Sentences with phrase «social information»

Students who participated in social information processing showed less aggressive and disruptive behaviour after treatment then students who did not receive the programme.
Their resource centre provides cultural and social information on all the exchanges.
That makes researchers think these songs may be communicating important social information — but that is another study, yet to come.
Social information also plays a role in collective wisdom.
In the process, your car will absorb culturally specific social information, adapting to the way you live and to the way you drive.
The influence of oxytocin on the perception of faces, emotions, and other social information has been widely studied in recent years by administering oxytocin with a nasal spray.
Now, the researchers are working on identifying the emotions or social information horses are communicating through their expressive faces.
It provides a combination of candidate social information, experience, network, behavior and company insights.
A referral usually consists of the name and birth date of the child, a photo, and all medical / social information available from the sending country (Article 16).
An integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing.
«Once they had a certain population density, people needed to cope with a huge amount of social information,» she says.
They briefly review the research into Walther's (1992) Theory of Social Information Processing.
«We examined how social information evolves when it is repeatedly passed from person to person,» explained psychological scientist Doug Martin, who leads the Person Perception Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen.
[Adi Barocas et al., Coastal latrine sites as social information hubs and drivers of river otter fission — fusion dynamics.]
«The superior temporal sulcus or the amygdala are implicated in humans and macaques, suggesting that the brain networks involved in processing social information in humans has evolved from a network that was already performing computations related to social cognition in rhesus macaques,» says Jerome Sallet, one of the University of Oxford researchers who performed the study.
«Together, these experiments show that infants use social information from adults to rapidly and selectively identify plants as food sources,» says Wertz.
The study will facilitate understanding of how small, fast - flying, nocturnal animals use social information while foraging, while also collecting valuable data for species conservation.
Research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, suggests that cultural stereotypes are the unintended but inevitable consequence of sharing social information.
Lonely individuals perceive the social world as a threatening place, expect more negative social interactions, and recall more negative social information so they distance themselves from the social world.
Additionally, they quantified how individuals incorporate social information into their own opinion.
When social information on the self is involved, our responses are either social cognitive semantic conflicts or social cognitive reaction conflicts.
Painted with reds and yellows, the shells may have been worn as pendants, perhaps conveying social information about the wearer to other members of the group.
This study assesses the association between cognitive schemas of justification of violence, grandiosity and abuse, and reactive and proactive aggressive behavior, and whether this association is mediated by social information processing (SIP).
That's why Bargmann, Torsten N. Wiesel Professor and head of Rockefeller University's Lulu and Anthony Wang Laboratory of Neural Circuits and Behavior, and her coworkers set out to understand how animals are incorporating social information into their behavior.
For example, the simulated social information revealed that peer advice more strongly influenced an individual if the knowledge suggested the actual number of items was higher than the guesser's initial estimate.
For example, the simulated social information revealed that peer advice more strongly influenced an individual if the knowledge suggested the actual number of items was higher than the guesser...
«Handshakes vary in strength, duration and posture, so they convey social information of various sorts,» says Prof. Sobel.
The lack - of - interest hypothesis is consistent with the social motivation theory, which holds that a broad disinterest in social information underlies autism features.
The new research, published in the open access journal eLife, breaks down the transmission of social information through a baboon troop into three stages:
Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by a significant amount of fear in one or more social Information & forums for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) or Social Phobia.
The primary purpose of this website is to 1) provide social information (author bio, picture, up - to - date news and reviews, book lists, regularly attended blog and / or contest) or links to that information on your primary site if you have one and 2) provide one or more pages with direct links to all the places where your ebooks can be purchased.
The experiences gained in attachment relationships become internalized into mental representations (i.e., «internal working models» or «mental schemas») of relationships that guide social information processing in a consistent and predictable manner (Bowlby 1969/1982).
The DeFrank Family email list is for local social information and occasionally some surveys relating to LGBT families to help promote more visibility.
Barrett has published her share of papers in these journals, most recently a study of how social information modifies people's perception of faces in Science in 2011.
That is to say, the participants used these sounds to reliably infer specific social information regarding the unseen situation.
Among pack animals, higher group numbers are thought to come with the benefit of better access to shared social information like the approach of prowling predators.
Similarly, people asked to imagine themselves engaging in aggressive behavior actively suppress activity in the prefrontal cortex, where social information is processed.
Researchers don't yet know the purpose of the ladies» music but suspect — like most love songs — they contain social information.
Oxytocin seems to amplify social information processed in the brain, turning an otherwise irrelevant sound into one that stands out.
The infants showed a clear preference for the fruits that came from the plant, despite the fact that they saw the same social information — the experimenter «eating» the fruit — applied to both objects.
A team of researchers led by the University of Cambridge and international conservation charity the Zoological Society of London says that this may act as a barrier to the transfer of new social information to the wider troop, as previous research done by the team shows baboons of a certain age and personality type — the younger, bolder animals — are more likely to be information «generators»: those who solve new foraging problems.
We apply functional neuroimaging techniques, mainly fMRI, to investigate the neural mechanism whereby various emotional and social information shape our decisions.
The quality of information shared on websites and social media has become an increasing concern for most Americans, but Virginia Tech scientists are spearheading a new effort to improve our understanding of how social information travels and transforms online.
These brain activations were related to tasks concerned with multiple social information processing routes, like hearing, seeing, and the process of information relevant to understanding others.
Impression management, online dating, intersectionality, self monitoring, gender, race, sexuality Social information processing.
StockTwits has harnessed social information, moved investment discussions onto mobile platforms and enabled a two - way dialogue among traders.
It is presumed that the vomeronasal organ gathers and possibly stores social information.

Phrases with «social information»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z