Sentences with phrase «social harm of»

Has the Court concluded that the perceived social harm of polygamy is a «legitimate concern of government,» and the perceived social harm of homosexuality is not?

Not exact matches

Learning about the importance of social media for marketing should also underscore why these efforts need to be continuous and the harm it does when social media marketing isn't up to consumer expectations.
Facebook has been trying to defuse questions about whether it can be trusted with the reams of personal information it collects to sell ads and whether its social network does more harm than good.
An article in The Guardian, Stress and Social Media Fuel Mental Health Crisis Among Girls, went much further to, correlate NHS data showing a «68 % rise in hospital admissions because of self - harm among girls under 17 in past decade» to the concurrent rise of social Social Media Fuel Mental Health Crisis Among Girls, went much further to, correlate NHS data showing a «68 % rise in hospital admissions because of self - harm among girls under 17 in past decade» to the concurrent rise of social social media.
The reality is that entrepreneurs should not pursue a social cause if doing so harms the mission and goals of the company, and they should certainly avoid doing so simply because it is fashionable.
«Daily fantasy sports companies are engaged in illegal gambling under New York law, causing the same kinds of social and economic harms as other forms of illegal gambling, and misleading New York consumers... Daily fantasy sports is neither victimless nor harmless, and it is clear that DraftKings and FanDuel are the leaders of a massive, multi-billion-dollar scheme intended to evade the law and fleece sports fans across the country.
While that is often the point of launching a social - media campaign, many times an entrepreneur's strategy can backfire — resulting in more harm than good.
With its ability to influence opinions, social media does remarkable harm by playing a role in the rigging of elections and public debate.
Taking appropriate action like this quickly following an error can not only reduce harm but also win your brand a degree of goodwill, as this case study of an excellent response to a social media mistake makes clear.
Some experimentation is routine when it comes to figuring out a social - marketing plan, and the amount of harm that can come from trial and error is minimal and pretty predictable.
Their first major campaign will be a series of ads aimed at parents and teenagers warning about the alleged psychological harm inflicted by spending too much time on social media.
Fixing our debt will now require reversing the harm that has already been done with tax cuts and spending increases, in addition to confronting the rising costs of Social Security and Medicare with spending changes and / or additional revenue.
Sitting alone at a witness table before senators on Tuesday and House members on Wednesday, the co-founder of Facebook Inc. stuck closely to his intended theme that the world's largest social network didn't do enough to prevent its tools from being used for harm and to his mea culpa: «It was my mistake and I'm sorry.»
BS: Well, for me, the core of it comes down to the harm created by leveraging personal information and the social graph to enable political advertisers peddling this information to manipulate your prejudices in the same way that a retail advertiser would attempt to manipulate your consumer preferences.
People have the right to leave church and organized religion, they have a right to question an institution that will do anything to save face even if it means letting children be harmed (and trust me, there are Priests that have issues with girls - my mom when to an all girls» Catholic school in the 60s and talks about how many of the priests used to «hang out» with the young girls out and girls have been abused), churches that are not practicing social justice.
In fact, most believe that there is more harm in not having a building because of how they provide convenience for gathering, a social identity for the people, and a position of prominence in the community.
Christians must ask who is harmed besides children by the collapse of social institutions and by their tyranny.
Rorty feels that philosophy should not be thought of as a foundation for education or politics; on the contrary, he insists that grounding social and political action on philosophical theories of human nature has done more harm than good.
We can attempt to articulate this tacit understanding by suggesting that both camps are working with the inchoate idea that tyranny is present when a law or a governmental policy or a social practice in some way harms human beings by adversely affecting the developing course of their life.
It could be in terms of social harm or psychological harm.
Mr. Sullivan has no interest whatever in reconstructing a Catholic sexual ethic, or any other kind of ethic that might propose constraints or moral orderings on the satisfaction of sexual desires, apart from a few narrowly defined causes of possible «social harm
The sense of shame may then have disastrous social and political consequences if we decide to harm or destroy those who have become the imagined or real carriers of our own despised features.
Of course, when our genetics are threatened, as in the case of someone trying to harm a family member, or in the case of someone threatening our social group, or country, even the most devout Christian may opt to defend with deadly force, or support the death penalty, and going to waOf course, when our genetics are threatened, as in the case of someone trying to harm a family member, or in the case of someone threatening our social group, or country, even the most devout Christian may opt to defend with deadly force, or support the death penalty, and going to waof someone trying to harm a family member, or in the case of someone threatening our social group, or country, even the most devout Christian may opt to defend with deadly force, or support the death penalty, and going to waof someone threatening our social group, or country, even the most devout Christian may opt to defend with deadly force, or support the death penalty, and going to war.
