Sentences with phrase «social information processing»

The impact of violence exposure on aggressive behavior through social information processing in adolescents..
Students who participated in social information processing showed less aggressive and disruptive behaviour after treatment then students who did not receive the programme.
At - risk and behaviour problem students who participated in social information processing programs showed less aggressive and disruptive behaviour after treatment than students who did not receive a programme.
«We found that oxytocin turns up the volume of social information processed in the brain.
This study assesses the association between cognitive schemas of justification of violence, grandiosity and abuse, and reactive and proactive aggressive behavior, and whether this association is mediated by social information processing (SIP).
Social information processing biases in depressed and nondepressed college students.
A / 1987 / Social information processing factors in reactive and proactive aggression in children's peer group / Journal of personality and Social Psychology 53: 1146 ~ 1158
Social information processing patterns partially mediate the effect of early physical abuse on later conduct problems
Address risk factors for delinquency, substance use, and problem behaviors at school including problems with social information processing and emotional regulation processes.
The experiences gained in attachment relationships become internalized into mental representations (i.e., «internal working models» or «mental schemas») of relationships that guide social information processing in a consistent and predictable manner (Bowlby 1969/1982).
Oxytocin seems to amplify social information processed in the brain, turning an otherwise irrelevant sound into one that stands out.
These brain activations were related to tasks concerned with multiple social information processing routes, like hearing, seeing, and the process of information relevant to understanding others.
Impression management, online dating, intersectionality, self monitoring, gender, race, sexuality Social information processing.
Some consequences of early harsh discipline: Child aggression and maladaptive social information processing style
This study examined whether the relation between maladaptive emotion regulation and aggression was mediated by deviant social information processing (SIP).
On the relation between social information processing and socially competent behavior in early school - aged children
Cognitive models of social support hypothesize that relatively enduring expectancies about social support influence ongoing social information processing.
Family - of - origin maltreatment, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, social information processing deficits, and relationship abuse
Draws on social learning, cognitive behavioural theory and social information processing theory.
Other research suggests that social cognitive deficits such as poor perspective taking skills, reduced empathy, theory of mind problems, overestimation of one's own social competence, social information processing biases, and sensation seeking goals may also contribute to the peer problems of children with ADHD [41, 42, 43, 44, 45].
Social information processing factors in proactive and reactive aggression in children's peer groups
Social cognition includes the social information processing underlying the individual's social and emotional behavior.
An integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing.
Aggression in boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Methylphenidate effects on naturalistically observed aggression, response to provocation, and social information processing
Future research should examine the possible mechanisms involved in the association between attachment and bullying, such as empathy, aggression, or social information processing.
Social information processing, moral reasoning, and emotion attributions: Relations with adolescents» reactive and proactive aggression.
Media richness theory, social information processing theory, and the hyperpersonal model of CMC all offer unique insights into the effects of communication channels on dimensions of romantic relationships (e.g., satisfaction).
[confproc] Dodge, K. A. / 1986 / A social information processing model of social competence in children / Minnesota symposium in child psychology.
Results are discussed in terms of a social information processing model of adjustment.
Guided by a social information processing perspective, this study examined the unique and interactive contributions of social anxiety and two distinct components of empathy, empathic concern and perspective taking, to subsequent relational and overt aggression in early adolescents.
For example, in their adapted Social Information Processing model, Lemerise and Arsenio (2000) suggest that emotions related to children's peer relations interact with the child's social cognitive processes, and permeate each step of the social information processing (SIP) process during peer interactions (Crick and Dodge 1994; Lemerise and Arsenio 2000).
The effects of alcohol intoxication and gender on the social information processing of hostile provocations involving male and female provocateurs
Associations between early life maltreatment, social information processing (SIP) and aggression in childhood and adolescence have been widely documented.
[jounal] Stickle, T. P. / 2009 / Callous - unemotional traits and social information processing: Multiple risk - factor models for understanding aggressive behavior in antisocial youth / Law and Human Behavior 33 (6): 515 ~ 529
Callous - unemotional traits and social information processing: Multiple risk factor models for understanding aggressive behavior in antisocial youth
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