Sentences with phrase «social cultural life»

Art, culture and crafting are well developed regarding to social cultural life and religion.

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Since work wouldn't hold the same social currency or cultural importance as today, intrinsic motivations and labors of love might become the benchmark of a life well spent.
That's no longer the case, as social movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo have thrust the power dynamics that she highlights in her own New York City classroom onto a cultural main stage, and made her work more accessible and understandable.
In an age when live mass cultural events are rare, a harmless mistake makes for great television and social media gold.
«Even though extant research has identified numerous predictors of people's happiness and well being, most of these factors represent relatively stable aspects of an individual's life, such as the cultural environment in which one is raised or resides and demographics such as age, education, social class, marital status, and religion,» write the researchers.
In this article, the style of social interaction known as hygge is analyzed as being related to cultural values that idealize the notion of «inner space» and to other egalitarian norms of everyday life in Scandinavian societies.
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The eight criteria of a «mature faith» include these: «Holds life - affirming values, including commitment to racial and gender equality, affirmation of cultural and religious diversity, and a personal sense of responsibility for the welfare of others,» and «Advocates social and global change to bring about greater social justice.»
Such cultural pluralism is consistent with the requirements of human nature for a determinate social matrix, and it provides for continued enrichment of the life of mankind through a variety of contrasting traditions.
The only impediment to Christian mission in China is the state: the Chinese communist regime's determination to control all aspects of social and cultural life.
When a nation opts for TV not just the technology but all the cultural and social life that nurtures it also comes with it.
It is also characterized by a lack of participation in decision - making and in civil, social and cultural life.
We will provide leadership toward responsible involvement in public life by identifying and responding to the dominant cultural ideas that destroy a just and good social order.
«Moore provides a primer on how our commitments to Christ and his kingdom (as opposed to our political, social, and cultural agendas) should shape not only how we live our lives, but also what our lives should say to a watching, listening world.
... The consequences, positive or negative, of decisions of a principally cultural or political nature in relation to the family touch upon the various areas of the life of a society and a country» (Pope Francis, Message to participants in the 47th Social Week for Italian Catholics, 13 September 2013).
Cultural attitudes that reject the gift of life lead very easily to social acceptance of abortion, of no - fault divorce, and of fatherless families.
Failure to understand this shows a provincial mentality which has not yet grasped that we are living in a period of world history when no country can any longer be self - sufficient whether in the economic, cultural, scientific or social spheres.
It will persistently disclose congregations» faithlessness to who they themselves say they are, and the scandal of the roles they actually play in North American social and cultural life.
The ministry, or in concrete terms the clergy, has often too easily the impression, not merely that the Church has to proclaim what are certainly correct principles of social, cultural and political life, but that by that very fact it possesses, for everything of the slightest importance?
We only presuppose it to be that form of society which grants its members the greatest possible freedom and participation in its life and decisions, in accordance with their intellectual, cultural and social condition.
The character of this suffering moves theological attention to the social systems that shape our lives — economic, political, cultural — as well as to public events themselves (the Holocaust, programs and policies of economic austerity, military intervention, terrorism, ethnic nationalist expression, struggles for survival and freedom).
Traditional India had been a land in which peoples and communal groups who followed different religions, lived according to different cultural values and social patterns and spoke different languages, coexisted.
The «communal tensions» between the groups were «of major importance in the life of the nation,» Herberg added, suggesting that they began non-divisive discussions about the limits of American democracy and allowed all 96 percent of Americans who identified as Protestant, Catholic, or Jew to have some social, political, and cultural recognition in America.
Such a commitment places Volf at odds with two formidable rivals in the contemporary world: (a) those ecclesial traditions (Roman Catholic and Orthodox) that insist that the «constitutive presence of Christ is given only with the presence of the bishop standing in communjo with all bishops in time and space» and (b) those postmodern cultural and social standards that are grounded in individualistic and consumer - driven life styles and that simultaneously relegate all religious experience to the nether regions of the privatized soul.
When my wife and I moved to Pasadena, California, we joined a group of well - educated couples who were meeting in a local Baptist church on Sunday mornings for a freewheeling discussion of life, social issues and various cultural challenges to the Christian faith.
The theory of the identity of religion with the sum total of man's cultural and social life does not do justice to its peculiar nature.
