Sentences with phrase «social frameworks in»

The artists will reflect on cultural constructions and social frameworks in the special context of China and how all these form individual identities and artistic practices as well as define relations in the system that we urgently need to question.
What is called social framework in today's modern society was considered as religion back then.

Not exact matches

By establishing a standard for measuring such efforts, B Corporations are a step in that direction — giving social entrepreneurs a place in the legal infrastructure of the corporate system and investors a framework for assessing their performance.
Nevertheless, I think we can be cautiously optimistic that universal structures in the physical, biological and social worlds would be enough to anchor human and alien languages in a common semantic framework.
And it comes across to many reform - minded people inside China, as well as outsiders, as a step backwards in China's apparent path towards liberalisation of its economy, business and social framework.
Investments in developing markets involve heightened risks related to the same factors, in addition to those associated with their relatively small size, lesser liquidity and lack of established legal, political, business, and social frameworks to support securities markets.
Applying election - silence laws to social media where fake news thrives would, in many countries, simply be an extension of a pre-existing legal framework.
Investments in developing markets involve heightened risks related to the same factors, in addition to those associated with these markets» smaller size, lesser liquidity and lack of established legal, political, business and social frameworks to support securities markets.
Preparation before the issuance involved developing an appropriate framework, in line with the social bond principles of the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA), which set out the underlying rationale of the bond and explained the methodology used with regard to such aspects as loan selection, the use of proceeds and reporting.
In part 4, I described a new role of Social Buyer Behaviorist and Anthropologist that can reside in a framework of researching buyer behavior through anthropological meanIn part 4, I described a new role of Social Buyer Behaviorist and Anthropologist that can reside in a framework of researching buyer behavior through anthropological meanin a framework of researching buyer behavior through anthropological means.
Investments in developing markets involve heightened risks related to the same factors, in addition to risks associated with these markets» smaller size, lesser liquidity and the potential lack of established legal, political, business and social frameworks to support securities markets.
But while it is hard to imagine theologians writing scientific papers that use the Bible's cosmology or creation account in a literal way, as though Copernicus or Darwin never lived, theologians and clergy abound who accept the Bible's communitarian social framework as normative for political - economic analysis today.
Even the most energetically «unencumbered self» is always already a «person» enmeshed in social, intellectual, and institutional frameworks that structure and enable the ideal of autonomy.
Albert Bandura's approach employs classical and operant conditioning methods to change behavior but he uses these in a social learning framework that highlights the importance of cognitive processes in facilitating and maintaining desired changes.
It was not in our modern sense of sociological utopianism; but it was something vastly profounder, a religious ethic which involved a social as well as a personal application, but within the framework of the beloved society of the Kingdom of God.
Along with this effort to provide a broader social understanding of religious institutions and a more sophisticated framework in which to explain the dynamics of religious life, practical theologians raise specific questions about education for contemporary religious leaders.
(14) There are echoes here of the apostle Paul's recognition, reflected in several of his letters, of the importance of general social trust and respect of church leaders and members as a necessary framework for communication of the gospel.
Not the posture of value - detachment and apolitical objectivism but the articulation of one's social location, interpretive strategies and theoretical frameworks are appropriate in such a rhetorical paradigm of theological studies.
Even if it could be shown that economic or general social conditions in a given society have prompted a desire for deliverance, the ideas of redemption that may be included in a religious message are not invalidated by an inquiry into their social «background,» provided we do not conceive of the relation in deterministic terms but consider conditions as a framework which may include a variety of contents.
That contemporary evangelical ideas of social ethics are rooted in outside theological / ideological frameworks can perhaps be illustrated by comparing the four positions outlined above with that of California politics over the last twenty years.
This renewal requires a commitment to fundamental values within a framework of belief - in this case Christian faith - that is in dialogue with other frameworks.49 From a similar perspective, Robin Gill sees the primary function of the church in society as that of generating «key values which alter the fundamental moral, social, and political vision.»
These questions arise most obviously out of our situation of belonging to a social framework that has already opted for an economic system whose policies often have questionable implications for the poor within our own country and in other nations.
Bultmann's emphasis on existential decision has the eternal and righteous God demanding this decision; it has the critical need of human response, though in a personal rather than social action framework; it has the apocalyptic passages not to be taken literally but as reinforcing the urgency of decision.
Jesus» teaching was not «socialin our modern sense of sociological utopianism; but it was something vastly profounder, a religious ethic which involved a social as well as a personal application, but within the framework of the beloved society of the Kingdom of God; and in its relations to the pagan world outside it was determined wholly from within that beloved society — as the rest of the New Testament and most of the other early Christian literature takes for granted.
The new culture is not limited to the adoption of a new conceptual framework: the new concepts became dynamic action principles, which have already led to concrete and irreversible transformations in all sectors of social and political life.
Post-modern radicalism postulates that the individual, in order to exercise his right to choose, must be able to free himself from all normative frameworks — whether they be semantic (clear definitions), ontological (being, the given), political (sovereignty of the state), moral (transcendent norms), social (taboos, what is forbidden), cultural (traditions) or religious (dogma, doctrine of the Church).
It has been replaced by a variety of frameworks, among them a «vital movement in the social sciences which construes and explicates human reality in terms of the theatre and dramaturgy.»
Even in circles which are open to the new evangelical thrust for social action, there has been no critical look at this theological framework.
Concretely how do Christians structure the priestly and sacramental life and evangelistic mission of their separate religious congregation, within the framework of their participation in the whole nation's search for a common basis for promoting the politics of democracy and of development with justice for the poor and liberation of the oppressed and for building a common moral social culture to undergird the sense of the larger community based on dignity for all persons and peoples?
