Sentences with phrase «social intelligence as»

This information can alert a parent to a student's curiosity, optimism, persistence, or social intelligence as it relates to academic performance.
Indeed, at a time when parents are being admonished to develop their children's emotional and social intelligences as much as their academic ones, it may well undermine parents» confidence in a results - based accountability system if all that system does is measure academic outcomes.

Not exact matches

Instagram leads as the «most important» social network among US teens, according to the 2015 edition of Piper Jaffray's teen survey, as reported by BI Intelligence.
Beyond just its social - media application, Cyfe also helps with industry and competitor research as a business intelligence tool that helps turn data and trends into actionable insights.
Pokémon Go players are highly engaged, spending far more time in the app than they do with some of the most popular social apps such as Facebook's Instagram and messaging services WhatsApp and Snapchat, according to SimilarWeb, a market intelligence and web analytics firm.
Since leaving Burberry, she has become a serial entrepreneur who most recently held the CMO job at Hone, a social intelligence and curation startup for marketing and communications groups, and the music discovery app Stagedom (as well as approximately 20 other entrepreneurial ventures).
As travel arrangements integrate with social media and new mechanics and artificial intelligence continue to develop, we can look forward to even more sophisticated, intuitive apps.
Meanwhile, social intelligence — especially tasks involving negotiation, persuasion and care — hasn't evolved yet, either, as anyone who has ever screamed at Siri can attest.
Recent surveys of U.S. social media usage, such as the Pew Center's, find that Twitter is only used by 17 % of the U.S. population, and at BI Intelligence we've published data showing that Google + has overtaken Twitter in U.S. audience numbers.
Last month the Canadian high - tech lobby group Information and Communication Technology Council along with Music Canada jointly made the case for increased government support of arts education, especially music, on the basis that music students «performed better in general intelligence skills such as literacy, verbal memory, mathematics and IQ,» are more creative and have better social skills.
The old notion of China as a tech copycat nation is being rapidly replaced by the emerging new reality of home grown innovation and mass implementation in fields that include artificial intelligence, social media, biotech, fintech, VR, automotive, the sharing economy, and mobile platforms.
He simply says the company was misunderstood, and now investors recognize that it's a location intelligence company — something that should be measured the same way as a services - as - a-software or programmatic advertising firm, which command a fraction of the multiples of sexy social media companies.
The rumor had many facets: that police were using Facebook check - ins as an intelligence tool, that their doing so was beneficial to law enforcement operations at Standing Rock, that flooding social media with check - ins would disrupt police activity, that participating in the action was helpful to the protesters, and that it was possible to stealthily maintain the ruse.
In addition, personnel fitting this profile will successfully leverage the tools and resources you provide them, such as job boards, social networks, ATS's, and sales intelligence tools like ours at DiscoverOrg.
Unlike James Joyce, who was alienated and angry and therefore turned his critical intelligence into a weapon, or later novelists for whom social criticism became a rhetorical convention, James and Conrad were modern enough to see our socially constructed self - images, and yet not so modern as to cherish or reject them» or take them for granted.
There have been more obviously religious eras, as in the medieval «age of faith» or the periods of the great revivals under Jonathan Edwards or Dwight L. Moody; it is doubtful that there has ever been a period of such general high Christian intelligence or deep commitment to Christian social ethics as in our own time.
Sidney Hook captures this sense of the vulnerability of the human condition when he defines pragmatism as «the theory and practice of enlarging human freedom in a precarious and tragic world by the arts of intelligent social control it may not be [a] lost [cause] if we can summon the courage and intelligence to support our faith in freedom...» (CAP 193).
Knowledge as empowerment towards participation in the emergent probability of ecologically inclusive wholeness indicates both the importance of communal solidarity in life - worlds and the intrinsic relationship between genuine intelligence and social justice.
We have learned so much about the intelligence, cognitive and social, of so many animals — humpback whales, orcas, bottlenose dolphins, elephants, gray parrots, dogs, and so on — all of it quite fascinating, thought - provoking, and in many cases delightful, and it seems a cruel impoverishment of our speculative and moral imaginations to dismiss it all as a process of biomechanical stimulus and response, only accidentally resembling the workings of human consciousness.
He wrote, «there is involved here the... profound choice between religion as a form of social behavior rationalized and directed by intelligence and religion as a philosophy in which the historical and social elements of an organized movement are to be ignored».
Hailed as «good for a green mama's soul,» Green Child has grown into a resource valued by parents who care about bringing simplicity, compassion, social responsibility, and instinctual intelligence back to parenting.
As James Heckman and several other researchers have noted, certain, non-cognitive skills or character traits, such as «grit, self - control, zest, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism and curiosity,» have an even greater impact on student achievement than academic skillAs James Heckman and several other researchers have noted, certain, non-cognitive skills or character traits, such as «grit, self - control, zest, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism and curiosity,» have an even greater impact on student achievement than academic skillas «grit, self - control, zest, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism and curiosity,» have an even greater impact on student achievement than academic skills.
With all their social media and online tech savvy, I bet the Turkish protesters are still keeping a close watch out for undercover police and intelligence officers, though, since a hidden network is only as safe as its most trustworthy member.
As leader of our party, a Labour minister, a writer and a man he was a tireless campaigner for social justice, whose intelligence, charm and courage will be remembered for years to come.
This means that it can be used to provide intelligence about cities, for example, through social media such as Twitter and Facebook.
The activists sent a letter to NYPD inspector general Phil Eure, asking him to probe questions such as how a person is put in its gang database, how a person can challenge placement and how social media like Facebook and Instagram are used to collect intelligence.
