Sentences with phrase «social level»

The choices which they have made at the political, economic and social level over the past thirty years, have in fact increased disorder, inequality within and between countries, and violence.
On a behavioral and social level play allow children to experiment with social behaviors and interactions.
I find it stupid for someone whose basic social level has not changed for 6000 yrs to call someone living 2000 yrs ago primitive.
The human social level can feed itself on the level of the contradiction between emotions and reason.
You're connecting with clients and prospects on a very social level.
It is evident from the correlation and regression results that romantic inclination is associated with key individual, interpersonal and social level variables.
Integrating biological, behavioral, and social levels of analysis in early child development: Progress, problems, and prospects
Since we began in December 2012, we have added to our concerns the economic and social harm caused by rocketing power prices and unreliable power supplies, the product of heavily subsidised and intermittent wind power: the results that have played out in Australia's wind power capital, South Australia, will cripple that State at an economic and social level for decades to come.
This is, of course, a problem of «theory and practice» in education at the broad social level which mirrors the issue of the relationship between educational research and practice at other points in this document.
It's also a great way to meet your fellow students, because if you are sitting in class all day it's not as easy to meet them as if you are getting out there and interacting on a more social level, so it allows you to get know your colleagues.
Abby, don't confuse individual acts of kindness and charity with state social level programs.
so it always messes my brain to see so much decision making and match making getting affected by ppvs, or the fans «debating» so much about that... it is really a US thing were people are just balls deep into these things... like social level capitalistic mentality..
In France, for instance, it had become identified with formal and to some extent real social levelling that political institutions had somehow to contain, whereas in Britain it was associated with active political struggles for more effective popular control of the House of Commons.
The new research demonstrates that the pair is indeed the fundamental unit of monk parakeet social structure, but additional tiers of social structure, akin to social levels documented in elephants, sea lions, and dolphins, may also be present.
When an aging apartment block is threatened with «development», a series of confrontations take place on multiple social levels over three days.
Focusing on the urges and consequences of actions on a personal as well as social level, for the past few years my work has been about over-consumption.
I rely heavily on my ability to interact effectively at various social levels and across diverse cultures which is indicative of my being able to work well in an environment that poses threats of conflict and to manage it appropriately.
To arrive at the key factors that might influence romantic relationship, they were identified at three levels viz. individual, interpersonal, and social level factors.
On the broadest social level, the ostensible «free market» lobbying effort sponsored by banks to shift the property tax onto labor and industry has become a campaign against government itself.
While consumers are far from thinking of their preferred brands as «friends,» there is certainly something to be said about the brands that are able to humanize themselves and connect to consumers on a personal and social level.
When considering the social level of this new age, it is best to begin with the concept of utopia.
It is the ultimate power and means of control on a social level.
In my analysis, the coming of industrial prosperity has led to a great shift in the appropriate goal of economic activity, at least at the social level.
European Community leaders leave little doubt as to the importance of the communications revolution on an economic and social level.
Personal spiritual reformation starts within, not at a social level.
At the social level, political conservatives exist on a different planet.
Television is a social leveling technology because it provides the same information to all levels of society.
Family, child and education experts generally think that our children at all social levels are being neglected.
It is at the social level rather than the political or the cultural that America remains divided into largely self - sufficient ethnic groups.
It is quite evident that his own desire for more solitude was tempered considerably by the Buddhist concept of «compassion»; he began to see that his own life had to oscillate between the anonymity of eremetical silence and an openness to the needs of others on both an individual and a social level.
Any revolution at the social level can not be effective in a lasting way apart from a radical change in our personal self - understanding.
The Church often organises the healing and caring ministry of Christ at the social level.
Responsibility at the private level of minding belongs to the order of feelings, yet at the public or social level the topic of responsibility leads to that of myths, for every society is self - creating.
The cultural changes that Fuchs and Reklis have in mind are increasing individualism, growing preoccupation with individual fulfillment, wider tolerance for divorce as a solution to marital problems, and more general acceptance at all social levels of the high rates of out - of - wedlock births and single parenthood.
It's because they are content at the social level, and want to fit into society more than cultivate a meaningful relationship and commitment with their God.
They direct society and represent on the social level the mental pole of the occasion of experience.
On the social level the contemplative easily intuits the roots of war: fear of self and others that springs from inability to trust God; the unrecognized self - hatred that we project onto others; the illusory view that our political ideals are purer than our opponents», and the accompanying moral paralysis that stems from an exaggerated sense of guilt about holding this illusion.
There are plenty of activities they can get involved in whether it be at a competitive or social level.
«Badminton is the fastest racket sport in the world and one of the most popular to play at a social level, being the fourth biggest recreational sport!
«Individualized adultery — treating it as a single person's transgression instead of an instance of a wider social phenomenon — is a way to forestall addressing the viability of marriage at a social level.
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