The Charter provides the common framework for all those who share the belief that people should be active and critical participants in their social reality and capable of governing themselves.
They are seeking what has been called post-modern paradigms for «an open secular democratic culture» within the framework of a public philosophy (Walter Lippman) or Civil Religion (Robert Bellah) or a new genuine realistic humanism or at least a body of insights about the nature of being and becoming human, evolved through dialogue among renascent religions, secularist ideologies including the philosophies of the tragic dimension of existence and disciplines of social and human sciences which have opened themselves to each other in the context of their common sense of historical responsibility and common human destiny.
In the Life and Work movement of the non-Catholic churches in their search for social justice and international peace (which is now part of the WCC) and in the Second Vatican Council of the Roman Church, Christian Ecumenism has given up the church's traditional pietist and negativist approaches to modernity and has been involved in the attempt to redefine the forces and values of secular culture within the framework of Christian anthropologIn the Life and Work movement of the non-Catholic churches in their search for social justice and international peace (which is now part of the WCC) and in the Second Vatican Council of the Roman Church, Christian Ecumenism has given up the church's traditional pietist and negativist approaches to modernity and has been involved in the attempt to redefine the forces and values of secular culture within the framework of Christian anthropologin their search for social justice and international peace (which is now part of the WCC) and in the Second Vatican Council of the Roman Church, Christian Ecumenism has given up the church's traditional pietist and negativist approaches to modernity and has been involved in the attempt to redefine the forces and values of secular culture within the framework of Christian anthropologin the Second Vatican Council of the Roman Church, Christian Ecumenism has given up the church's traditional pietist and negativist approaches to modernity and has been involved in the attempt to redefine the forces and values of secular culture within the framework of Christian anthropologin the attempt to redefine the forces and values of secular culture within the framework of Christian anthropology.
Even Gerhard von Rad, who held the Yahwist in highest esteem, still regarded his genius as having to do with providing a conceptual framework into which diverse, pre-existent traditions could be placed, once these had been loosed from their prior social settings.
It is this tragic telos that provides the framework for assessing Alwyn's life, the lives of other Aboriginals, and the larger social context that is implicated in extensive patterns of Aboriginal self - destruction.
The more serious effort to concern itself primarily with ethical rather than theological problems, as the followers of Bonhoeffer have done, has led them outside the framework of biblical language and judgment, and has tended to dissolve their religious answers either into personal morality or social activism which, while serious in its intention, has made them weathercocks turning freely in the cultural winds.
The UK's Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (Seal) framework, introduced in state primary and secondary schools in 2007, is the closest we have come to structured attempts to teach character.
The workshop starts with providing a framework for understanding the etiology of SM, highlighting the role of nature, nurture, temperament, and developmental differences in the onset and maintenance of SM, social anxiety, and other common comorbidities.
Investing in postpartum care using a holistic framework would have significant positive impacts on the health and social outcomes for new mums, babies, dads, families and communities.
A randomised controlled single - blind parallel - arm clinical trial to investigate whether a complex intervention targeting new mothers» breastfeeding knowledge, skills and social support within a Social Network and Social Support theory framework will increase exclusive breastfeeding duration among women in Lesocial support within a Social Network and Social Support theory framework will increase exclusive breastfeeding duration among women in LeSocial Network and Social Support theory framework will increase exclusive breastfeeding duration among women in LeSocial Support theory framework will increase exclusive breastfeeding duration among women in Lebanon.
Therefore, Mr. Speaker, we will, through consultations inside and outside government, translate the President's «Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies» (CPESDP) into a detailed medium - term national development policy framework for 2018 - 2021, for fast and sustained growth, building on the achievements of this year and the measures already contained in this budget.
Keynes offered the Attlee Government a macro-economic framework for post-war recovery; Hayek's «market society» offered Mrs Thatcher's Tories a roadmap away from post-war social democratic serfdom; Giddens's «Third Way» socio - philosophy allowed «New» Labour to synthesise or transcend the old dogmas of state - centric social democracy and neo-liberalism»; and Phillip Blond gave a critique of the market and the state in order for Cameron to claim «society» and its renewal as the key priority of modern Conservatism.
Pearce urges Labour to reject a business as usual path in which the government «would tax a little more and cut a little less, leaving the architecture of the state untouched and the current framework of services and social security in place».
As so - called social welfare organizations, 501 (c) 4 groups emerged on the national level as a potent force in campaign funding, sliding through existing regulatory frameworks because they do not coordinate directly with candidates and do not expressly advocate for or against them.
The policy is a framework which seeks to provide social justice, equity and inclusive growth using a transformative mechanism for mitigating poverty and unemployment in Nigeria.
A democracy that has provided the framework for systematic developments in our social and economic welfare, and assured us of the longest, uninterrupted period of stable constitutional governance in our history?
This includes #intelligence, the first framework for the ethical and effective collection of social media intelligence for public security, @metpoliceuk and Policing in an Information Age — that look at the implications of social media for policing and security.
John Michael Humphries Choptiany formerly of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia and now at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome, Italy, together with colleagues at Dalhousie, Alberta Innovates — Technology Futures (AITF), and G BACH Enterprises Incorporated, explain how they have adopted information from the environmental, social, economic and engineering fields to create their assessment framework, which incorporates utility curves, criterion weights, thresholds, decision trees, Monte Carlo simulation, critical events and sensitivity analysis.
Bárbara Parreira, a PhD candidate of Lounès Chikhi's laboratory, adds: «With this framework we show that social groups, despite being small groups of related individuals, are extremely effective in maintaining diversity.
An article published in Learning Disability Practice describes a UK framework to help professionals tackle the health and social care inequalities faced by people with learning disabilities.
The framework would be useful for solving other questions in the sciences and social sciences in which researchers analyze how three or more components might interact — for example, how climate is affected by the interplay among temperature, rainfall, humidity and ocean acidity.
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