Sentences with phrase «social history scored»

It's an entertaining, humanist slice of social history scored with a soundtrack of upbeat late -»60s radio hits.

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Whether or not an individual engages in environmentally sustainable behavior or criticizes the government can impact their score, along with their education level, purchase history and even the social credit scores of people with whom they associate, Wired reports.
KIPP students now sit for parent - teacher conferences that detail not just how they're doing in history and algebra, but how well they score on zest, curiosity, social intelligence and optimism.
What do you feel would be the best teacher employment system you could set up in terms of which would maximize test scores on the international comparison tests, i.e. which would maximize math and reading comprehension scores, essay writing ability, knowledge of science history, economics and social studies, etc?
Jose Navarro, who teaches social studies and U.S. history and developed a mentoring program for at - risk students that helped improve test scores, recently won a $ 1,000 cash prize.
SCORE - ing on the Internet and World Wide Web with the history - social science framework page.
For high school, math and English language arts tests in grades 9 - 11 made up 45 percent of the API, with end - of - course science tests next at 23 percent, history and social science at 14 percent, and scores on the high school exit exam the remaining 18 percent.
Separate base scores are calculated for each content area — English, mathematics, science, and history / social science — using the following formula: (Following the calculation of the weighted index, additional index points are awarded as indicated in the next section.)
The social aspect of Wikiloan may make it the best peer to peer bad credit lender since your ability to get people to invest may be more important than your credit score and history.
In related research, Viviani, Revelli, and Fall (2015) studied a short history that covers the global financial crisis, from 2006 to 2012, and concluded that companies with better social responsibility scores, including those linked to human resources, as provided by Vigeo Eiris, had lower downside risk during this period based on Value - at - Risk statistics.
You will be required to provide the last 4 digits of your social security number to access your credit history, but that's just a «soft inquiry» that will not impact your credit score at all.
On the other side of the coin; your social security number can act as your «bodyguard,» making sure you get paid for good work — meaning, your credit score goes up with good payment history!
You will be required to provide the last 4 digits of your social security number to access your credit history, but that's just a «soft inquiry» that will not impact your credit score at all.
So in your pursuit to find ensure that you are not paying too much for auto insurance, if you provided your social security number to 7 - 10 insurance companies that then each sent requests to the credit bureaus inquiring about your credit history, you may be inadvertently hurting your credit score.
On the basis of his clinical history, as well as from observational data and questionnaires (his standard score at KADI [27] was 114, indicating a high probability of Asperger Syndrome), and the results of the cognitive and social cognition (see below) assessment, SC received a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome, according to the DSM IV - TR criteria [3](N.B..
Further analyses of demographic data indicates that participants with more education, no personal history of child maltreatment, less time in the residential program, and lower social desirability scores demonstrated more positive outcomes.
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