Sentences with phrase «social approach kinds»

«The floral odors can make you happy; floral odors promote social interaction, social approach kinds of behaviors,» said Jeannette Haviland - Jones, of Rutgers University.

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The professional - networking giant just rolled out its overhauled standalone «social sales» offering, which it's couching as a kinder, gentler approach to sales.
More than half of the book includes essential, everyday know - how for people seeking to adopt and maintain this kind of lifestyle (what Heather calls the YU approach), including sections on nutrition basics, organizing your kitchen, healthy cookware, food shopping and storage, and how to handle social situations and prep for this lifestyle emotionally.
Of their no - website, no - phone, no - social - media approach to owning a restaurant, Walker says that «it felt like an experiment: Could we do this whole thing without advertising, without putting the word out in any formal kind of way?»
In taking such a personal approach to social media, Trump is a fundamentally different KIND of internet - age candidate than a Barack Obama or a Bernie Sanders.
«Typically, the type of social support you get is the kind you ask for and allow, and there is no «one size fits all» approach,» Igarashi said.
People like nurses, and social workers and other health care providers, and kind of a team based approach.
How can adults — parents, educators, software designers, social media entrepreneurs — fortify the more discerning approach and safeguard teens against making the kinds of negative social comparisons that compromise their wellbeing?
On the Ed Next blog, Mike Petrilli writes about some of the approaches education reformers should consider embracing if we want to give less affluent kids a better shot at moving up: 1) working harder to identify talented children from low - income (and middle - income) communities and then providing the challenge and support to launch them into the New Elite via top - tier universities, and / or 2) being more realistic about the kind of social mobility we hope to spur as education reformers.
But Dr David Green, director of think tank Civitas, told the BBC: «This approach is, to my mind, a kind of social engineering based on animosity to middle - class parents.
In some cases, participants wanted to approach the wiki as a source of information, not collaboration — or wanted the wiki to mediate more traditional, less collaborative kinds of social interactions among teachers, such as sharing lesson ideas or classroom anecdotes (as in Bush, 2000; Dressman, 2000; Stock, 2001).
There are social media campaigns to wage, local media angles to pursue, organizations to approach, and all kinds of out - of - the - box gambits you can dream up.
If you're not the kind of person who gets jazzed by writing a press release and jumping from one social media account to the next to promote your book, then this might be a more sane, reasonable approach for your book marketing plan.
They represented several generations of Chicago - based artists who apply activist intentions, conceptual strategies, and experimental artistic approaches to complex social issues; they epitomize a larger «critical mass» of peers who have sustained and invigorated this kind of critical art practice in Chicago.
Through this introspective yet performance - oriented approach, Linwood often depicts scenes of everyday life, deploying cross-referencing techniques to investigate different kinds of narrative while highlighting the effects of time and politics upon artifacts, social practices and human bodies.
Is there any kind of media that affects the way you approach your work (i.e. film, TV, radio, social networking, print)?
The Unitarian Church actually approached me and said they want to do a fundraiser for me and we actually work out of a co-working space that's designed for non-profits and social enterprises and so the director of that space is actually a good friend of mine and she's done a lot of non-profit fundraising and non-profit development kind of stuff in the past and she's helping us put a lot of it together so we don't actually... It's been great.
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