Sentences with phrase «social insects like»

Humans have intricate memories that allow them to keep track of individuals, but scientists have long thought that social insects like wasps eschew recognition of specific individuals in favor of general social rules that apply to everyone.
These results could help explain how social insects like ants and bees govern their complex colonies, the researchers say.

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Like other social insects, honeybees live in colonies consisting mainly of closely related members of the worker caste.
Like families, where individuals of different gender, age and dominance live together, several groups of insects, birds and mammals form a well - defined social structure.
Much like social insects, such as honey bees and wasps and social animals like birds and mammals who use alarm calls, when under predation, they are capable of generating a coordinated attack».
«Their social structure is like that of insects
To establish that it happens in nature, too, Vargo and his colleagues collected 30 colonies of the destructive Reticulitermes speratus, a Japanese species related to most common termites in the U.S. Like bees and ants, termites are social insects that have different castes for different jobs (such as workers and royalty).
Like many social insects, Argentine ants communicate via an assortment of chemicals that they excrete from their gaster (abdomen).
Social insectslike ants, bees, and wasps — have long been known to pass food to one another through mouth - to - mouth exchange, a behavior known as trophallaxis.
Scientists from that point forward became like the social insects: They made their progress steadily, as a buzzing mass.
Scientists from that point forward became like the social insects: They made their progress steadily, as a buzzing mass.
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