Sentences with phrase «sobering thought»

These are sobering thoughts as our nation celebrates the anniversary of its independence on July 4, 1776.
Mentors are critical in motivating you to consider pursing a legal career, in showing you the ropes once you start you career, in providing you with advice, acting as second, sober thought in making career transition decisions and in helping you make critical contacts and build networks.
Financial advisor Ric Edelman gave Howard Gold at MarketWatch some pretty sobering thoughts on the bond market this past week:
After twenty one years sober I think I know myself and can say, proclaim, and think as I please.
«I've been thinking sobering thoughts about how the unraveling of Lutheranism may have been quite predictable, given the conceptual habit of relegating morals to a «second order» somehow incidental to salvation....
Instead, Russia's team walks away empty handed, and our soul - haunting Olympic mascot is left alone in his own sober thoughts...
The only sobering thought is that we might have to wait another 10 years to see its completion.
There is one sobering thought today, too, from our colleague Eoin Purcell in Dublin, whose new article mentions that there's another side to the joy of things never going out of print... namely that you must compete with absolutely everything, as well.
Sober thought needs to go into balancing the advantages of such things with privacy rights, creating them in a privacy sensitive way, and giving people informed choices.
It's hard to say whether thinking about something, whether individually or in a committee really amounts to an action step, though of course sober thought is an important first step and often better than rushing off in all directions.
That he succeeded in scaring so many Realtors into putting themselves into a position of further liabilty by dropping the SPIS is unfathomable — thanks to thinkers like Stan the issue is resurfacing and second sober thoughts appear to be prevailing.
They of all people should have recognized Him and the truth, yet they didn't, Very sobering thought.
A sobering thought.
«This is a sobering thought for other producers currently sitting on shut - in production capacity and facing a renewed challenge to their market share,» the Paris - based organization added.
That's a sobering thought — for the first time in years, we're trapeze artists without a net.
It is a sobering thought that 99 % of the 5,000 railway companies that once existed in America are no longer around.
It's a sobering thought that Canada has not concluded a single free trade deal with a large economy since the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994.
It's a sobering thought — as surrogate parents, you and I are about as good as Jesus, on balance, is likely to find.
A sobering thought.
It is a sobering thought.
It is a sobering thought that Richard Wilbur, the two - time Pulitzer Prize - winning poet (1957, 1989) who was named poet laureate of the United States in 1987, is now ninety years old.
It's a sobering thought to myself to think of such justice.
In fact, it is a sobering thought that we will be for ever who we have become by the time we die.
A sobering thought to be sure.
It was enough to make any Christian think some long and sober thoughts.
It's a sobering thought.
It's a very sobering thought to wake up one day and discover that you've spent a considerable amount of time misrepresenting the very One who held all power and authority — yet choose to rule by loving rather than «lording».
I was willing to do it if that was God's call for me, but the idea of being alone my whole life was a scary, sobering thought.
As each year passes, I want to spend more and more time outdoors, and the sobering thought that we need to preserve it becomes more and more real.
The sobering thought is that pointswise we are closer to the 3rd relegation spot than to top of the league.
It's sobering thought that any player on Arsenal's books is of immediate value only when fit to perform on the field.
However, as Roma prepare to entertain Barcelona for the return leg in Rome on Tuesday night, it is a sobering thought to reflect that the Catalan side's 4 - 1 win last week came on a night when Barcelona were not even playing especially well.
Ending a marriage starts a cycle that threatens to affect increasing numbers of people over time, a sobering thought in an era when half of all new marriages fail.»
Just thinking of all the things I might need for an infant made my head swim, and imagining how much more challenging this transition would be for women who living in poverty is a sobering thought.
Somehow I get the feeling that a lot fewer people read what we publish than we'd like to think... a sobering thought for any professional communicator.
That's a sobering thought.
It should be a sobering thought to Nick Clegg that many large employers, seeing a pattern of behaviour and multiple complaints, would have started a misconduct process in a similar case.
It is a sobering thought, but it leads us into a world far more curious and marvelous than we could have ever imagined.
A sobering thought.
I ran my theory past McGovern, who left me with a sobering thought: «One goal of the Neolithic beverage maker would be to make a drinkable beverage.»
«Future studies will need to very carefully investigate and access the toxicity of titanium suboxide nanoparticles in the human lung, and this could take years, a sobering thought considering its potential danger,» Hochella said.
This incredible journey, although I would never exchange it for anything, was extremely painful and resulted in my making soul ties with many men I would never have fallen in love with had I given it a moment's sober thought.
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