The social intelligence hypothesis posits that having to navigate a complex communal life, which involves challenges such as keeping track of who is a friend and who is an enemy, has pushed group - living animals to evolve the mental machinery required to solve and remember mental tasks such as the box puzzle.
He goes on to suggest social interactions as a means to pool our intelligence with others.
, 1968 Zick Rubin, «The Social Psychology of Romantic Love», 1969 Elliot Aronson, «Some Antecedents of Interpersonal Attraction», 1970 David C. Glass and Jerome E. Singer, «The Urban Condition: Its Stresses and Adaptations — Experimental Studies of Behavioral Consequences of Exposure to Aversive Events», 1971 Norman H. Anderson, «Information Integration Theory: A Brief Survey», 1972 Lenora Greenbaum, «Socio - Cultural Influences on Decision Making: An Illustrative Investigation of Possession - Trance in Sub-Saharan Africa», 1973 William E. McAuliffe and Robert A. Gordon, «A Test of Lindesmith's Theory of Addiction: The Frequency of Euphoria Among Long - Term Addicts», 1974 R. B. Zajonc and Gregory B. Markus, «Intellectual Environment and Intelligence», 1975 Johnathan Kelley and Herbert S. Klein, «Revolution and the Rebirth of Inequality: The Bolivian National Revolution», 1977 Murray Melbin, «Night as Frontier», 1978 Ronald S. Wilson, «Synchronies in Mental Development: An Epigenetic Perspective», 1979 Bibb Latane, Stephen G. Harkins, and Kipling D. Williams, «Many Hands Make Light the Work: The Causes and Consequences of Social Loafing», 1980 Gary Wayne Strong, «Information, Pattern, and Behavior: The Cognitive Biases of Four Japanese Groups», 1981 Richard A. Shweder and Edmund J. Bourne, «Does the Concept of the Person Vary Cross Culturally?»
In fact, some of them didn't even mention it, being far more upset by a comment attributed to Watson a couple of sentences earlier: He was «inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa,» Watson had told The Sunday Times, because «all our social policies are based on the assumption that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing says not really.»
A «society» may even, though more by means of metaphor, refer to a social organism such as an ant colony or any cooperative aggregate such as, for example, in some formulations of artificial intelligence.
The traits of human - like intelligence have evolved in other species — the octopus and some birds, for example, both exhibit social playfulness — and this, the book suggests, indicates that intelligence is an inevitable consequence of evolution that would characterise extraterrestrials as well.
Computational social scientists have shown that digital footprints such as Facebook likes, language samples, and credit card or Web - browsing histories can reveal an individual's sexual orientation, political and religious views, intelligence, and personality.
In 2005, the UK's Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) project made it a statutory requirement that all state schools attend to pupils» emotional intelligence as well as their academic performance.
Peter Gloor, Pierre Dorsaz, Hauke Fuehres and Manfred Vogel of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, in Cambridge, Massachusetts have compared the success of startup entrepreneurs and innovators with their activity on the social networking sites LinkedIn and Facebook as well as email networks including swissnex Boston, which acts as a US - based science and technology outpost to connect Swiss and US entrepreneurs and academics.
As a result of a new French intelligence law enacted in July, social scientists can't guarantee their subjects confidentiality.
And you talk right upfront about how traditional explanations for what drives intellectual ability in animals have included the requirements of social relationships or the requirements of the challenging environment, but you think you've hit upon something that doesn't get a lot of discussion as a key to animal intelligence.
His answer sounds like an early road map for the social credit system: to use then - embryonic tools such as artificial intelligence to collect and synthesize reams of data.
Explanations in the first category are based on unique aspects of human life history, such as intelligence, social organization, and cultural transfer that allowed the evolution of longevity [45]--[51].
He has also had a career as a software developer, working with over a dozen companies on audio and video processing, social networks, and artificial intelligence.
Mingle Networking serves as intensive training in social intelligence.
I have tried to stress several times that I don't see a university degree as a «sign of intelligence» and for me it's more about a common social experience.
The series stars Krasinski as Clancy's generically named intelligence analyst, who'll be busy keeping America safe from terrorists while also trying to keep some semblance of a regular social life.
Whether through creativity, humor, or social - intelligence, teachers must find ways to fully leverage their strengths as they face the demands of teaching.
And in a similarly placed story (on the Times front page) a couple of weeks before Rich's, colleague Pam Belluck reported that a new study in the journal Science had found that «after reading literary fiction, as opposed to popular fiction or serious nonfiction, people performed better on tests measuring empathy, social perception and emotional intelligence — skills that come in especially handy when you are trying to read someone's body language or gauge what they might be thinking.»)
Setting aside the philosophical issues surrounding what is intelligence, most real - life AI algorithms are actually doing something much simpler — to mimic some aspects of human - like behaviours, such as identifying objects inside an image, learning, natural language comprehension, and social interactions.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere in our daily lives — search engines, social media, intelligent personal assistants such as Siri — and today's schoolchildren are a generation who will grow up with these AI technologies.
Started by veteran teachers who were exploring creativity in children, Key Learning's program is based on the theory of multiple intelligences, pioneered by Harvard University professor Howard Gardner, which holds that each individual possesses different forms of intelligence — verbal - linguistic, musical, logical - mathematical, visual - spatial, naturalistic, body - kinesthetic, intrapersonal (such as insight), and interpersonal (such as social skills)-- to greater or lesser degrees.
All individuals growing up today should both be able to write code and to understand the potentials (as well as the pitfalls) of the new technologies — such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing — as well as their products — such as multi-user games and social media.
The truth is, in the era of artificial intelligence, the most valued and secure jobs will be those that require complex social skills — such as teaching.
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