Sentences with phrase «social knowledge»

Kids often go back and forth in displaying this type of social knowledge rather than following a smooth learning curve.
Become aware of potential savings through aggregated social knowledge!
While social knowledge and face reading are undoubtedly critical components of social intelligence, this research shows that general mental properties, like mental speed, also play an important role.
In a society where social knowledge and power have become pure image, the print technologies historically central to this transformation can act as a double - agent.
It follows that the component of the built environment that would exert the greatest influence on social knowledge and competence and emotional health and maturity would be housing conditions.
«We believe this to be the first statistical link between social knowledge and reproductive success in any species,» Karen McComb, lead author of the study, explains.
When it comes to applying and exploiting social knowledge, however, the characteristics of individual baboons — whether its sex, status, boldness, or social ties in grooming networks — determine who gets to eat, or where they are in any queue that forms.
Unlike other animals that might use visual cues, such as size, or perceptional clues, such as spatial location, to determine rank, the monk parakeet appears to rely on other clues - ones that are based on newly acquired social knowledge, the study found.
To acquire this awareness in a meaningful way, we advocated the implementation of a voluntary service in projects of cooperation by the students to engage in them in a world of social knowledge in direct and experiential manner that allows them to learn the structures of social groups, knowing their problems on - site, collaborating horizontally for the improvement of their status and acquiring the capabilities skills, and attitudes that promote volunteerism.
As social scientist Yuval Levin has argued, this enables the system to «channel social knowledge from the bottom up rather than... impose technical knowledge from the top down.»
Iniva's project The Social Archive was produced collaboratively with individuals from Shoreditch to produce a body of social knowledge about their neighborhood.
Some of the feedback such as Social Knowledge Management and KM as a Place to Develop New Frameworks and Models was not from the legal industry.
This study provides preliminary evidence that a game - based approach to SST can be an effective method for improving children's social skills and enhancing social knowledge, functioning, and self - confidence.
Contrasting patterns of responses to socially unfamiliar elephants in our initial tests of social knowledge could conceivably be driven by differences in social attitudes, if lack of opportunities to bond with kin in the original Pilanesberg population resulted in greater acceptance of unknown individuals [11, 29].
This research was conducted using the data from InsurEye Peer Comparison — an interactive online service that compares consumers» insurance costs with their peers, showing them how to save through aggregated social knowledge.
Religions are to be studied and understood for their own sake and not simply to provide self - knowledge, social knowledge, or ammunition to uphold a given religion.
«I assumed that this piece of social knowledge would look just like the rest of infant core knowledge, that it wouldn't depend on experience,» Woodward says.
Walter Armbrust, in his examination of talkshow host Taufiq «Ukasha, argued that in moments of liminality, «tricksters» like Ukasha thrive, producing perverted forms of social knowledge, in this case, becoming key to the organisation of counterrevolutionary provocations.
Because the Pilanesberg elephants grew up without the social knowledge of their original families, they will likely never properly respond to social threats and may even pass on their inappropriate behaviors to the next generation, the team concludes in the current issue of Frontiers in Zoology.
If whalers consistently took the larger, older individuals, he suggests, the groups may have «lost their social knowledge and may be less successful.»
Working with Cynthia Moss, who founded the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in Kenya 30 years ago, McComb tested the social knowledge of 21 Amboseli elephant families with matriarchs 27 to 67 years old.
The social dimension of grandmothering, such as environmental or social knowledge, appears to be a more important benefit in these female - led families than does a female trading off her own reproduction against that of her daughters, as is typically seen in humans.
African elephants (Loxodonta africana) that had experienced separation from family members and translocation during culling operations decades previously performed poorly on systematic tests of their social knowledge, failing to distinguish between callers on the basis of social familiarity.
Intercultural understanding combines personal, interpersonal and social knowledge and skills.
After the discussion, the preservice teachers were instructed to compose a paper that utilized their journals and each of the three assignments to critically analyze the four epistemological sites out of which curricular understanding occurred: personal knowledge, subject knowledge, social knowledge, and teacher knowledge.
This early retirement and financial independence community is a member of the Social Knowledge network, a group of high quality forum communities.
When staff leaves you lose both what they know (technical knowledge) and who they know (social knowledge).
Presto for Social Libraries is a Social Knowledge Network (SKN) application that integrates library workflow with knowledge - based content and the «wisdom of the community» to create a «Library 2.0» environment to support the research and business objectives of organizations.
It is now percolating into general culture and I expect that within our generation most people will be using fluently the new language of how the mind «computes attitudes,» or «encodes» social knowledge, or how a «heuristic» might make «evolutionary» or «ecological» sense, and so on, eventually replacing Freudian psychology which dominated 20th century's take on how the mind works.
Social Knowledge is the first app of its kind and tests your understanding of scientific findings in the most fun way.
The more challenging finding from Oliver et al.'s (2007) analysis is that there are two domains of healthy child development that are strongly household influenced, namely, social knowledge and competence and emotional health and maturity.
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