Pentecostalism, according to Freston, is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that has fundamental repercussions in the social and cultural life of Latin American peoples.
And that torrent — combined with social change that has shifted cultural values and technological advances that have given movies access to our living rooms — has raised, once again, questions about censorship and freedom.
Finally, Noll's fascinating conclusion that Protestant colonists were most apt to apply biblical teaching to public life when they had an anxious relationship with the wider social order seems to imply a fundamental and revealing link between biblical hermeneutics and cultural anxiety.
[7] Many theological students, especially women, African Americans, and Hispanics, regularly and vigorously object that their «theological education» is in important respects inappropriate to the faith communities to which they belong and to the social and cultural worlds in which they expect to live and work in the future.
Abraham Moles, director of the Social Psychology Institute at Strasbourg, points out that while TV has been a cultural life buoy for farmers, lonely people, and the culturally and the socially impoverished in France, it has at the same time been a pressure toward the banal and the constricting for those already experiencing a communication - rich life.
As the new literature about «theological education» began to grow during the past decade it quickly became clear [l] that for some participants the central issue facing «theological education» is the fragmentation of its course of study and the need to reconceive it so as to recover its unity, whereas for others the central issue is «theological education's» inadequacy to the pluralism of social and cultural locations in which the Christian thing is understood and lived.
To fulfll the Lord's mission worldwide, we must understand that we live in different social, political, historical and cultural contexts in and through which God acts and speaks to us, though we live on the same globe.
Then there's Anna Halpine, president of the World Youth Alliance, a network of pro-life young people all over the world, who witness to the joy of the Gospel and the Gospel of life in an extraordinary variety of social and cultural settings.
What we can do is to discover in human experience those social, economic, political, and cultural conditions which may open the way for the life of free men under God.
It is clear in the history of Catholicism that its moral teaching embodies and sanctifies the relative social and cultural values of those civilizations in which the Church was formed and in which it has lived.
We do not know the cultural background and ethnic origins of the tribes that took part in the movement which we know best as Joshua's conquest of Palestine, yet the influence of the Arabian Desert was strong upon them, if we may judge from such information as we possess of their social life in the immediately following period.
God's redeeming work in Jesus Christ embraces the whole of human life: social and cultural, economic and political, scientific and technological, individual and corporate.
In South India, where I teach as often as possible, the racks at the front of the bookstores are no longer filled, as they were a scant decade ago, with volumes dedicated to the preservation of village life, or to the intellectual, cultural or social history of South Asia, or to the writings of spiritual and political leaders calling the people to overcome imperialism and colonialism.
First, there is the presence on every page of the words, categories, myths, images, and technical terminology of the social, cultural, religious, and scientific life of the communities addressed.
Even if we can separate «the ore of the ideal from the dross of habit of behavior,» the ideals can not be lived outside the cultural, religious, and social life in which they developed.
The main theme of the Conference was, «Christians in Technical and Social Revolutions of Our Time», and its purpose was to look at the problems of the modern world in technological revolutions as it affects the economic, political and cultural life of the peoples, communities and states and to consider the challenge and relevance of theology to the social revolutions of ourSocial Revolutions of Our Time», and its purpose was to look at the problems of the modern world in technological revolutions as it affects the economic, political and cultural life of the peoples, communities and states and to consider the challenge and relevance of theology to the social revolutions of oursocial revolutions of our time.
The socialist powers also prevent Minjung participation in political, cultural, social and economic life.
This violent process is permeating the relations among international and political powers, social classes and cultural groups, national and ethic groups, and caste and religious communities, making it making it very hard to bring about peaceful resolution of conflicts and disputes among the struggling parties, and eroding the foundations of peaceful life.
The common security of life is being dismantled and subjugated to the jungle of the globalized market, exposing the people to economic, social, political, cultural and spiritual violence which is fundamentally caused by the global market process.
In long industrialized nations and newly industrialized nations alike, the social, political and cultural arenas of life are defined and debated in ways controlled by the media.
Life can be given for the sake of the Gospel in mass movements, in political revolution, in complex social strategies and cultural creativity.
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We preserve cultural values and moral principles and make a contribution to the development of cultural and social life.
This idea of Personal Ordinariates, that would encompass different social groupings and cultural tendencies into the life of the Church, has the potential to play an increasing role in Catholicism in this increasingly global era.
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