Sentences with phrase «social abilities become»

Disparities in children's cognitive and social abilities become evident well before they enter Head Start or PreKindergarten programs at age four.

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The site became an effective social networking tool for youth, and users liked the ability to personalize the shape and colour of their profile.
Praised for its sleek design and its ability to easily share music on social media, it has become enormously popular with musicians, who often use it to reward fans with brand - new and exclusive material.
A sense of humor, an ability to read social cues, a willingness to become «one of the boys or girls» (provided you know where to stop)-- these are what small communities value in their pastors.
When did someone's worth to the Church and the Kingdom become based off their ability to navigate the murky waters of social media?
The ability of teachers to resist external social class demands is greatly enhanced by their own success in becoming professionally competent and organized along professional lines.
And as soon as identity is understood as sexual rather than social, oppression becomes a psychological category, truth can be supplanted by taste, and political power becomes to a large extent the ability to manipulate aesthetics.
As our own hominin lineage became both more social and more exploratory, the ability to see red would have provided a particularly useful advantage.
Mavis might say some pretty nasty things (and that could prove to be a stumbling block for Academy voters), but it's Theron's ability to walk that fine line without becoming a complete social monster that makes her performance so impressive.
Educational administrators interested in improving teaching at their school sites must know that teachers can not become proficient, let alone distinguished, if their students lack abilities in communication, meta - cognition, resilient mindset, responsible character, and social - emotional learning.
In - depth interviews with students who became engaged in social and environmental causes in middle and high school showed that each was motivated to serve the greater good through an ability to empathize with individuals and feel compassion for victimized, oppressed, and marginalized groups.
Humans Possess a Particular Set of Skills that Make Them Far Superior to Robots Business Insider, 8/18/15 «A new study by David Deming at the Harvard Graduate School of Education shows that social skills are becoming increasingly important to employers and that the interpersonal abilities of workers are going to stave off robotic replacement.»
«Children from high - income backgrounds who show signs of low academic ability at age five, are 35 % more likely to become high earners than their poorer peers who show early signs of high ability,» Ms Greening told a Social Mobility Commission event.
She said not only was selection at 11 «wrong in principle», but that those areas which still had grammar schools were now «dominated by private tuition», and had become a «bastion for those who have the financial and social ability to get that tuition».
Online gaming is a great environment for the gambling industry as it provides consumers with the ability to play in a social, fun way and has become a multi-billion dollar business.
Users are able to play against their friends or family via the social network with the ability to «share» the result, leading to this becoming a more attractive approach to gaming.
During times of stress, the animal becomes more aware of itself than of others, intraspecific aggression is increased, immunity and health decrease, restlessness is increased, cooperation decreases, thresholds and the ability to inhibit behavior decrease, social bonds are weakened, and tolerance of irritants is decreased.
Very young pets lack the social ability to read your older pet's irritation, as well as the reflexes to escape if the situation becomes tense.
See, as my travel blog and social medial channels gained popularity and readership, I became a hot commodity as a freelance writer for my ability to promote the freelance articles I wrote through my site and social channels.
I love how the industry has become a lot more connected with sharing abilities and social media integration, but with that network technology has introduced troubled things like the day one patch and always online connectivity.
Inspired by this article on Lifehacker, one of my Twitter buddies proclaimed «Goodbye July ``: he's signing off of Twitter and Facebook for a month, in an effort to revitalize his creativity and reclaim his ability to focus, saying «social media has warped my attention span to the point where it has become harder for me to read longer pieces of writing.»
Because most personal injury cases involve discussions about the injured person's ability to enjoy life and engage in social activity, one's Facebook page arguably becomes relevant.
They indicate that this strategy has only become possible because of information sharing ability through the Internet and social media which allow for plaintiffs to compare tactics and assist in pleadings, and that mass fillings could become a trend.
As we transit even more in the years to come, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) evolves further within legal provision and service and Singularity edges even closer, «humanisation», that is, our ability to simply be human - a social creature — and naked (our authentic self with Lawyerly Intellectual Capital and empathy), will become even more important and valuable.
Being a successful job seeker in the social era is as much about online visibility, network value and the ability to identify employment opportunities before they ever becomes job adverts others can apply for.
At the very least, Frederic warns, social media becomes a distraction from our relationship and can dampen our ability to see the positives in our spouse and in our marriage.
As I finished reading this chapter in the book, the hair stood up on my neck with recognition of how impoverished my own ability to express social obligations had become.
During this phase, children become more mobile, increase their explorations of the world, initiate more social interactions, and develop more extensive and sophisticated linguistic and cognitive abilities.
Judy Center programs foster young children's physical, social, linguistic and cognitive abilities — skills that help children become accomplished learners and students.
Children become anxious and insecure in social settings, which impact their long term ability to adjust and adapt to their environment and experience.
The political environment has become acrimonious at all levels — global, national, state, local — and affects investment decisions (including business and household location decisions) with issues ranging from the perceived ability of governments to function to taxation to social issues.
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