Sentences with phrase «social highlight reels»

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Also, I have to say the lowest of lows is when you find yourself comparing to others, especially on social media when what we see is really only a glimpse - or «highlight reel».
Aside from the fact that social media is time - stealer and a sleep - stealer, scanning through everyone else's highlight reel on social media can cause your teen to feel worse about their situation.
Social media platforms showcase our highlight reels — not the behind - the - scenes footage.
Remind your daughter that social media is just a highlight reel of someone's life.
In this social media obsessed world where photos, videos and status updates shared are a highlight reel of the best moments, it's easy to assume that some moms» days are picture perfect; and that's just not the truth.
Calling out how social media has become the «highlight reel» of our lives, the fitness influencer wrote that she wanted to be as real as possible with her followers, giving them a chance to see her imperfections along with her high points: «Imperfections make you real, approachable, human and one of a kind,» added the mother of three.
Motorola also does Highlight Reels, which will combine your best photos and videos from an event and automatically creates a movie which can be shared on the social medias.
Twitter users could soon see the biggest news events first when opening the timeline — the social media platform recently confirmed a test of a news highlight reel at the top of user feeds.
Social media is a highlight reel of life and shouldn't be the basis for comparing your life to others.
Social media is a highlight reel for people and infrequently shows what's really going on.
Smith cites a quote he heard recently: «Social media has become a highlight reel of our lives,» and feels that asking «why» questions gets away from the highlights and makes one see the «whole game,» which they don't want.
Social media — the highlight reel.
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