Sentences with phrase «social energy»

I love being around other people and I feed off of social energy.
The inability of the Gallicanist state to co-opt Catholicism's social energy exposed a tension inherent in liberal democracy: between the people empowered as a sovereign whole, on one hand, and those partial societies of individuals which diversify the nation, on the other.
Erasmus and More were remembered as fine men, one a great humanist scholar, the liberal par exemple, the other, the author of Utopia, Lord Chancellor of England, and a martyr of the Catholic Church, an honest, practical lawyer determined to stand firm before a power - mad sovereign; both were unable to harness the complex social energies, at the same time idealistic and disillusioned, which sought for a radical change.
Dating is rough regardless of your personality type, but it's especially taxing for introverts who only have so much social energy to spend The first and the best free dating site for Expats in Germany.
transmits a tangible social energy, emanating positivity and enthusiasm for what he does.
Through unconventional artistic media and methods of manifestation, the artist investigates the concealed exploitations of social energies in contemporary economy and cultural production.
The larger the measure of autonomy granted to local, regional, and functional groups, the more room will be left for the free unfolding of social energies.
Make schedule gaps: The toughest, most effective way of maintaining your social energy while traveling is to make gaps in your schedule.
This might provide the social energy you need to thrive, and it's another important aspect of creating a personal brand that's recognized by others.
For Catholics, all social energy flows from the inner life of the Trinity.
I'm so grateful for this precious spaciousness before the storm of social energy that is the holidays.
Given the choice, you'll usually devote your social energy to a small group of people you care about most, preferring a glass of wine with a close friend to a party full of strangers.
And, in the spirit of capitalizing on the boost of social energy, I thought I'd deliver a little bit of festive outfit inspiration to help you along.
Akiba has been invaded by creatures known as «Synthisters» who prey on the anime - and game - obsessed patrons of Akihabara like vampires, but feast on their social energy and will to live rather than their blood.
His travels and his social energy also brought him many international contacts, and his unwavering commitment to other artists made him an art collector, curator and director.
Artists» books in the U.S. are largely a genre exercise, with camps of enthusiasts more oriented around ideological positions of production quality or printing methods than united around ideas of reading (art, or anything else) as forms of social energy.
When in the context of a social energy or dynamic, ie the social or collective energy surrounding a piece of art because it is well known and referenced etc - would then push the communication object into a «community or social» sphere resulting in a more social - ized dynamic energy.
Facebook, Opower, and environmental advocacy group the Natural Resources Defense Council today announced a «social energy» application designed to raise awareness of energy use and encourage efficiency.
Thirdly, we feel that this business links very well with our existing business, Social Energy, a renewable energy engineering and installation company.
• You choose to devote your social energy to a small group of people you care about most, preferring a glass of wine with a close friend to a party full of strangers.
Effective networking stems from focusing your social energy on the leaders in only your industry.
Cape Town, Western Cape About Blog Pole Dancing has taken the world by storm and is fast overtaking conventional gyming in popularity among both men and women due to it's dynamic, social energy and vibrant culture.
Culture is a kind of «social energy» that builds up over time and can motivate people to change or create barriers that slow, or stop action.
Culture is a kind of «social energy» that builds up over time and it can motivate people or create barriers that slow, or stop action.
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