Sentences with phrase «social conservatives who»

It is social conservatives who have opposed gay equality, but there are conservative arguments for gay equality that do answer their objections.
The GOP is really made up of two main groups, the social conservatives who love Palin and the fiscal conservatives who don't.
These politicians are up against social conservatives who believe in marriage and the church, economic conservatives who believe in the market and social democrats who want to give power to the state.
Populist and social conservatives who are frustrated with today's Republican establishment face a similar challenge.
Romney has struggled to win over many social conservatives who felt that his past positions on social issues were too liberal and many evangelicals who raised theological concerns over Romney's membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints.
All those nativists who don't want upfront amnesty — all those social conservatives who still care about their principles — all those working - class moderates who don't mindlessly defer to the preferences and priorities of «hardheaded» Republican donors... they didn't go away and die.
He was a social conservative who didn't like welfare?
A social conservative who despised Barry Goldwater (the major precursor to Ronald Reagan).
I'm a social conservative who thinks there are moral truths we need to promote simply because they're true.
«He is a strong fiscal and social conservative who stands on principles above politics,» Angle said in the release.
According to the poll, 53 % of all voters statewide support a successful conservative businessman and social conservative who has brought jobs to New York like Myers Mermel to be their next governor.
Fieler, a prominent social conservative who has spent big in the past to fight gay marriage, said he has directed his organization to spend $ 500,000 organizing the Common Core opposition and connecting it to his think tank's long - standing drive for school choice.

