Sentences with phrase «social discomfort»

The gut is very sensitive to psychological stress — and, vice versa, the physical and social discomfort of chronic digestive problems can make a person feel more anxious.
That emotion you're feeling is our shared humanity mixed in with a little social discomfort.
This condition is not dangerous, but it can cause an inconvenience or social discomfort for the patient.
When friends refer potential projects that did not work out they might be concerned about the potential future social discomfort.
The gut is very sensitive to psychological stress — and, vice versa, the physical and social discomfort of chronic digestive problems can make a person feel more anxious.
We discussed the author's background, what prompted him to write That's Why They Call it Practicing Law, why client service is essential in the current market, how lawyers can overcome social discomfort in their client interactions, and how the themes in the book reflect an evolution in the art of practicing law.
Parental controls are weak and the scars from social competition painful, so Lower - UpperYoung people may try to escape from social discomforts by drunkenness...
The book offers advice for coping with overarousal, overcoming social discomfort, being in love relationships, managing job challenges, and much more.
Now, come mid-February, its editor is out with this «captivating, clever, and comical look at why social discomfort haunts us long beyond our teenage years.
Chinese children in day care have been found to be more socially reticent than Caucasians, and Swedish children report more social discomfort than Americans.
PDF file here For the month of July 2013, the artist used her body to measure the weather at the site of SP Weather Station and interviewed people about talking about the weather, studying the moments where social discomfort and physical discomfort meet and cancel one another out.
A mutation to overcome the real, psychological, ontological, and contemporary social discomfort
Staged inside Mike Kelley and Michael Smith's collaborative project A Voyage of Growth and Discovery — a warehouse - size multimedia installation of Burning Man — inspired videos and sculptures — the journey officially began last Monday night at the Farley Storage Building in Eagle Rock once guests had signed a waiver: ``... you elect to participate in an «activity» that may cause social discomfort or distress in some participants.»
Worrying about this, having any sort of social stigma, personal social discomfort with this is just manufactured nonsense of the highest order — manufactured by advertising linking sweat to lack of control and, at a deeper level, by ingrained hierarchy (sweating is laboring and laboring is a lower rung on the social ladder than being able to pay or order people to labor for you; cool people don't labor).
Most of the time, problems in contact over virtual media go unaddressed: though they are frequent sources of stress, the vast majority of communications technology users believe that the drawbacks virtual media presents are a necessary evil, that you have to pay dearly for such unprecedented convenience, and that sometimes, relatively significant social discomfort in this sphere is inescapable.
«This is not a good thing, but I guess I view a certain amount of social discomfort in the field as the cost of doing what I do for a living.»
For male investors, the quick reaction was social discomfort, and they would cope by joking: «Isn't jewelry female Viagra?»
The extreme physical comfort would have been completely negated by social discomfort, by a sense of pretending to be something I'm not.
With her British accent and carefully - cultivated air of civilization, Madeleine's immersion into the deep end of the Deep South among her in - laws (Mom & Dad (Celia Weston & In Cold Blood's Scott Wilson), brother Johnny (Ben McKenzie), and Johnny's pregnant wife, Ashley (Amy Adams)-RRB- is complicated by various degrees of social discomfort, willful ostracization, and, in the case of Ashley (and, really, Adams is amazing), a disconcerting puppy - dog infatuation.
The social discomfort feeds directly into the suspense: Chris, valiantly struggling to keep his cool, can't be sure if the unease he feels about the whole situation stems from a genuine danger or just a growing impatience with these condescending assholes.
Within her larger series entitled Biophobia, Bell engages human psychology, particularly common phobias and social discomfort, using a variety of flora and fauna.
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I can help you with issues such as anxiety, social discomfort and depression, loneliness and especially feelings of low self - esteem.
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