Sentences with phrase «social issues they faced»

And with the Insolvency Service still investigating the conduct of the charity's trustees, against the background of the social issues we face in London, the evening had a serious edge to it.
The visits, together with the visit to Nigeria, would help the Council obtain a better overview of the crucial security and social issues facing the Lake Chad region.
The movie provides a unique behind - the - scenes look at these leaders and the social issues they faced during 1952 and 1986.
The more aggressive members of this group use their money not only to promote business interests, but also to promote their own personal solutions to the larger social issues facing our nation, including education.
I highly recommend Hollow World for anyone looking for a book that brushes on and plays out some political and social issues we face today.»
Several African American artists including Benny Andrews, Jacob Lawrence, Faith Ringgold and Charles White are known for their depictions of major events in 20th century African American history and, more specifically, interpretations of the conditions and social issues faced by their communities during the Civil Rights Movement.
Through his alternative reality, Kaga explores personal and cultural identity, as well as complex social issues faced in daily life.
«At this moment, when the environment and culture are so under threat, Huyghe's imaginative, uncanny approach to the serious ecological and social issues facing our planet tie his oeuvre to the ancient purposes of sculpture: they possess a shamanistic quality which tips the mimetic into life,» Mr. Strick added.
«This exhibition shows the Columbus Museum of Art's continued commitment to those artists whose works engage the profound social issues facing their day,» said Executive Director Nannette V. Maciejunes.
Exploring notions of «foreignness» and estrangement, Machona reflects on one of the major contemporary social issues facing Zimbabweans in the 21st century.
Featuring works by over 200 visual artists including Hank Willis Thomas, Sanford Biggers, Favianna Rodriguez, Robbie Conal, Andrea Bowers, and Shepard Fairey, this exhibit is a massive creative response to the overwhelming social issues facing us.
Many were first published in Life magazine upon the release of Ralph Ellison's award winning novel, which explored racial and social issues facing African Americans in the 20th century.
With the theme «Access to Justice,» the conference addressed important social issues facing law schools and the nation.
But if so, let us acknowledge the need for this coffeehouse conversation to discuss critical social issues facing the legal profession.
We also want to use social media to keep a focus on the battle to Close the Gap within a generation and to ensure governments at all levels address the wide range of social issues faced by many Aboriginal Australians.

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In this guide, we will describe why setting an employee policy is imperative, the most common legal issues faced by companies utilizing social media and provide tips to help you avoid costly lawsuits.
Those hard times and the city's challenges are what make the startup scene even more important — and not because startups will cure every social and economic issue the region faces.
On May 29, Paint Dat Face issued a questionable apology via a public Instagram post, which said: «I deleted the post, not because I had regret or saw wrongdoing, but because of the negativity social media turned it into.»
The British consumer finance expert and TV personality Martin Lewis has long had an issue with Facebook — the social network keeps running scammy ads that feature his face in order to create the impression of credibility.
However, he acknowledged Snap faces many issues, including ARPUs that are below industry averages and competition from other social networks like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Instead of shrinking in the face of a few bad apples, customers using social media to solve service or product issues will learn to go around trolls and «haters» — the same way they do for the rest of their Internet experience.
HADLEY, MA, November 9, 2016: Social entrepreneurs — business owners and leaders who use their business to address issues like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change — face an apparent crisis.
They're generally highly educated, they've had strong awareness of social and environmental issues from an early age and are keenly aware of the challenges faced by climate change.
Here is a key issue facing organizations today: each time a new social technology is introduced, it ultimately alters the buying behaviors of the new social buyer persona.
«Although the French government has introduced or announced a number of measures intended to address these competitiveness and growth issues, the implementation and efficacy of these policy initiatives are complicated by the persistence of long - standing rigidities in labor, goods and services markets as well as the social and political tensions the government is facing,» Moody's said.
Of course the irony is that the current debt ceiling debate does not address any of the very important longer term fiscal issues that face the US such as Medicare funding and other booming social costs that lay ahead — these issues are not even on the table.
«The social sector has faced several issues around de-risking from banks which has caused several NGOs to look for alternative mechanism to ensure that their work is not associated with money laundering or terrorism financing.
