Sentences with phrase «social attachments»

Dogs were the perfect species for the study of social attachment, but no one got it.
It is really important that a puppy experience human touch from birth to promote a human / canine attachment and encourage the puppy's ability to develop social attachments with people as it grows.
It is really important that a puppy experience human touch from birth to promote a human / canine attachment and encourage the puppy's ability to develop social attachments with others as it grows.
By recognizing the critical time frame in which canine socialization develops, you can help to ensure a healthy social attachment to people and other animals, including other dogs.
There is a sensitive period in the development of most species when they develop social attachments with their own kind and other species.
Schaffer, H. R., & Emerson, P. E. (1964) The development of social attachments in infancy.
With these fellows it's often unclear if they are surrendered by their previous owners because of this problem or if these dogs are more prone to it because of their history of being surrendered which causes a great deal of instability and a strong need to form strong social attachments with their new owners (even to the point of the attachment being dysfunctional).
As well as being connected to pleasure and happiness, oxytocin can also promote social attachment, lowering our defences and increasing trust [1].
Some scientists believe oxytocin works in tandem with the body's natural opiates, with oxytocin triggering the drive for social attachment and the opioids supplying the warm, fuzzy feeling of being in the company of loved ones.
«Not many rodents form long - term social attachments and not many rodents like to drink alcohol,» says Ryabnin.
Such evidence that social attachments alter the brain's response to drugs may spur new ideas for addiction treatment.
It had a unique lab run by someone I found totally fascinating: John Paul Scott, a biologist in the psychology department who had done more work than anyone else on social attachments in dogs.
Activation of μ - opioid receptors in the dorsal striatum is necessary for adult social attachment in monogamous prairie voles.
The research conducted by the St. Petersburg - USA Orphanage Research Team found that children reared in orphanages consistently suffer social attachment issues.
The central nervous system oxytocin systems are critically involved in mediating social attachment and buffering psychophysiological responses to stress.
The critical period plays an important role in the concept of imprinting, first used by Konrad Lorenz in connection with the earliest process of social attachment in young animals.
Signs of psychic trouble include being excessively introverted and lacking strong social attachments.
They raise earnings and promote social attachment
The development of social attachments in infancy.
The link between stress response and social attachment is at the heart of Taylor's idea of the tending instinct.
«The oxytocin story has come on like gangbusters, and it's certainly a big - ticket item,» says Jaak Panksepp, a neuroscientist at Bowling Green State University in Ohio whose laboratory began working on opioids and social attachment in the 1970s.
How could you test the idea that social attachment is related to chemical addiction?
Now a group reports that children who started life as neglected orphans show long - term deficiencies in hormones related to social attachment.
To test this hypothesis, an international team led by evolutionary biologist Gregory Wray of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, focused on the gene that codes for the protein prodynorphin (PDYN), a precursor to a number of endorphins, opiatelike molecules involved in learning, the experience of pain, and social attachment and bonding.
He was significantly delayed in his schooling and social attachments.
Intense feelings are discharged when they are expressed safely through creative media and complete acceptance of and attunement with the client's process releases opiods, dopamine and oxytocin, naturally reducing stress levels, calming fears or anger, increasing trust and social attachment and increasing readiness for change.
Prefrontal activation associated with social attachment: Facial - emotion recognition in mothers and infants
Forty years of primate research has firmly established that early disruption of the social attachment bond reduces the long term capacity to cope with subsequent social disruptions and to modulate physiological arousal.
Feeding, sleeping and locomotion are all necessary for survival, but humans are, as Baruch Spinoza famously noted, «a social animal» and it is our social attachments that we live for.
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