Sentences with phrase «social cognitive theory»

In fact his theory of self - efficacy, part of social cognitive theory, is fundamental to positive psychology and continues to shape thinking in the field.
Adults with severe obesity (n = 137) entered a 26 - week exercise - support and nutrition - education treatment based on social cognitive theory.
Self - efficacy and leadership effectiveness: Applying social cognitive theory to leadership.
Construct validity was investigated by comparing the five factors adopted as a result of the exploratory factor analysis with the elements of social cognitive theory used in the hypothetical framework, that is, environment and individual factors.
Throughout his career he has made significant contributions to all branches of psychology including social cognitive theory, reciprocal determinism and the famous «Bobo Doll Experiments».
In «Example - Based Learning: Integrating Cognitive and Social Cognitive Research Perspective,» the authors identify several areas that social cognitive theories support:
The Health Belief Model guided the formative research and supported information delivery, while Social Cognitive Theory was predominately used in shaping the intervention and in facilitating understanding of the potential interaction between overestimation of new parents capacity to cope and underestimation of potential problems.
It may be that activity monitors by definition provide behavioral tools that are suggested by Social Cognitive Theory, such as regular, instant, and precise feedback.
The idea that seeing smoking modeled on screen would influence adolescent behavior4, 5 is consistent with the theoretical basis of our work.21 Social cognitive theory predicts that adolescents are responsive to smoking depicted by persons with star status.
Numerous theories were applied to the design of the after school - school interventions in the studies, most commonly social cognitive theory (n = 23) and self - determination theory (n = 4).
Development and psychometric validation of social cognitive theory scales in an oral health context
In addition to its influence on motivation and achievement, social cognitive theory posits that self - efficacy affects the level of stress and anxiety that people experience when confronted with a challenging task or situation.
Pretest to 30 - day follow - up analyses indicated significant treatment effects on parent - reported discipline style (Parenting Scale, Adolescent version), child behavior (Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory), and on social cognitive theory constructs of intentions and self - efficacy.
The theoretical framework for the two active interventions was based on social cognitive theory and incorporated behavioral self - management approaches designed to help participants set weight - related goals, self - monitor weight and weight - related behaviors (exercise and reduced calorie intake), increase self - efficacy and social support, and solve problems.
Applying Social Cognitive Theory to predict hazing perpetration in university athletics.
Theories developed and tested within general adolescent HIV prevention interventions include social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1977), the theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1973), and the social — personal framework (Donenberg & Pao, 2005).
Use of Social Cognitive Theory to Assess Salient Clinical Research in Chronic Disease Self - Management for Older Adults: An Integrative Review
Social foundation of thought and action: a social cognitive theory.
«We based this on Social Cognitive Theory, trying to change the food environment in the home,» said Holben.
Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986), the Health Belief Model (Strecher and Rosenstock, 1997) and Gender theory (Connell and Messerschmidt, 2005) were used to inform the development and implementation of the perinatal education and support program.
Both the Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive Theory were used to provide a theoretical foundation and process support for the design of the intervention material.
The focus group questions were based on relevant components of two theoretical models: Social Cognitive Theory and the Health Belief Model [37, 38].
The second process of analysis used the element of Social Cognitive Theory and the Health Belief Model as an analytical framework from which identified themes were considered.
Boudet, who was herself a Girl Scout as a child, explained the GLEE program uses principles of social cognitive theory to teach energy - saving behavior.
The scientists even say that it is the social cognitive theory that brings about the difference and the potential of better terms with related nations also becomes a possibility.
We learn by seeing and observing models, as psychologists have shown; the fancy scientific term is «social cognitive theory
Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) demonstrates that children can learn by observing and modeling the behaviors of others.
The secondary measures were variables from the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Cognitive Theory, including knowledge, beliefs, norms, intentions and self - efficacy regarding abstinence and condom use.
Draw the Line / Respect the Line is based on several social psychological theories, particularly Social Inoculation Theory and Social Cognitive Theory.
Hypothesized relationships between the environment, individual factors, and decreased age at smoking initiation, based on Bandura's social cognitive theory.
In this study, we considered the hypothesized relationships between factors in terms of Bandura's social cognitive theory, which integrates a range of factors that affect health behavior and behavioral changes [14], and may explain smoking behavior among adolescents.
ii) Assessment of construct validity: A comparative investigation of environment and individual factors, which are constituent elements of the social cognitive theory used in the extraction of questionnaire items, was carried out using exploratory factor analysis.
We utilized the main concepts of social cognitive theory and devised a hypothesis of the relationships between the environment, individual factors, and early smoking initiation based on the interactions between these factors (Figure 1).
Physical aggression In support of social cognitive theory, numerous experiments show that children will imitate violent behaviors they see on television, particularly if the violence is rewarded.
Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice Hall.
is based on Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Development Theory, all of which have been used in other evidence - based prevention programs.
Self - regulation, self - efficacy, outcome expectations, and social support: Social cognitive theory and nutrition behavior.
Using social cognitive theory to predict physical activity and fitness in underserved middle school children.
Using social cognitive theory to predict physical activity in inner - city African American school children.
However, measures were based on adolescent perceptions and reports, and that is why in most social cognitive models these perceptions are regarded within the concept of social influences, such as in the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) and Social Cognitive Theories (Bandura et al., 1977).
Coaches use techniques grounded in social cognitive theory, cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness, which have been shown to produce significant positive behavior change, particularly with weight loss and maintenance.
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