Sentences with phrase «sobriquet for»

A2 is the locals» sobriquet for Ann Arbor, which cleverly avoids connotations and copyright issues.
«Renaissance man» is an apt sobriquet for Ron Maykel.
The debate about whether «trading» is a high - class sobriquet for «gambling» is not a mere parlor game.
We «tart up» dismissive sobriquets for our rivals, we find ways to make sure our critics don't succeed, we justify shutting them out with pious cant.

Not exact matches

Our 33rd president had a penchant for saying what was on his mind, earning him the sobriquet «Give»em Hell, Harry!»
In later life he served for three years as acting secretary to the British embassy in Paris, where he much enjoyed literary society and was himself greatly appreciated, earning the sobriquet «le bon David.»
Because their attack is thus directed against the keystone presuppositions of modernism, noncanonicalists have often earned for themselves the deconstructive sobriquet of «post-modernist.»
This seems to be one of the most ludicrous ideas I have ever heard coming out of West Ham, and it has a lot of competition for that sobriquet.
Though they shelled out nearly $ 50 for the privilege of adjusting their sobriquets, the feature is now being handed out for free - and they weren't offered a refund.
Central Bulgaria: Gabrovo - long known for producing leather articles and textiles that earned the town the sobriquet of the Manchester of Bulgaria, Gabrovo is a charmingly laid - back provincial place.
Named Peter Quill — but trying very hard (and with very little success) to adopt the sobriquet «Starlord» — he's now a space bandit, burgling the ruins of a desolate planet for an alien orb.
Clowes despised the label «graphic novel,» calling the term a «vulgar marketing sobriquet» (he helpfully supplied alternatives for his relentlessly uningratiating saga, like «narraglyphic picto - assemblage»).
He has a few minor eccentricities: his command of invective, which has earned him the Egyptian sobriquet of Father of Curses, his explosive temper, his autocratic, arbitrary method of dealing with the authorities of the Service des Antiquités, which had led in the past to our being barred from most of the interesting sites in Egypt... Well, but no proud mother could have asked for a better son than mine.
Pit bulls have not earned the sobriquet of «land sharks» for nothing.
Fischer is, after all, the art world's latest bad boy — a sobriquet that still counts for something among contemporary tastemakers.
You have only to click «play game» on the menu, give the machine a sobriquet (six letters or more), disport your fleet (drag and drop, with right - arrow on the keyboard for turning 90 degrees) and you're off.
Although this first Bill was also in Lord Steel's name (hence the sobriquet «the Steel Bill»), it was the result of an all - party group of both houses — the Campaign for an Effective Second Chamber — concerned to secure immediate and effective reform of the upper house.
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