Sentences with phrase «social forces»

For example, in social studies we have the option of either presenting history as the story of great individuals or as the study of social forces, social movements, innovation and struggle.
This is why the black church became a positive social force in the previous decade.
Our perceptions and values might feel stable, but they're actually influenced by social forces.
His controversial new theory has less to do with social forces among people, and more to do with simple biology.
The legal, political and social forces at work on the quality of education are varied and complex.
Across the country, districts are grappling with rising levels of student anxiety attributed to everything from academic pressures to larger social forces.
These people inevitably reflect the influence of large cultural and social forces beyond their power to control.
Two important social forces lie behind the potentially disastrous turn of public opinion toward euthanasia and physician - assisted suicide in recent years.
But we share a legal tradition, and many of the same social forces there also exist here, albeit on a muted scale.
He notes that most social forces currently work in the opposite direction.
It's essential to challenge social forces that make girls feel like they are not strong, intelligent and capable members of society.
We can consider ill social forces as example here.
They are the living expression of social forces and social experience.
The issue of John Dumelo's loyalty to the NDC has been the subject of intense debate on social forcing the charismatic actor to fight for political breath.
Their results appear online in the journal Social Forces and will appear in a future print edition.
Pace believed strongly in the power of art as a vital social force and she believed that this 14,000 - square - foot (4,300 square metres), two - story building will move this mission forward.
However powerless the woman may be in relation to other social forces in a patriarchal society, she is powerful in relation to the fetus.
As a result, existing race divisions tend to be confirmed by the pressures against inter-marriage, and the fiction of race purity is maintained by social forces opposing the free choice of mates, which would bring the whole arbitrary structure of race distinctions and discriminations tumbling to the ground.
«Gandhi was probably the first person in history to live the love ethic of Jesus above mere interaction between individuals to a powerful and effective social force in a large scale.
The Relationships in America study, produced by the Austin Institute, looks at «how social forces, demography, and religion continue to shape attitudes about family and intimate relationships.»
It is my hope that these two movements increasingly unite into a great social force that can transform public education and bring down the institutions of racism.
Self - discipline and social forces contribute to the achievement of maturity, and these are important elements in the development of Christian character through Christian nurture.
By taking this approach to understanding social forces, a way may be open for developing a social ethic and pastoral praxis that recognizes the complex character of collective power in black people's experience of oppression.2 As McClendon has made clear, the idea of a «social ethic» must not stand alone.
I refer to these unrecognized social forces as «alien gods.»
Despite all the action that's been taken recently toward this goal, we have to keep in mind the possibility that broader social forces are playing a larger role than policy initiatives in influencing the percentage who graduate.
A vast international convergence seems possible on such objectives because social forces with a radical critique of liberalism have developed (MST in Brazil, KCTU in Korea, European marches, etc.) and because international and regional demonstrations (above all in Europe, America and Asia) are growing in strength.
Hill highlights the positive social force of hip - hop and the boundless energy of musical joy.
The inescapable conclusion to which one is driven by observing it is that the national ethos is far more powerful in determining the shape of things to come than any possible combination of social forces resulting from the appearance of a common world technical civilization.
Theyâ $ ™ re all rising social forces, according to Penn..
Sure, when they become intentionally exclusive, cliques can become a negative social force.
«It disregarded the role of the spiritual authorities and of all those intermediate social forces which enframe, protect, and control the life of man» and which thereby check the growth of Power.
The spiritual ideals of the kingdom have spiritualized social forces, and in this way a new social order will eventually emerge that embodies the spirit of Jesus.
Schlossberg describes in fascinating detail the impact of the evangelical awakening on politics, economics, and everyday mores, underscoring that the spiritual and cultural dynamics in play can not be explained, or at least can not be explained persuasively, by reference to the presumably «larger» social forces favored by many historians.
In short, the Palestine of Jesus» day was a mildly stratified, largely rural, society in which are to be discerned all the familiar social forces of political and ecclesiastical dominance, religious formalism, extremes of poverty and wealth, economic insecurity, racial cleavage, an acceptance of the status quo with mixed reactions of acquiescence and revolt.
With its huge membership and presumed moral authority it is assumed that if the giant roused itself, it could be a potent social force.
He provides a fascinating if troubling examination of how belief systems, physical distance from one's «enemy, tribalism, humiliation and other social forces destroy normal psychological inhibitors to cruelty.
reflects the impact of dehumanizing social forces and reductionistic (and mechanistic) views of man which are among the causes of psychopathology.
Her most famous book, Grid and Group, looks at organisations from the point of view of two counterbalancing social forces; «grid» standing for traditions, conventions, hierarchical structures, accepted mores and patterns of behaviour; «group» encompassing the bonds of personal interaction, mutual recognition and communal self identification.
If this conference represented a turning point, it is in the recognition that the problems of Catholicism in Latin America can not be blamed on others or on impersonal social forces but are — in their causes and in their hoped - for remedy — the responsibility of Catholic leaders in Latin America.
In the beginnings of history it was the forces of nature which were first so reflected and which in the course of further evolution underwent the most manifold and varied personifications among the various peoples... But it is not long before, side by side with the forces of nature, social forces begin to be active — forces which confront man as equally alien and at first equally inexplicable, dominating him with the same apparent natural necessity as the forces of nature themselves.
And conversely, since individuals are subjective distillates expressing the wider social forces that environ and mold them, their private aims and personal beliefs are as cryptograms, wherein the trained eye can read the workings of the era or locale that brought them forth.
The household works to coalesce its separate parts, like a congregation striving to incorporate various social forces and histories, like a world struggling to reconcile its different classes and peoples.
The gospel is a revolutionary social force precisely because it does confront individuals with the living God of the Bible.
The human imagination, unconditioned by the Christian faith, invariably reflects the dominant social forces in which the individual is interested.
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