Sentences with word «sobriquet»

The D.A. was after financial records which he thinks will prove that Frankie Carbo, the old Murder, Inc. hoodlum who enjoys the ominous sobriquet of Mr. Gray in The Industry, has been making a handsome living by picking winners in fights before they start.
«Renaissance man» is an apt sobriquet for Ron Maykel.
Any person who is referred to by such sobriquets as «the Catholic Barth,» «the most cultured man in Europe,» «a modern church father» and «Pope John Paul II's favorite theologian» is certainly someone to be reckoned with on many theological fronts.
Any self - respecting southerner knows that is a boy's handle and a hint: not every story set in the south need be quite peppered with sobriquets.
The debate about whether «trading» is a high - class sobriquet for «gambling» is not a mere parlor game.
We «tart up» dismissive sobriquets for our rivals, we find ways to make sure our critics don't succeed, we justify shutting them out with pious cant.
Residents of Southern states are generally the most religious, underscoring the validity of the «Bible Belt» sobriquet often used to describe this region.
Over the years, others have adapted and added to Hagin's teachings, resulting in a backlash and the derogatory sobriquet «health and wealth».
These, after all, were the Dodgers of Babe Herman, Dazzy Vance and Van Lingle Mungo, players whose eccentricities earned them the merry sobriquet Daffiness Boys.
But de Blasio's scandal - plagued first - term — which put him in the cross hairs of federal investigators, thereby earning him the media sobriquet of «Worst Mayor in America» — all but wiped away his gubernatorial aspirations.
Omoku and Aligwu communities are known because of the unpleasant escapades of the kidnap kingpin whose sobriquet was uttered in fear in the two communities.
Wow — men sure love their sugary sobriquets.
DVD Review by Kam Williams Headline: Lost Souls» Lives Intersect in Serendipitous Erotic Thriller They used to call New York the Naked City, but maybe L.A. deserves that suggestive sobriquet, judging by the goings - on in Powder Blue, an alternately thought - provoking and erotic thriller written and directed by Timothy Linh Bui.
Clowes despised the label «graphic novel,» calling the term a «vulgar marketing sobriquet» (he helpfully supplied alternatives for his relentlessly uningratiating saga, like «narraglyphic picto - assemblage»).
Luckily for him, he is revived by a legendary Spirit Horse (whom he will later repay with the decidedly pedestrian sobriquet «Silver») and a tribe-less and quite possibly deranged Comanche named Tonto (Johnny Depp).
Given the fiscal stakes involved, it is hardly surprising that the conversations have been politically charged and have led to an ongoing battle under the misleading sobriquet «money doesn't matter.»
On a trip to England, she pursues papers that will help to reveal the histories of English and French spies, most of whom used floral sobriquets.
He has a few minor eccentricities: his command of invective, which has earned him the Egyptian sobriquet of Father of Curses, his explosive temper, his autocratic, arbitrary method of dealing with the authorities of the Service des Antiquités, which had led in the past to our being barred from most of the interesting sites in Egypt... Well, but no proud mother could have asked for a better son than mine.
The co-owner of Olliffe Butcher Shop doesn't even mind the Thieves sobriquet («I've embraced it.
Gulgee continued to paint both Pakistani and foreign dignitaries including US presidents Jimmy Carter and George HW Bush, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, King Hussein of Jordan and Farah Pahlavi, Empress of Iran, earning him the tongue - in - cheek sobriquet, «the court painter of Pakistan.»
Its realism is captured in the recurrent sobriquet «the Age of Warming,» which she applies consistently to our time.
A2 is the locals» sobriquet for Ann Arbor, which cleverly avoids connotations and copyright issues.
Our 33rd president had a penchant for saying what was on his mind, earning him the sobriquet «Give»em Hell, Harry!»
Only then will you win the sobriquet disruptive.
In later life he served for three years as acting secretary to the British embassy in Paris, where he much enjoyed literary society and was himself greatly appreciated, earning the sobriquet «le bon David.»
The approach made Brandeis a deadly effective advocate and earned him the sobriquet «the Peoples» Lawyer.»
For similar reasons he was unsympathetic towards the General Strike of 1926 and to Irish Republicanism, particularly when it turned to violence — and so earned the sobriquet of «the Black and Tan Cardinal».
«Barbarians at the gate» may be the sobriquet indelibly associated with the leveraged buy - out fund manager KKR in the wake of its controversial $ US25 billion purchase of RJR Nabisco 25 years ago.
All i can see in ur sobriquet is a «Bolly from Bollywood» not Boheramwood...... U are so full of balderdash and Boo boo
The coach of the Austrian team, Karl Kahr, carries the sobriquet Downhill Charlie, because he has both raced in the event and coached others in it for years.
This seems to be one of the most ludicrous ideas I have ever heard coming out of West Ham, and it has a lot of competition for that sobriquet.
The good news is, being self - described hippies, we're all pretty chill about anyone taking up the sobriquet if they want, because who really needs, like, labels, man?
It was this threatening maverick manner in which he entered the politics of the state and clinched his target that earned him the sobriquet that has defined his political journey till he breathed his last.
While an MEP, her ardent dedication to representing Scotland earned her the sobriquet of Madame Écosse.
«Nigel Lawson used to be known by the sobriquet of «Smuggins»,» Peter Hillmore, Pendennis, The Observer Review, 27 October 1996.
His unlikely rapport with Ian Paisley was utterly genuine, earning them the sobriquet «the Chuckle brothers.»
Hence the sobriquet on one of her London Facebook posts, «he who will be neither tagged nor photographed.»
(My sobriquet.)
His description of Afghanistan as a broken, 13th Century country on the eve of a visit there by him, William Hague and Andrew Mitchell did not go down well - it has also earned him the sobriquet» 13th Century Fox» in Whitehall.
These highly repeated bits of DNA are capable of expressing and inserting new copies of themselves back into the genome — hence the sobriquet «jumping genes.»
This sobriquet was arguably given to him by bodybuilder / writer Rick Wayne but Oliva himself has doubted this claim.
I'm going to honor the great Ian Fraser «Lemmy» (a sobriquet he purportedly earned in school for his rampant requests to fellow students to «lend me» a quid or two) Kilmister by playing Motörhead and Hawkwind as loud as I can.
Though they shelled out nearly $ 50 for the privilege of adjusting their sobriquets, the feature is now being handed out for free - and they weren't offered a refund.
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