Not exact matches

«Rand is one of the only people who can speak to libertarians, social conservatives, as well as your average mainstream Republican voter.»
His remarks appeared aimed at the FDP and the Social Democrats (SPD), who on Monday ruled out renewing their «grand coalition» with the conservatives.
«Elimination of caucuses and conventions would mean nuclear war with the grassroots, social conservatives, the Ron Paul movement and Tea Party Republicans,» said John Tate, a senior Paul advisor who now runs the Campaign For Liberty, a libertarian grassroots lobbying group.
The centre - left Social Democrats (SPD), Merkel's current coalition partners who were the second - biggest party in the election, have ruled out a repeat of an alliance with her conservatives, who won the vote but were left with fewer seats.
After two elections backing social - conservative candidates who could afford little more than gas money, Christian leaders have long been eager to back a horse with the money to win.
After running for the Alliance leadership as the moderate who would preserve the party from the moral crusaders clustered around Stockwell Day, Harper reached out to social conservatives and took a tough stance against gay marriage.
Will McMartin, a long - time political consultant and commentator who has been affiliated with the Social Credit and BC Conservative parties, is a contributing editor at The Pacific Political Report.
In the recorded phone message, Mr. Anders described Mr. Nau as «a good guy» and a «good solid social conservative» who did two tours in Iraq with the United States military.
Over the course of the debate, she proved herself to be the only opposition MLA who has been able to throw Mr. Prentice off balance and exposed a huge rift between moderates and social conservatives in the PC caucus.
Speaking to CBC, Little Bow MLA Ian Donovan, who crossed the floor from the Wildrose to the Progressive Conservatives this week, told host Mark Connolly that the PCs are now more social conservative than the Wildrose.
Because of his track - record as a social conservative and Wildrose supporter, Mr. Kenney might not find a great deal of support among existing PC Party members, including the 1,001 who attended the party's annual general meeting earlier this year.
Wildrosers had a history of refusing to moderate, but Kenney learned political leadership at the feet of fellow social conservative Stephen Harper, who excelled at letting certain elements hijack the party agenda for strategic advantage.
growth test,» while social conservative groups pushed lawmakers to restore a tax credit for families who adopt children.
The president of the Club for Growth, an influential group promoting tax cuts, issued a statement Tuesday saying parts of the House bill «fails the pro-growth test,» while social conservative groups pushed lawmakers to restore a tax credit for families who adopt children.
Josh Barro wrote that «Social conservatives are more likely to signal openness to pro-middle class economic policies than the «hardheaded business types» who fund the party.: I think there is some truth to that, and I think that Barro's next observation is interesting and....
If you really believe there's a god in charge, social conservatives, then let him deal with women who abort their babies.
Josh Barro wrote that «Social conservatives are more likely to signal openness to pro-middle class economic policies than the «hardheaded business types» who fund the party.: I think there is some truth to that, and I think that Barro's next observation is interesting and also has some truth:
«A study in the United States, published in the Social Forces journal and conducted by Sociology researcher Lisa A. Keister while she was at the Ohio State University, found that adherents of Judaism attained the most wealth, believers of Catholicism and mainline Protestants were in the middle, while conservative Protestants accu - mulated the least wealth, while in general people who attend religious services achieved more wealth than those who do not (taking into account variations of education and other factors).
Social and religious conservatives face a double task: arguing a minority outlook plus overcoming those who try to embarrass us for even having that outlook.
This helps explain why governors who are social conservatives» and have signed such bills into law» enjoy such high approval ratings.
Right wing conservative types have a Jesus who is against gay marraige, is anti-abortion, thinks there should be prayer in school, and teaches the prosperity stuff and so on... Left wing liberal Christians quote the verses about giving up possessions, feeding and clothing the poor... inner city Christians often have a Jesus who is about social justice... we were made in His image?
Where Wright is a liberal mainline Protestant, emphasizing liberation and social action, Obama's new circle of pastors includes theologically conservative evangelicals like Hunter and Jakes, who stress God's grace and personal transformation.
His stance can be a little too conservative for my taste (mostly on social issues) but he is articulate and has some well thought out plans, not to mention he is pretty moderate and I think in this day and age we need a centrist, someone who isn't afraid to work with both sides of the aisle instead of just playing party politics and only pandering to one half of the country.
I'm a Kingdom of God focused woman, postmodern, liberal to the conservative and conservative to the liberal in matters of both religion and politics (not an easy task, I assure you), a social justice wanna - be trying to do some good, and a nondenominational charismatic recovering know - it - all who has unexpectedly fallen back in love with the Church.
As for the Church's social justice views — Allen mentions conservative criticism of Caritas in Veritate (while overlooking the many conservatives who applauded it)-- I wrote two separate columns for the Times of London online a) praising the essentials of that specific encyclical, and Benedict's economic and social justice teachings in general; and b) saluting Archbishop Oscar Romero, who I believe will one day be declared a saint, precisely as a champion of Catholic social justice.
In the end, it hasn't been the GOP's most strident culture warriors or shameless religious panderers who have finally endeared themselves to Iowa's social conservative caucus - goers, or who give my generation reason to take a second look at conservative candidates in spite of our flight from the GOP.
The conservative and largely evangelical Family Research Council said in an email to supporters Tuesday night that Santorum's announcement «was clearly disappointing news for those looking for a nominee who understands and articulates the connection between the social and fiscal challenges facing America.»
There were plenty of Tea Party rock stars who spoke at the event including Christine O'Donnell, who may have some explaining to do to social conservatives after comments about her dabbling in witchcraft surfaced over the weekend.
Then there is the sadness of black Americans who, according to the polls, are social and moral conservatives, also on the question of abortion, but who have an abortion rate several times that of the general population.
It is too bad for the rest of us as he seems to be the only potential candidate with the chance to form a nominating coalition from social conservative and somewhat conservative voters — and he would be our best chance to get a Republican nominee who is not in the orbit of the lobbying industry.
Ryan, a Catholic who chairs the House Budget Committee, is better known for his outspoken fiscal conservatism than for leading on conservative Catholic social causes like opposing abortion and gay marriage.
Fact: Americans who identify with the Tea Party movement are mostly social conservatives, not libertarians on social issues.
This conflict has emerged between the liberal and militant activist pastors and denominational leaders, on the one hand, and a large body of more conservative laymen, on the other hand, who think the church should stick to spiritual matters and stop meddling in politics and «social» issues.
Pope Benedict XVI, who announced his resignation Monday after eight years as head of the Roman Catholic Church, will leave a legacy of strong theology, cooperation with evangelicals and a hardline conservative stance on social issues, evangelical leaders and observers say.
He is immensely likeable, has a lengthy record as a political executive, a preexisting base among social conservatives, and an unaffected manner in talking about people who are struggling to get by.
The rhetoric promotes diversity and is especially attractive to conservative Christians and African Americans who feel their social programs have suffered from discrimination.
The NCBCPS's list of advisers reads like a Who's Who list of religious, social and political conservatives.
Who is the Social Conservative party now?
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