Sentences with phrase «social lepers»

These are the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe, the wretched refuse of our teeming shore that Lady Liberty proffered assistance and quickly forgot about and Baker, like Bobby, makes it his cause and mantra to humanize this rag - tag assemblage of social lepers.
I've known many sick psoriasis patients who can even be considered «social lepers», they go nowhere, can't eat out, have minimal friends and can feel like an outcast.
Online dating, long thought of as the province of the social leper, is now so universal that, according to press agency Response Source, 7.8 million people in Britain went online to find their match last year, up a third on 2005.

Not exact matches

Apart from the social services run by the state in which, after all, Christians have as much a share as every one else, it must be said that the participations of «humanists» in private charitable enterprises for the poor, the sick, neurotics, lepers, etc., is relatively modest.
as if they are incapable of having friends or a social life, and are about as welcome in the community as your neighborhood leper.
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