbing from the people around us, also seated on the hotel carpeting and gazing into the surprising hellhole of another person's face.
With sobbing child in arms, you might find yourself feeling a little bit surprised and maybe even relieved.
No longer could we accept a beautiful, sobbing mess who made ridiculous decisions, refused to fight back, and survived based entirely on her virtue.
But you're a tough SOB who doesn't back down from anything, right?
My husband sobbed through our vows.
However, the memory of one parent sobbing after telling us, while the other displayed ice cold indifference is seared into my memory as strong as anything else I've experienced.
Always wise to try new repurposing / altering techniques on items you won't sob over if the technique backfires.
Within days, we were hearing sob stories about the pains of fame when banged up at Her -LSB-...]
When you receive messages such as telling sob stories, shortage of travel expenses, you receive a gift, ask you to go to transfer money, receiving money, then don't trust such messages.
It's a beautiful lullaby that will make anyone sob by the end of the movie.
His running mate, Hon. James Faleke earlier in the day was also also found sobbing under one of the canopies erected in the compound of the late politician.
I watched it endlessly (and gave it another workout in - between sobbing with Sinead O'Connor during countless rotations of Nothing Compares 2U) when my first love and I broke up after six years.
As I rushed into the Emergency Center to treat what the ER doc had texted was «a lady with a friggin» big heart attack,» I was surprised to see a nicely dressed woman sobbing quietly, but not in as much distress as I usually encountered in this setting.
«Oh dear, I could always fast forward it to after the war,» E volunteered, and if he was mildly taken aback at the sight of his wife sobbing hysterically into the sofa cushions he did not show it.
Dafoe is a gay FBI agent who struts around the crime scenes in a four - button jacket (though his sexuality is excused because he's a tough SOB who dismisses one lover as a «fag»).
A painter's art is irreplaceable, so it was no surprise that 44 seniors at Pratt Institute were heartsick, many of them left sobbing, when their studios and the paintings they kept there went up in flames in February in a middle - of - the - night fire at the art and design school's historic Main Building in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn.
«There is a power that comes from [sharing an experience of a performance] and it's always fascinated me — laughing with people in the movie theatre at a comedy, stifling sobs at a great drama — it's different to being in your living room either by yourself or with people you love,» says Curry.
I may also have cried about the back deck being laid the wrong way up (no amount of persuasion by the builder that having the grooves in the wood facing upwards was a safety feature staunched my tears, so he agreed to pull them up if I'd please just stop sobbing.)
You'd be forgiven for thinking Spielberg and his screenwriters, Lee Hall and Richard Curtis working from Michael Morpurgo's novel and the Tony - winning Broadway play, were desperate to choke sobs out of their audience from the opening moments.
Plus, I am hoping to sit next to someone as crazy as the desperately sobbing woman who was in the theatre for my showing of New Moon.
He started off trying to lighten the mood by talking about his haircut while fans sobbed all over the arena.
I was a snotty, sobbing wreck for months.
Or the preggo who lies sobbing on her living - room floor because her insurance won't cover home birth.
There is a serious consequence to using harsh discipline with toddlers — as sobbing mothers of «rebellious» teenagers will attest to.
Sometimes it results in uncontrollable sobbing, sometimes it makes me pull back.
If you need me, I'll be mentally volleying between replays of Groot's final moment and Spider - Man's while sobbing under my desk for the remainder of the day.
Despite receiving an avalanche of negativity each time she opens her mouth that would leave most people sobbing gently into their Starbucks.
I went into Wild thinking that I would hate it, and by the end, I had broken down into heaving sobs.
and sign «more» about 500 times in one morning and then sob uncontrollably when I said «no» I had to put them up... I also have a new puppy and she keeps getting one of my crochet projects and running off with it, pulling out stitches and then chewing on it.
I want nothing to do with it, other than having the occasional quiet sob in the shower where I curse my ex for the chaos he wrought on my life and finances.
Brown sobbed throughout the press conference, apologized for creating the note and said he was not directed to do so by any of his managers.
The first time I posted a cry for help on the group, I was literally sobbing because my baby was two days old, and my milk hadn't come in yet.
Committed, long - term, traditional relationships can be a beautiful thing... but I'm sure we all have our own sob stories of heartbreak resulting from relationship drama...

Phrases with «sob»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z