Wake up America why we are letting Peter King and people like him to waste time and money on non issues they should be working to solve the real problems facing this country JOBS LOSSES, OUT SOURCEING, BUDGET DEFICIET, BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, UN JUST FOREIGN POLICY, SOCIAL SECURITY, LABOUR UNION PROBLEMS, JOB SECURITY for those who have any jobs left, bringing our troops home from UNJUST and ILLEGAL WARS, KILLING OF INNOCENT PEOPLE, OIL COMPANIES making billions of unjust Profit and paying millions to their CEO's, INFRA STRUCTURES ROADS and BRIDGES and so many other Real issues that they have been elected to solve.
The old alliance between sensible LIBERTARIANISM and SOCIAL CONSERVATISM can't hold in the face of the vanishing middle class, the birth dearth combined with increasing longevity, the depoliticizing challenges of the 21st competitive marketplace, the irresponsibility of our techno - meritocracy, our inability to keep Locke in the Locke box on issues having to do with families and our erotic lives, and the connection between increasing individualism and growing dependency on the state summed up in the phrase «single mom.»
People have the right to leave church and organized religion, they have a right to question an institution that will do anything to save face even if it means letting children be harmed (and trust me, there are Priests that have issues with girls - my mom when to an all girls» Catholic school in the 60s and talks about how many of the priests used to «hang out» with the young girls out and girls have been abused), churches that are not practicing social justice.
No other social justice issue sees as many blurred faces, cropped pictures and fake names.
Our generation needs to add to the mix our own sages who were born in the same century we were, who can engage the same issues we face in our communities and our political and social landscape.
These constituencies, facing immigration issues, foreclosures, and high unemployment levels, have social issues requiring urgent action.
The privatization of crimes and violence and crimes as a domestic issue made these violations invisible, denying them their public face and any political significance or social reparation.
As the new literature about «theological education» began to grow during the past decade it quickly became clear [l] that for some participants the central issue facing «theological education» is the fragmentation of its course of study and the need to reconceive it so as to recover its unity, whereas for others the central issue is «theological education's» inadequacy to the pluralism of social and cultural locations in which the Christian thing is understood and lived.
All of us alike face the same issue of understanding our own tradition in the light of our modem cultural and social situations — only let us, in assaying that problem, not forget the present precariousness, the moral temptations and the religious requirements of that infinitely risky modern situation!
For all of us alike face the same issue of understanding our own tradition in the light of our modem cultural and social situations — only let us, in assaying that problem, not forget the present precariousness, the moral temptations and the religious requirements of that infinitely risky modern situation!
The service focused as much on social equality as on personal salvation and speakers talked about issues facing the community.
On so many issues the Catholic community has been led to expect, even to hope, that today's «unchanging tradition» might change tomorrow and once «infallible» positions will eventually shift in the face of sufficient social pressure.
For others, resistance to healing prayer may not signal a fear of losing control or face, but a fear of losing prophetic roots in peace and social justice issues.
Study of the Bible that avoids facing issues of power, economics and social ideology becomes a justification of the status quo.
• Entrepreneurs disrupting the ice cream category • Social media used as a powerful tool, renewing interest in ice cream brands and flavors • Practical implications of formulating clean label • Regulatory and legislative issues facing the industry • Consumer trends • Innovative ice cream competition (participants tasted and evaluated approximately 45 ice cream / frozen novelties creations)
The main new project for which we now need bread is Together We Rise, a new project to help people living with mental health issues, and some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people facing social exclusion, to benefit from the therapeutic, social and employment opportunities offered by Real Bread making.
Kaep has literally put his words to action when it comes to social issues while Carson is a two - faced piece of shit who has a government job he knows nothing about because of cronyism.
• Try to find a faculty member at the school with whom your child can build a benevolent relationship - someone who's not solely focused on your child's curriculum but also the social and emotional issues he / she may be facing.
While the authors note that the recession is a huge issue, there are other, more disturbing social trends facing men, including the rise of men having children outside of marriage, the increase in men having children with numerous women and the growing numbers of divorced fathers.
Encourage Strong Friendships: Middle school students face a lot of social issues while at school, including bullying and social ostracism.
For one, be understanding about any challenges your child might be facing, such as social issues or even issues at home.
This requires that consideration not only be given to the physical needs but also to the psychological, social, cultural and geographical issues facing women, men, infants and families during this time.
This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to better understand issues facing LGBT families including parents or prospective parents; extended families and friends; and social workers, teachers and other professionals.
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