Sentences with phrase «social cognition models»

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The findings offer needed information in several arenas, Buckner said, including evidence that ravens could serve as animal models in research involving social cognition.
There's more to these findings than just lofty philosophical quandaries, though: If ravens really do possess a level of social cognition comparable to humans and other large primates, the birds might serve as better animal models to study this kind of behavior in the lab — which could help scientists understand why some humans are better at this kind of inference than others, and why some individuals can't manage it at all.
Many of our current projects examine the fundamental dimensions of social cognition — warmth and competence — based on the Stereotype Content Model (SCM).
This manualized CBT45 included a session introducing the treatment model, three 4 - session modules emphasizing different CBT components (activities / social skills, cognition, and communication / problem - solving), and a final session emphasizing relapse prevention and follow - up care.
Hypothetical topographic model of amygdala subregions and their affiliated large - scale networks subserving social cognition.
Using a similar logic, we first tested our hypothetical topographic model of the functional - anatomic organization of brain networks subserving social cognition (Fig. 1).
According to the I - Change Model, smoking intention and behavior can be predicted from a set of motivation factors or cognitions, i.e. attitude, perceived social influences and self - efficacy expectations.
Fischer and colleagues [21] proposed a theoretical framework that extends socio - cognitive models of learning [22] and the more recent General Learning Model [23], and explains elevated levels of risk taking in relation to media exposure not only through priming effects of risk - positive cognitions and emotions, but also through changes in the self - concept, due to (1) situational cues in the media that risk taking is rewarding instead of potentially dangerous, (2) through habitation processes and changes in risk - related social norms, and (3) through identification processes that are stronger in active vs. passive media consumption.
Research in social cognition shows that the models themselves can affect how a student learns.
Special consideration is given to the following topics: models of individual - society relationships; social cognition and attribution processes; social influence processes; prosocial and altruistic behavior; and antisocial behavior (models of human violence and social - cultural determinants of prejudice).
An integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing.
One of the distinctive attributes of human social cognition is our tendency to build models of other minds, which helps us make inferences about the mental states of others.
We tested three models according to the categories of variables: Model 1 included the cognition variables negative interpretations, self - focused attention, and self - evaluation of performance; Model 2 included social competence variables, with independent observer evaluations of nervousness and social skill and social problems reported by teachers; Model 3 included the temperament variables of neuroticism, extraversion, and behavioral inhibition reported by parents and social withdrawal reported by teachers.
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