Sentences with phrase «social liberal consensus»

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This overall agenda would not differ from those of most liberal Protestant or Jewish groups — except in the high level of consensus, and in the fact that the most important religious goal for UUs is «a community for shared values» (rather than theology or personal growth or social change or experiences of transcendence).
Henry rejected liberal versions of the social gospel which tended to be all social and no gospel, but he appealed to an earlier evangelical consensus of cultural engagement that included the work of William Wilberforce in campaigning for the abolition of the slave trade in England, the revivalist impulses of Charles G. Finney against slavery in this country, as well as evangelical concerns for suffrage, temperance, child labor laws, fair wages for workers, and many other progressive issues to which many theologically conservative Christians were once committed» before what David Moberg has called «the great reversal,» an evangelical withdrawal from such concerns.
The Liberal Democrat president calls for «a new consensus» at the Social Liberal Forum conference.
We believe that Social Liberal ideas are strong enough to attract consensus across government — and indeed across parliament — and we will continue to argue for them.
This democratic fight, must engage people with a social liberal vision for the future to replace the Thatcherite consensus and the broken ideas of the right.
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