Sentences with phrase «social disruption from»

The forum, which is currently hosting its annual summit in Germany, says that governments around the world must consider ways to manage the transition to driverless trucks to reduce social disruption from job losses.

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In tracking all the comings and goings to the S&P 500 for the last 50 years, the study shows that the duration companies spend on the list fluctuates in cycles mirroring the overall state of the economy and disruption from new technologies, including biotech breakthroughs, social media, and cloud computing.
Industry leaders from around the globe, including Paige Bailey of Microsoft, Amanda B. Johnson of Dash, Dr. C Mohan of IBM, 16 - year - old «Crypto Price Tracker» app - developer Harshita Arora and many others, will speak on blockchain matters in AI, healthcare, the developing world, small and large enterprise, investing strategies, ICOs and DAICO's, hedge funds, fintech, venture capital, crypto economics, social welfare and industry disruption.
Set in a San Francisco plagued by an overbearing social network that doubles as an all - controlling security system, you are out to shake society free from technology's shackles by undermining it with well - measured hacktivism disruption and violence.
Accordingly, the book is very wide ranging topically, covering issues from the discovery of the puzzling roots of cholera's epidemiology, to the effects of large storms on the behavior of the insurance industry, to the social disruptions arising from hurricanes and warfare, to the roots of the problems with the global economic system — and much in between.
In a world of declining American influence, according to the article, the assessment foresees unavoidable social disruption, particularly in developing countries, from the effects of climate shifts driven by accumulating greenhouse gases.
As a very small portion of the world's overall population, we in the US won't be immune from the major impacts of these social and demographic disruptions, and it is also unwise to think we'll be immune from the warming itself.
The models used to calculate a Social Cost of Carbon for use in estimating the benefits of reducing carbon emissions fall far short of including a wide range of expected damages from global climate disruption.
In those 100 days, more than one million Americans from across the country attended large - scale rallies and local events, signed petitions, sent letters to decision - makers and used social media to engage friends and neighbors in fighting climate disruption.
Social conservatives and libertarians, each of which has their own ideological reasons to push the OISM petition, have been effective at keeping the «30,000 scientists reject warming chicken - littleism of IPCC» meme circulating throughout conservative media outlets, even as climate disruption - focused media have worked at limiting the damage from the OISM petition.
The mistake is not only the moral one of putting the bulk of the legal system at arm's length from the rainmakers and their well - watered friends but also — and this is the gravamen of my post, I suppose — the analytical one of failing to see that, absent some black swan large scale social disruption, solutions will be forged to the problems facing the legal system, and that, however unpolished they may appear when seen from above, these solutions and their near cousins bid fair to eat their way up the quality / sophistication ladder in the way in which minimills» steel did until --
Family violence is the number one cause of Aboriginal children being removed from their family and their community, and all the trauma and disruption to the social fabric this entails.
Possibly, mania is a more purely biologically driven phenomenon than bipolar depression, with onsets more readily attributable to medication inconsistency, sleep deprivation, circadian disruption, or behavioral activation.21,22,84 - 86 In contrast, social and familial support has been found to protect against depression in bipolar and unipolar affective disorders, but the role of these variables in manic recurrences is unclear.86 - 88 An analysis of laboratory interactional data from a subset of 44 families in this sample revealed that treatment - related improvements in family communication skills were more closely associated with reductions in patients» depressive than manic symptoms.56 Thus, manic and depressive symptoms may be influenced by different constellations of risk and protective factors.
The approach advocated by the Commission gives full weight, as a matter of interpretation, open in the text, to the word «traditional» in sub-sec 223 (1), and avoids the mockery which would be constituted by mandating failure of a claim if there be any gap revealed in the admissible (eg non-hearsay) evidentiary description of the social and religious conduct of people without writing from pre-1788, continuously, until and during the shock and disruption of non-indigenous settlement.
The situation of these mothers is different from that of single mothers who have separated or divorced, or who became pregnant unintentionally, in that they are generally financially secure with good social support, and the children have not been exposed to parental conflict or family disruption (Murray and Golombok, 2005; Jadva et al., submitted).
The role of social buffering on chronic disruptions in quality of care: evidence from caregiver - based interventions in foster children.
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