Sentences with phrase «social balance»

Dees is clear and direct in her portrayal of life under Jim Crow, when segregation laws premised on the laughable concept of «separate but equal» ensured that black Americans would not have just second - class status, but would be in constant fear of their lives lest they upset — intentionally or otherwise — the racially charged social balance designed to keep them subservient.
(I don't think I buy that, and the consequences of its criminality are worse than those of smoking it, in my view, but that's the current law and thus social balance.)
Subordinating the political to the natural is understood by Freeden as «subordinating those political projects which threaten dominant theories of social balance to those which sustain them.»
But many Mediterranean intellectuals nonetheless feared that Christianity would endanger the aesthetic amenities and social balances that had been assured by Roman religion, and it is as though the entire Christian world collectively decided to meet its adversaries on their own ground.
Then, in projects where the ratio has become unbalanced, some minority families must be replaced with white families, gradually changing the social balance in one part of the project at a time.
I think there was a time when it probably did reflect the social balance which was very much that way, that people who ran things, who tend to be on the Today programme, were men.
Upsetting the social balance, this turn of events makes the film's atmosphere significantly less stifling and is a satisfying hypocrisy - check for the largely unsympathetic Shayne.
The report, The Barriers to Choice in Public Services, looked at «whether inward - looking admissions criteria, for example by faith and super-selective schools, ought to be balanced by a broad duty to promote a social balance inside the school».
Carved into the mountains over 2000 years ago and passed down from generation to generation, the rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras are a marvel of sacred traditions, social balance and beauty.
Says Cox of his interactive sculptures and installations, «I believe that architecture plays a very significant role in social balance or unrest.
Investigations into the social balance of high - grossing lots at Sotheby's and the split along these lines in terms of representation at top galleries revealed similarly shocking figures.
Maintain a social balance.
Maintain a social balance on your website and social media channels by including a mix of community happenings / events, local news, company updates, market news, household tips, and listings.
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