They also address issues such as the unequal distribution of harm and benefit of applications among social actors; the control over technology and its administration; and the uncertainty about the future impacts of technology.
What can be said with certainty is that the fear of intermarriage, erected as a barrier to social fellowship, does harm and thwarts constructive effort far in excess of the actual justification of such a fear.
There is, however, a line between giving your child the gift of unique name and possibly harming his / her social and economic future.
The problem is that when something is tabooed it causes more social harm and evil than good — similar to the Prohibition era when the sale of alcohol was dragged underground and caused an outbreak of organised crime.
The social harm done by alcohol abuse almost certainly is increased by the imperfections of the current tax regime, and so has been the problem of oversupply in the wine industry.
His actions and words spoke of injustice and social harm and the good we must do to counteract it.
There are stories right across social media that show how the Huggable Heroes have helped kids deal with their dad's absence, helped stop self harming, helped in times of self confidence, helped in times of grief.
Bullying — the use of dominance to create harm — is at the root of many of our social ills, and is one of the main vehicles for perpetuating trauma.
Many of them expressed concern that too much social media would harm a child's behavior, impair focus, damage face - to - face communication, and reduce physical activity.
What is wrong is when someone implies or even straight out says like some on social media say, that I am harming my child for keeping that last fraying thread of my sanity.
His research interests are in health policy, organizational change, health behavior during developmental transitions, influence of sports participation on health, social determinants of health, program evaluation, prevention of alcohol attributable harm, physical activity promotion, obesity prevention, and motor vehicle safety.
The centre, which takes referrals from Social Services, Children's Guardians and the Courts when the children are considered to be at serious risk of harm, sees working with young, vulnerable dads as central to its purpose.
And in 1974's The Courage to Divorce, social workers Susan Gettleman and Janet Markowitz argued that boys need not be harmed by the absence of their fathers: «When fathers are not available, friends, relatives, teachers and counselors can provide ample opportunity for youngsters to model themselves after a like - sexed adult.»
Anything above the age of three in my opinion «considering that this is the age where a child's memory begins to be stored long - term untill adulthood», could cause emotional disturbance or harm, as well as social problems.
I have only recently realized from extensive reading about the effects of early parenting on body and brain development that I show the signs of undercare — poor memory (cortisol released during distress harms hippocampus development), irritable bowel and other poor vagal tone issues, and high social anxiety.
Parents also wonder if the practice will harm their child's social skills in the long run, ingraining a «what's in it for me» kind of attitude... [Read more...]
Vicious imagination (inflamed by social opposition) represents planful control or harm of others.
Clinging to a parent, refusing to go to school and avoiding social activities, worrying that harm may come to self or a parent, and vague physical complaints such as a headache, bellyache, and general pain are common symptoms of both disorders.
In fact, there is"rel = «nofollow» > plenty of evidence that excessive crying causes intellectual, emotional and social harm to the child.
If your teenager is suffering from extreme social anxiety that greatly impairs her daily functioning, has stopped her from attending school, or has posed a danger of self - harm or suicide, it's important to seek professional help immediately.
The Home Office's own report from 2011 found there was «a general lack of robust evidence on the link between khat use and social harms».
«The expert Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs conducted a thorough review of the evidence and concluded that no social or medical harm resulted from the use of Khat.»
The report added that there was «no evidence of a direct causal link» between the drug and either medical or social harms.
As an example, any policy aimed at preserving Generation's Me - me - me (aka Baby Boomers) Social Security is wildly popular right now because the Baby Boomers who benefit from it (at the expense of the next generations) comprise the majority of population, and those who will be harmed by it aren't realizing it till it will be their time to retire 20 - 40 years from now.
It took years for workers to develop effective forms of organisation through trade unions and to name and diagnose the harms that underscored moral claims to limits on the working day, decent pay and conditions, and later to a social minimum from the surplus they produced.
However, he suggested that we tend to be far better parents than citizens to such an extent that what we do for our children goes beyond legitimate partiality to harm the rest of society by keeping opportunity in the family and preventing social mobility.
It classifies drugs using a risk assessment matrix, which covers nine types of term divided between physical harm, dependence and social harms.
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